Red, Pink and Purple

Told by Mutitoon90

Chapter One

Weeks since the events of Willie and Paula, also known as Weathervane, the Loonatics have relaxed except for a few minor robberies. Most of the team enjoyed the time of rest, while Tech, Luna and Rev worked in the lab.

However, Kelly was the only one who did not take full advangage of the break from the major crime-fighting. She has been feeling a little left out, due to seeing the events with Luna and Tech, Mimi's battle with Sypher, and Willie's relationship with Paula.

The German Shepherd was lying on her bed, looking at the empty ceiling when the familar voice of Luna Red Wolf called to her through the door.

"Kelly! Can I come in?"

Luna's voice was filled with casual intent and hidden concern, as Kelly could tell as she said, "Sure."

A blue aura surrounded the wolf as she phased through the door. With her was a plate with a sandwich on it and a smile on her face.

"Hey, I got you my speical chips sandwich." The blue wolf announced as she went to Kelly and placed the food in fornt of the dog's masked face, as she announced, "It has your favorite chips."

"Thanks." Kelly said indifferently.

Hearing this, Luna's smile straightened.

"'Thanks?' Kelly, you normally say that after you chow down the sandwich. What's up?"

"It's nothing, Luna. Nothing at all." The canine answered.

With a loud knock at the door, Luna gave Kelly the plate and went to the door. Upon opening it, Luna saw Slam, who was sniffing the air for the sandwich that Luna made. As quickly as she opened the door, the blue wolf slammed the door shut.

"Not now, Slam!" Luna yelled as Slam tried to entered the room, "Slam, I'll make you one too, but only if you stop trying to get Kelly's!"

Hearing this, Slam stopped banging on the door, allowing Luna to sigh in relief.

"Now, that's over." The wolf turned to Kelly and went to her side, "Please tell me what's wrong with you."

"It's nothing!" The wolf announced before nibbing on the sandwich.

This concerned Luna greatly. With this on her mind, the Red Wolf said, "If you wanna talk, I've got an ear open for ya."

Kelly smiled as she thanked her fellow canine and good friend.

"Thanks, Luna. I'll remember that."

Hearing this, Luna exited the room, leaving Kelly with her thought-filled mind. The thoughts were about the day that the meteor.

It was on the day that her favorite wrestler, Twisted Spinner take on some loser. She saw the 'loser' whispering something in the tasmanian devil wrestler, who reacted in an insulted manner. Seeing her hero fighting against bad virtures made her proud to be a fan. Then, the light that belonged to the metor beamed at the arena, causing everyone in the stadium to look at the orb of colorful lights. Soon, the very same lights appeared in her area of the city-planet.

"Can't believe it's been that long since the meteor," muttered Kelly, who pulled out a old poster with the Twisted Spinner on it from her pocket, "and I can't believe that you're missing too."

With this and a sigh, Kelly laid back down on the bed with the poster on her chest.

-Red Triangle-

In the kitchen, Luna had just finished making a huge sandwich for Slam, Mimi and Lexi entered the kitchen.

"Hi, Luna." Lexi greeted, while Mimi said, "That's a little too much to even a large appetite like yours."

"It's not for me." Luna said.

Then, Slam entered the kitchen, saw the large sandwich, and devoured it. After that and a loud belch, Slam thanked Luna and left, leaving three girls in the kitchen.

"Wow," the pink bunny exclaimed, "Luna sure knows how to make a great sandwich."

"Yeah!" The purple Roadrunner announced in agreement.

The response that Luna gave was a disheartened "Thanks." Mimi and Lexi looked at the blue wolf, who was looking depressed.

"What's wrong?" Lexi inqurred to Luna, who said, "A friend's not looking to good."

"Huh?" Lexi was confused and turned to Mimi, who translated for Luna.

"It's Kelly she's worried about."

"Oh!" Lexi realized. Then, she turned to Luna and asked, "What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know, and that's I want to know." Luna responded sadly.

"Kelly's always by herself. It's nothing new." Mimi interjected into the conversation.

"I know," Luna admitted before adding, "but these alone times are longer than usual."

"Well," the purple bird rubbed the back of her neck, "you've got point there, Luna."

"Don't worry about Kelly," Lexi waved at the friends, "with you two and Willie, she in the best of hands."

Then, Ace's voice was heard through the intercom, grabbing the attention of every Loonatic.

"Loonatics, to the conference room! Zadavia wants to talk to us!"

The girls got up and went to the door.

"Well, duty calls." Luna laughed out.

"Let's hear what mission the Boss Lady for us." Mimi jokingly agreed with her good friend.

Lexi shook her head as she said, "Will you two stop joking?"

"That's depends." Mimi smiled widely, as Luna added, "Is Duck going to be there?"

Making more jokes, Luna and Mimi laughed to the conference room, while Lexi groaned in annoyance, waiting the bad jokes to end.