Chapter 4

I don't own Teen Titansor the Steadfast Tin Solider

Midnight came again and it wasn't the same. Jericho's family was very heartbroken for the loss and the dancers tried hard to comfort them. Kole had stopped dancing. She spent her whole time sitting on the staircase and stare out the window. Arthur often punished her for not dancing. Jericho, she prayed. Please come home to your family, your friends and me. I love you.

In the meantime, Jericho was floating through the sewers but he didn't mind. In his mind, all he could see was his beautiful Kole. Fuchsia hair, eyes like the ocean tide. Suddenly he hit a bar gate. Maybe if I turn myself around, he thought. I might be able to fit through the bars. Suddenly a rat appeared above him. It sniffed him and then ran away.

Working fast before it could come back; Jericho turned himself around and shot through the fence into the ocean. Because of the force, he sank down and into the mouth of a fish. As Jericho laid there, he continued thinking of Kole. He was imaging how soft her lips would be when he was suddenly jolted about. Fishermen were catching fish and had caught the one Jericho was in. Jericho winced as he was thrown around in the fish's stomach and then it was still. On the outside he could hear hammering, shouting and rustling. What's happening? He thought. Then again he was thrown about. I wish this would stop, he thought. It did and along with it, a glint of silver and some sunlight.

"Oh," a voice cried. "Lizzie!"

"Yes mummy?"

"Look what I found in the fish."

"Jericho, you're safe!" He was home. He waited patiently as Elizabeth carried Jericho back to the toy room and placed him with his family. As soon as she was gone, Slade, Adeline and Grant got up and embraced him.

"Oh sweetheart," Adeline sobbed. "We've been so worried about you."

"You must defeat Arthur!" Grant added in.

"I have a good plan of what we can do, son," Slade said. "Do you want to know?" Everyone crowded in and listened.

Later that night, Jericho hid behind a book and waited for the signal. Grant and Adeline stretched out some string and Slade opened the toy box.

Soon Arthur came out. "Oh, little crystal girl," he called. "Where are you?"

"Yes master?" Kole said as she stepped forward.

"Dance for me."






With a frustrated scream, Arthur reached forward to grab her. Reacting fast, Jericho pushed a book off the shelf, where it landed on Arthur's head. He jumped down in front of Kole and stood bravely. Kole's eyes widen in delight and Arthur's widen in shock.

"I got rid of you!" he cried. Jericho smiled and stuck out his tongue. Grabbing Kole's hand, they both ran with Arthur at their heels. Running passed Grant and Adeline, he nodded. Pulling hard, the string straightened out and Arthur tripped over it. Screaming, Arthur fell into the box and never bothered them again.

Kole and Jericho sat on the shelf smiling.

"I thought I lost you," Kole said as she stared into Jericho's eyes. Jericho shook his head and smiled. He leaned in and pressed his mouth to Kole's. Kole sighed happily as she returned the kiss. They were together at last.