I've Been Missing You

Remus' heart ached, and he wondered idly how it could continue to beat through the pain. It wasn't a good ache either, when you've run further than you've ever run before and your muscles are a little sore. It was an oh-Merlin-it-hurts-so-much-I-feel-like-I'm-going-to-throw-up ache.

It was a please-come-back-Sirius-I-miss-you-so-much ache.

His breathing was slightly laboured as he climbed the steps, but not because of the exercise. No, after six years he was used to the climb. His breathing was laboured because he actually found it difficult to inhale. He missed Sirius so much.

He was in deep.

His fingers were crossed so tight as he pushed open the door to the dorm that he thought they might break under the force. He really hoped that Sirius was up here, because he just needed to see him smile, to hear his sweet, gentle voice, to feel his arms around him. Thinking of it just made his heart ache more.

Remus' chest eased a little bit when he saw Sirius' form leaning over his bed as he shoved a book into his bag. For some stupid reason, he felt like the sun had finally come out after a hundred years of night. His sun being Sirius, of course. The Black didn't turn around, and Remus rushed over to him.

"Oof," was the charming response to Remus tackling him from behind so that he landed face-first on his thankfully-soft bed. "Remus?" he asked, squirming so that he was looking up at his attacker. "What the hell?"

But Remus couldn't answer, because his throat had choked up and he'd buried his face in Sirius' shoulder, breathing deeply so he could inhale the other boy's intoxicating scent. His arms, wrapped around Sirius' waist, tightened.

"Are you alright?" Sirius asked, concerned, his hand immediately reaching up to Remus' cheek, first to stroke it gently and then to attempt to life the werewolf's head so that he could look upon his boyfriend's face.

"Missed you," Remus murmured, not letting his head be lifted from where it was forcefully pressed into the side of Sirius' neck. Of course, this position meant it came out more as "Mmph oo".

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that." Sirius sounded amused and he seemed to assume that nothing was wrong because his hand moved from prying Remus from his neck to stroking small circles on his shoulders.

Remus raised his head. "I've been missing you," he said softly, sadly. Sirius looked startled.

"Moony, we've only been apart for one period. That's only an hour," he clarified.

"I still missed you," Remus said insistently, before burying his head once more into Sirius' shoulder. His hands moved from the Black's waist to a comfortable position on his chest, and he shivered as he felt the other's laughter rumble through his body.

"I missed you too," Sirius said, lifting Remus' chin up so that he was looking into his eyes. Remus let him this time. "Although not quite as much as you missed me, apparently."

Remus wanted to say that Sirius could never miss him as much as the werewolf missed Sirius, but he was cut off as a pair of warm lips pressed themselves against his. He tried to say it anyway but, once more, it came out as an incoherent mumbled. Sirius pulled away and laughed once more. "Well I'm here now," he informed Remus. "So how about we make the most of our time together?"

And Remus happily agreed kissing Sirius in return. And he did make the most of it, because he knew that even as soon as Sirius' arms left his waist, as soon as the Black's hand slipped out of his grip as they walked to their next class, Remus would be missing him.

He'd always be missing him.