Chapter one: A Stolen Life
It is a beautiful day in a beautiful valley. Birds are singing, there is a pleasant breeze blowing, everything is absolutely perfect. This place is known as the valley of Avalar, on a planet simply called Earth. It is in this wonderous world that many many unique creatures exist. Orange, yellow, and blue spotted Cheetahs that stay together in tribes, and walk on two legs with their spears and hunting knives, going day by day gathering food, and helping one another. Dragonflies that have hands, and come in all different colors go about their daily business at the swamp. However, there is one species that possibly has the greatest spiritual connection to the land, and all of its bounty. These creatures are the dragons.
Spyro: My Heart Must Go On.
In the valley of Avalar, a black dragoness was turning her head around in several directions, scanning the area for what would surely be her demise if it found her first. It was dawn, and the sun hadn't risen yet, but there was still light. And it was the light of her life that was her demise, for as soon as she turned around, she was hit by a purple blur that barreled into her, and spun her around for a while before pinning her to the ground.
"I win," said the purple dragon playfully. The black dragoness glared back up at him, but still had the hint of a smile on her face.
"That's impossible! I would have heard you coming," she replied. "Plus, I know who the real winner is here," she said. The purple dragon cocked an eyeridge.
"And who might that be?" he asked slightly confused, and ready for any tricks.
"Me, because I have you" she said lovingly. She then brought her cheek to his in a loving nuzzle. The purple dragon was surprised initially, but joined in the nuzzle, and let himself fall on top of her, as his eyes closed, and he escaped into the wonderful feeling of Cynder's company. They rolled around in an embrace for a while with eyes closed, and then the black dragoness opened her eyes.
"You're all I'll ever need," she said with a giggle. Spyro stared back at her, warmly.
"Nothing could ever replace you Cynder," he returned. The two leaned in for another nuzzle. After what felt to the loving drakes like hours, Cynder looked at him a little sideways.
"You know, there's just one thing about you that I think you should fix," she said.
"And what might that be?" asked Spyro questioningly.
"How incredibly easy you are to beat!" she taunted with a snicker as she leaped off of him, and flew into the sky. Spyro smirked up to her defiantly
"We'll see about that," he retorted.
"Try me," replied the black dragoness with a wink. The two played in the valley of Avalar for a little longer until the sun went down, and then retired to their little cave behind the waterfall. They lay down on their makeshift bed, and cuddled for a while, their motions hypnotizing each other into a dreamy state. Before they went to sleep, Cynder whispered something in Spyro's ear. "I'll never leave you Spyro, ever." She kissed him on his cheek.
"Goodnight my love."
Four years later…
Cynder briskly ran down the streets of Warfang calling for someone very important who had disappeared ever since sunset. By now, the sun was starting to go down, and Cynder was getting worried.
"Spyro! Spyro! Where are you?" She then noticed a group of three dragons her own age walking down the street. She looked at them questioningly.
'Where are they going?' she thought to herself. Silently, she followed them
Spyro sat down on one of the many cushion chairs lined up in front of a main counter with a dragoness serving drinks on the other side. The purple dragon glanced around nervously.
"Umm Gaia? Are you here?" he called out. Just then, he saw the green dragoness that told him to meet him here turn around with two friends laughing.
"Oh! He's here everyone!" she said. The two dragons she was with turned around, and looked at him while greeting him. Spyro felt quite nervous, and blushed a little bit. He turned back to Gaia.
"Why is everyone here?" he asked. Gaia then turned her head to him.
"Oh, we're having a party here, and invited a few people. I was just thinking we could all have a little fun tonight, and wouldn't want you to miss out," she said.
Spyro smiled and nodded his head, but then felt the absence of someone important. "Wait, what about Cynder?" he asked nervously.
"Oh, some of the guests haven't arrived yet," replied Gaia kind of awkwardly. Spyro looked at her a little bit funny. Something just didn't seem right here, and the purple dragon felt very uncomfortable.
"Umm, I... I don't know," he said. Gaia looked over at him pleadingly.
"Don't worry. Cynder will be here soon. I invited her personally," replied the green dragoness.
That made Spyro a little bit more comfortable with the situation. "I guess, I mean, if she's coming here then I should wait for her, shouldn't I?" he said. Gaia smiled.
"That's the Spyro I know."
Just then, a little white dragoness with a golden underbelly walked in. Gaia immediately sent her a menacing glare, and the white dragoness grimaced with tears in her eyes, and then walked back out with her head down.
The purple dragon sat down, and a server brought them drinks. Gaia handed Spyro one, and Gaia's friend, a little fire dragon named Flame made conversation.
"So, how are you and Cynder?" he asked as he took a sip of his drink. Spyro, in custom, took a small sip of his, but was careful not to drink too much.
"Oh we're… fine I guess. Speaking of which, hey Gaia, when is Cynder supposed to get here anyway?" he asked. She just looked at him.
"Sometime soon, I know that. I told her what place," she said as she chugged a gulp of her drink. Spyro shifted a bit uncomfortably in his seat.
"Hey Spyro, can I ask you something in private?" asked Flame.
"Uh, sure Flame," replied the purple dragon, who was eager to get away from the situation, even momentarily. The red dragon walked out to the back of the building, and then started talking to Spyro.
"Sorry to take you out here, but I was just wondering. What does it… feel like… to be, you know, loved by someone?" he asked.
Spyro warmed up to him immediately. "It's the most wonderful experience you could ever feel," he said in response. "Why?" he added.
Flame looked around. "Can you keep a secret?" he asked. Spyro nodded his head. Flame turned to face him.
"Well, I… kind of have a crush on that pink dragoness on the other side of Gaia, but I'm too afraid to tell her," he said. Spyro nodded his head understandingly.
"It was the same way with me and Cynder. We went around in the dark about how we felt for each other and right when I pulled the world back together, just as we were supposed to die for the good of the earth, she told me, and here we are today," said Spyro, who smiled as he was taken aback by the recollection.
Flame nodded his head, slightly touched by Spyro's tale. The purple dragon put a wing on Flame's back.
"You'll know the right time. Trust me," he said.
"Thanks," replied the fire dragon. The two walked back inside, Cynder still nowhere to be found. Spyro sat down in his seat, and noticed that the pink dragoness wasn't there.
"Umm, hey Gaia, wasn't there someone with you?" he asked. Gaia looked at him.
"Oh, Ember. She just had to use the restroom. She'll be back soon," said Gaia as she sipped her beer. Spyro sipped his, and immediately started to feel a little bit buzzed. Ember came back, and took her seat. Just then Gaia spoke up.
"Hey I have an idea," she said. The other three gave her their attention. "Let's play last dragon standing," she suggested.
If Spyro was in a normal state of mind, he would have declined, but the alcohol dulled his judgment, and he agreed. Gaia led the count off.
"Three, two, one!"
On one, everybody took a drink. Spyro was starting to really feel the effects now. In the back of his mind, he was questioning himself.
"Why do I feel so slammed after just a few sips?" The game and the alcohol prevented him from figuring it out. Slowly but surely, the number of drinks started to add up...
By now, it was long past sunset, and Cynder was worn down, but she still was determined to find her purple dragon, even if it meant that she would get no sleep. Cynder walked through a back alley. Following that group had been pointless, and now she was pretty much lost.
Cynder heard a sound, then stopped and listened. It sounded in all of the world like… moaning? The black dragoness blushed a little bit at her thoughts of what it might be.
She carefully took a few steps, and peeked her head around the corner where the noise was coming from. What she saw there created such a dissemblance in fate, that Cynder actually felt woozy for a second, almost like she was somehow cut in half.
There was Spyro, that was unmistakable, but he was with a green dragoness. Cynder could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. There was her purple dragon cheating on her, plain as day, and things were heating up really fast. Cynder approached the couple. As she did, she heard Spyro speak.
"Oh Gaia," he whispered. "I, I love you, and only you. Nothing could ever be more important to me..."
Gaia gazed up at him from their embrace and giggled. "You're so poetic Spyro," she mused. "It's funny how you wasted your time with the black floozy for so many years."
Spyro laughed with her. "I guess it is. Funny how I thought I even knew love until I met you."
Cynder felt her heart cracking at the seams. All this time with Spyro, it had been a pure lie. Cynder couldn't contain herself. She began to sob uncontrollably.
The voice snapped Spyro out of his emotion altering trance. He immediately leapt out of Gaia's arms, and faced the source of the noise.
"Cynder!" he yelled, as he walked towards her. "It's not what it looks like, honest!" He was met by a razor sharp slap to the face.
"You horrible unfaithful, lying cheater!" she screamed at him, tears openly pouring down her face.
"Cynder, I-"
"Save your breath! We're through! I loved you Spyro. I gave you my heart, and everything in me for four fucking long years, and what do you do? You cheat on me with this, this bimbo!" Gaia took that to offense.
"Hey, now look who's talking? I, or just about any other female in this entire city deserve him much more than you do! You killed our families, destroyed our villages, and he even had to save the world from you! And all the while, you were just the dark master's whore all along," growled Gaia.
Cynder threw her head to the side. "Well you can have him for all I care, because I'm gone!" she yelled. Cynder started walking away, and Spyro followed.
"Cynder, please wait!" he called.
"Get away from me!" she yelled back at him as she quickened her pace.
"Cynder please, I can exp-"
"I said get away!" she yelled as she turned to face him, and blew a gust of wind. Spyro was blown back a little, but persisted. He couldn't lose her. Not like this. Not when everything was going so well.
"Cynder please, I-I still love you," he said. This time, she turned around to face him.
"No you don't. You stopped loving me as soon as you chose that hooker over me! Back off!" she yelled.
Spyro took a step forward. Cynder stared at him, her eyes glowing red in fury.
"I said back off!" she screamed, as she fired the strongest phantom fright she had ever produced at the very purple dragon she fell in love with.
Spyro didn't move, and just took the hit, knocking him unconscious. He had terrible dreams. Everything. All of his moments with Cynder were being played back in his head, but in reverse. All that time spent with her, gone in three seconds. When Spyro awoke, it was morning. He didn't even bother looking for Cynder. He knew it was all over, no purpose. That was the last time he would ever see his beloved for several years.
Four more years later…
Spyro lifted his head off of his pillow. Ever since Cynder's disappearance, a multitude of events had happened.
First of all, Gaia was sent to prison; charged with possession of illegal emotion altering drugs, and spiking of an innocent citizen's drink with one, as well as attempted rape on Spyro's account of the events.
As for Cynder, search parties were sent out, but no one could find a trace of the black dragoness, and the search parties gradually were less frequently deployed, until finally, everyone seemingly forgot. Everyone that is, except Spyro.
The poor purple dragon was at a loss without Cynder. She was the only thing that he had left to live for, and with her gone he was a broken soul, wandering day after day with no real purpose. Oh the suitors came, but Spyro turned them all away. After the loss of the only dragoness that he could ever love, he had a hole in his heart, and nothing could replace it but Cynder. The only thing left of him was a trace of his personality, and that was thanks to Sparx.
With Cynder gone, the dragonfly had undergone an alarming change. His annoying comic relief attitude was entirely replaced with a supportive and caring one, and it was thanks to Sparx that Spyro didn't completely die.
The purple dragon climbed out of his bed, and headed for the door.
"Sparx, I'm going out," he called.
"Where?" asked the dragonfly from across the house.
"Oh, just going out for some air," said Spyro in his usual tired, somber tone.
"'Kay" replied Sparx.
Spyro walked outside, and it was then that he smelled it. There was something in the air, something different about today. Somehow, the atmosphere of Warfang had changed just now. In a fantasy of unrealistic hope, Spyro spread his wings, and flapped into the sky.
The cool morning air was rejuvenating, and the purple dragon felt his soul heal a little. He felt himself dreamily gaze towards the east side of town where the sun was beginning to rise. The purple dragon looked down at the lustrous city beneath him. He peered over to the land outside of the city walls, near the eastern gate.
It was then that he saw it. The purple dragon simply looked away. In his depression, he had actually started to age. His scales were starting to lose their purple color a little bit, and his tired eyes would often play cruel tricks on him. Still though each time, he had to satisfy himself.
'Here we go again,' he thought as he started his ritual.
He tucked in his wings, and started his nosedive towards the ground. Spyro felt the air whip around him as he picked up speed, and right before he hit the ground, he opened his wings, and zoomed east at sonic speeds. As he stared at the area, he actually made out the shape.
'At least it's a dragon this time,' he thought to himself. As he got closer, the black shape more clearly defined itself.
'Okay, shadow dragon,' he said to himself. He was now about sixty feet away, and could see that it was a female. These times were rare. Usually it would either be a male, or not even be a shadow dragon; it was very rare that it would be a female shadow dragon. Spyro had only encountered one of them one time before, and he knew that this might very well be the same one.
Still in vain, he flew forward, when he was about thirty feet away, his heartbeat sped up, and his mouth ran dry. Standing there in the clearing was Cynder, in her full twenty three year old young beauty.
Spyro was so shocked that he didn't have enough time to land, and Cynder saw him and stared wide-eyed before he collided with her, knocking her over and sending her rolling.
"Ow, hey! Watch where you're flying clums-" Cynder stopped speaking in her tracks when she realized who it was that ran into her. She gaped in shock at the dragon who had knocked her over.
"Oh, oh by the ancestors." she murmured, choking over her words as the reality of what she had done to her long-lost friend crashed over her. "Spyro, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
The purple dragon immediately felt his heart melt. He got off of her, put his head down, and started crying.
"Oh, C-C-Cynder," he bawled. "...Y-you're back."
"You've changed," she remakred while eyeing him over.
"How?" he asked. She looked him over again.
"I don't know. You just look… older, tired, almost," she replied, her voice cracking a bit.
"I was depressed Cynder. Without you, I didn't have anything to live for. I've been living a stolen life," he said while drying his tears, and turning to face her.
By now, Cynder was starting to cry herself. "Oh Spyro... I'm s-so s-sorry. I-If I h-had only known back then. If I had only l-listened t-to you. We could be t-together now," she sobbed.
"But we can be together Cynder, you're back," said Spyro, who felt himself start to break down again. Cynder was pushed over the edge. She started utterly bawling.
"N-n-no Spyro. W-we c-can't," she replied.
Spyro just felt the tears start to stream down his face "Why?" he asked.
Cynder looked down, her sobs growing ever more frequent, and violent. After a few minutes, she finally responded.
"I'm gravid."
When I wrote this, I was going through a very painful time in my life, and decided to kind of vent how I felt into a story to try to help myself feel a bit better. Poor Spyro :'(
Please Review, and if you like it, fave it. :)
Oh by the way, I have decided to include a soundtrack for each chapter for this story. The song of chapter one is Wake Me Up When September Ends by green day. Look it up and listen to it please. Seek out the video, it will give you better insight.