I don't know where this story in the books will take place. Michael IS already a vampire, but I think they're in between major crisis at the moment. Bishop has never been and is not in this, and Sam is alive. This will always be written in third person, but when it switches between people, I will let you know. I love the idea of what I call 'odd couples' (go on my profile for a complete explanation), so I love this story. This is not a one-shot. Please review at the end of this chapter and let me know what you think. Oh, and Eve is a little OOC and I don't really hate Eve, but this is how my story works so bear with me.

Claire woke up with a start. She tried to figure out what had woken her up since that isn't something that usually occurs when – CRACK, BOOM! Claire jumped at the sudden flash of light and extremely loud noise. Thunderstorm.

Perfect. Just perfect. Claire thought pulling the covers back so she could step out. Another blinding flash filled her room followed after a few moments by a crashing boom. Not caring who could see her in her navy blue pajama short shorts and sky blue cami, she walked down the hallway toward the stairs so she could get to the kitchen. It might be 2:00 a.m., but she needed coffee to calm her down. She reached the stairs but then it hit her, the noise that had already started to calm her down. Michael was playing his guitar in the living room again. Typical of him.

Claire sat down on the top of the stairs and watched the back of his blond head as he played. Even though she couldn't see his face, she could tell he was relaxed. She leaned her back up against the wall and closed her eyes to relax herself. Even though the thunder outside acted like a selfish child left out of Michael's melody, she loved it.

Michael knew she was watching him. He could hear her walking across the floor upstairs after she had woken up. He knew when she reached the top of the stairs too. For one thing she stopped, two he could smell her, and three he could feel her watching him as he played. He felt a little flutter in his chest, but he didn't know why. He played song after song after song until the storm had passed. Michael got up and gently put his guitar in it's case as if he was putting a newborn in a bassinet. He turned to walk upstairs and saw Claire had fallen asleep at the top of the stairs.

He chuckled to himself and put the case down. Walking up the stairs softly so as not to cause any creaking that could wake her, he picked her up. She moaned a little, probably from her neck being caught in the position it was, and turned her head toward his chest. His heart did that little flutter thing again. He didn't understand it. It was something he had never felt before.

You probably just need to get some more blood, Michael. He thought to himself as he opened her door. It could also be stress from the gig you're preforming tomorrow. Just relax. You know you're good, just relax.

He placed Claire in her bed and pulled the covers up over her. She smiled a little in her sleep. He involuntarily smiled back at her even though she couldn't see it. He walked back out and closed the door, walking down hall, down the stairs to pick up his guitar, and back up to his room. He had just closed the door when he heard the steady beating of a heart behind him. Looking behind where he was onto his bed he saw Eve, looking too seductive at him.

"Eve, what are you doing?" Even though he knew exactly what she was doing.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," Eve said in a low and husky voice, crossing her pale white legs in the air while she continued to sit on his bed in the sheerest Gothic lingerie he had ever seen. He didn't even know Goths had their own lingerie.

"Yes, you do," he sighed. "Eve, I don't want to do this tonight."

Eve stood up and walked toward him with too much swing, "Yes you do. You know you do."

"No, I really don't. Eve, I think it's time for you to leave."

Eve threw her arms lazily up around his neck, "You don't mean that. You want me to stay."

His nose caught another smell he couldn't believe he didn't notice before, "Have you been drinking?"

She shrugged, "Just a little. Enough to loosen up."

He picked her arms off from around his neck and put them down in front of her, "Eve, let me be clear. We are not doing this tonight. Clear enough."

Eve glared at him while her eyes filled with tears, "You don't love me."

"Of course I love you, but let's have this conversation when you're more sober."

She hit his chest continually, not causing any damage. She hit him after each word when she spoke, "Anything. You. Can. Say. To. Me. Then. You. Can. Say. To. Me. Now."

He picked her up and she screamed, ear piercing to a human, ear drum blowing to a vampire. Shane came running out of his room and down the hall. Michael opened the door and set her down outside. Claire followed behind Shane.

"What's going on?" Shane asked, looking between an angry, vampire Michael and a screaming hysterical Eve.

"Oh nothing. Our little Goth is only wasted and trying to seduce me," Michael said pushing her a little further out of the doorway.

"You BASTARD!" Eve shouted and ran down the hall to her room, crying the entire way.

Shane whistled low, "Nice one Mikey. You gonna kill her puppy too."

Michael rubbed his forehead with his thumb and forefinger, "For once in your life, Shane, can you just shut the hell up!"

Michael slammed the door and Claire flinched, knowing that this wasn't at all a typical evening in the Glass house, even with some of the crazy nights they've had. Shane looked at Claire, "Look, I know you want to go and help Eve, but you know she can be violent when angry, and when she's like this, violent and drunk...look. I don't want you near her now. I can't say I want you by Michael either, but if you take him, I'll go and make sure Eve doesn't hurt herself."

Claire thought it over, "Deal."

Shane gave her one last careful look, and walked off toward Eve's room. Claire took a deep breath and turned the handle on Michael's door, and prepared to have a talk with an irritable vampire.