A/N: Oh wait, there's more! Now, the cupboard is finally down to a digestible size. Hopefully the plot bunnies will let me get back to work on my novels and homework and the two fanfics I still owe you people. Yes, I am crazier in real life! Do I own Leverage? I'm going to say yes just to see if you've been paying attention to the last twenty fics I just posted. Yeah, I didn't think so either! for the record, No!

"What would you steal if you could time travel?" Hardison had the audacity to ask over the earbuds.

It's a simple question. One they've been expecting since the idea popped into his head. They had been watching a movie where the main characters travel throughout time to get some artifacts. They knew the moment that movie ended that Parker and Hardison would immediately ask something along the lines of time travel and stealing eventually. They weren't expecting it to be the very next day in the middle of a crucial part of the con.

"Ooh," Parker started enthusiastically quiet because she was busy stealing something while going through motion detectors in a sound sensitive chamber, "I would probably steal the Mona Lisa again! That was fun."

"I was expecting something a little more exotic from you but I'll take it," Hardison stated in approval, "Eliot?"

"Guys," Nate sighed into the comms, "We're in the middle of a con."

"I'd steal the Titanic," Eliot gruffly replied in between hits because there was never a single con where he could actually not get into a fight.

"The titanic?" Parker questioned the choice as she continued to work her way around pressure sensitive floors, "Why the Titanic?"

"So I could tell that dumbass captain what a dumbass he was," Eliot huffed as he continued decking his opponent, "that way I get to save the day and several hundred people will actually be alive. Why else would I steal the Titanic, Parker?"

"I was just wondering," Parker dutifully huffed as she worked her magic on the object of their fancy, "What would you steal Hardison?"

"Microsoft," Hardison stated simply, "that way I could be a billionaire right now instead of working with all of you! I'd also steal the rights to several computers and probably the patent for the elevator because who doesn't want that credit? Of course I'd still work with yall in a heartbeat anyway but I wouldn't have to."

"Seriously?" Sophie huffed the moment she was free to do so, "You guys need to find a better topic during cons."

"I agree with Sophie," Nate added his opinion to no surprise that it was with the grifter.

"What would you guys steal?" Eliot asked because apparently the other two asking it wasn't enough at the moment.

"Sam," the mastermind and grifter stated in perfect, sorrowful unison.

"What?" Nate demanded of the grifter immediately after that one.

"Some painting that had gotten stolen a long time ago," Sophie immediately went into lie mode to back track from her answer, "It was called Sam. It was supposed to be the most beautiful painting that had ever been in existence and the mark's coming back. Hi…"

"She said Sam," Parker stated gleefully and they could all hear the smirk in her voice, "That's so cute."

"I was expecting the Second David," Eliot stated with approval, "Nothing like being wrong."

"It's cuz she loves Nate," Hardison teased, "or something along that caliber."

"Shut up," Nate growled out though the satisfied smirk wasn't making the comment all that convincing.