Chapter 5

~3 Weeks After the 'Discovery'~

I waited nervously in a chair in the waiting room, tappig my feet and hitting random buttons on my phone while it was off. I was exactly two months along today and, even though I acted liek I never had, I did pay attention in Health Class/Sexual Education. I knew that you should get an ultrasound as soon as possible so, I figured the two-month mark would be an alright time to go and get one. Especially sinc emy mother was out of town again this week.

I was in the waiting area of a 'Planned Parent Hood' building, feeling nervous as ever. I'm jsut glad that you don't need to have an adult with you to come here with you liek they do at the hospital. And I'm also glad they dont notify your parents. Cause otherwise, if they did, I'd be screwed.

"Samantha Puckett?" A woman asked, causign me to jump. I hadn't been paying attention. I took a soft breath, stnadin gup and wlakign to her side. "I'm Sam." I told her, and she smiled sicnerely. "Nice to meet you, I'm Linda and I'll be your consultant today." The woman, in her late twenties/early thirties said to me and I nodded. She led me down a hall, stopping at a room labled with the number twelve. She opened the door, and ocne we were both inside she closed the door and getured for me to sit on the bed.

"So, what exaclty are you ehre for today?" Linda asked kindly as she sat on her chair and took out a clipboard with a paper on it along with a pen. "Anything I need for a growing baby. Also an ultrasound." I siad softly, and if I didn't know myself better and had less pride, I would of said I sounded nervous too. "Oh, I see. How far along are you? Are you alergic to anything? Are you aware if the fahter of the child has any diseases that can be transfered through sex?" Linda asked be as she began to write across the board a bit.

"I'm exactly two months today... I don't think I'm alergic to anything, and I highly doubt the dad has any diseases that can be tranfered through sex." I todl her, no nervousnes sin my voice for the moment. These quesiton all seemed pretty standard and normal for me. This woman didn't look like she's judge me liek the one receptionist in the waiting room seemed to be. She was about eighty, and I swear, if she gave me the evil eye one more time, I was gonna go and smack the crap out of her!

"Okay then..." Linda said, writing things out across the paper attached to the clipboard. "Now, just lie back, lift up you shirt till it rest just bellow your chest, and then I'll put the jelly onto your stomach so I can start the ultrasound." She told me, and I nodded slowly before doing jsut that.

The yellew, phetrolium jelly, was really cold. I shivered gently as Linda applied it and she noticed. "sorry for that. It warms up onc eI start to slide it aorund with the camer though." She told me with a soft smile, and she was right. I took in soft, but deep, breaths. Doign my best to stay calm.What if the baby wasn't as developed as much as it should be? ...What if it's missing an organ that should be visable by now? ...What if it was more than one? All these worries ran threw my mind, and to be honest, each worry scared the hell out of me. But, I stayed calm the best I could.

"Alright, there's your little one." Linda said cheerfully a moment later, causign me to jhump altitle. i've bene jumoing form sudden noises a lot lately. And then she turned th screen of the ultrasound machine. Myself seeing th emoving part of the picture tha tI knew was a;ready my child's heartbeat. "The baby's perfectly fine, nothing you'll have to worry about." She added after a moment, and then a moment later when she offered to print out an ultrasound photo I accepoted it. Wanting of photo of that little baby inside of me. I sat up once she haned me the phot, having wiped off my stomach by this poitn of all the the mediaal jelly. Pulling my shirt all the way back down.

I stared at the ultrasound photo. Absentmindedly hearing the faint scratching ofLinda's pen acorss her clip-boarded paper/ "okay Sam, here you go..." Linda told me, handing something off of a note pad ot me as she did so. "Bring that to the woman at the green desk up front. The younger one. She'll give you the viatmins you'll need for the month and the ultrasoudn appointment for the next seven months I already have schedualled into the computer for you." She told me, and I nodded a sI took the paper. "Oh, and if you ever need anything, give me a call. Day or night." She told me, handing me another paper which I had two number persumming. One labeled as her cell and the other as her home phone.

"Thank you." I said to her, a soft smile going to my face and she smiled back. "No problem at all. I already like you Sam, you're the nicest girl I've had coem in here since I've started working here. They're usually depressed or angry about being here." She said, shrugging gently. "Anyways, see you in a month. But don't worry about buggin me if you ned anything. You can just call to talk too." She told me. I ndoed, th esmall and soft smile still on my face. And then, onc eI got what I needed from the front desk, I left the Planned Parenthood building. Putting all of the contents I had into my bag before getting on the bus adn heading to the place I really considered my home rather then were I livd at. That place being the Shay apprtment.

So, here's yet another chapter of this story!^^ What y'all think? I'm not sure how many more chapter I'm gonna have, but I'm sure it won't be anymore thatn somewher between 5 and 10. And if it is, yay me for dedication! XD lol Anyways, it's abotu 1 a wher I'm at so... Nighty night pancakes and pancakoritas! :P