Title: The Scent of Roses

Characters: Kasumi/Ryu

Rating: Mature

Disclaimers: I do not own anyone/anything from the forum Dead or Alive. Team Ninja owns Dead or Alive and its characters. There is no copyright infringement intended. I do not make any profit/money or take any credit.

Summary: No matter what, she always smelt of roses. Especially when she came out of her bath.

A/N: Prompt for September 1st – Kasumi/Ryu - Rose Petals/Bath "The scent of rose petals clings to her body, body dripping wet."

Timeline: Any time after DOA 4

Word Count: 534

Betaed: Nope

The Scent of Roses

Ryu Hayabusa made his way into the house, stopping when he smelled the familiar scent of roses. He looked toward the door that led the way to the bathroom and a soft smile curved his lips. He made his way over to the bathroom, opening the door and leaning against the door-jam when she spotted her reclined in the bath. Her red hair was pinned up to prevent it from getting wet.

She was humming a tune as she lifted an arm covered in bubbles, smiling as she ran her other hand over her arm, gathering up the bubbles before blowing. The bubbles separated, fluttering into the air before falling back into the bath.

The only lights were the candles scattered around the bathroom, giving it a relaxing glow. It made her look like she was glowing from the inside.

Kasumi turned her head when she felt someone was watching her when she spotted Ryu standing in the doorway.

"You're home," Kasumi greeted with a soft smile. Ryu nodded as he pushed himself off door-jam, moving closer to the bath. "And you're not hurt." Ryu chuckled as he knelt down to the bath, his fingers dipping into the bubbled water, swirling. He could see rose petals that Kasumi liked to add to her bath. She said it helped her to relax.

"It was just an errand, Kasumi," he reminded her, Kasumi shrugged.

"Most errands had you coming back cut up," she reminded him. His grin grew wider before he nodded, conceding to the fact that she was right. Kasumi just shook her head as she settled further in her bath.

"Not this one, it was a simple delivery errand and I didn't run into any trouble," he assured her. Kasumi just gave him a relief smile which turned mischievous as she lifted a handful of bubbles and quickly blew it into his face.

Ryu blinked in surprise before he wiped the bubbles away as she laughed, he shook his head with an amused smile before he stood up, moving away to toward the door.

"I'll go and head start on dinner," Ryu told her.

"Wait," he turned to see Kasumi standing up, the bubbles and petals running down her bare skin. Ryu swallowed as his green eyes savoured the sight of her body. Her body glistened with the water and the glow of the candles.

She stepped out of the bath, Ryu reached out to the side, blindly grabbing the towel she had placed on the heater and opened it. She smiled as she stepped into the towel, allowing Ryu to wrap it around her body before he leaned down and kissed her softly.

Her arms came up around his neck, pushing herself up onto her tiptoes. His arms tightened around her waist, pulling her into his body before they broke the kiss and she fell back to her feet, her head tucking under his chin.

"Love you," she whispered against his throat. He just kissed her forehead before closing his eyes. No matter what, she always smelt of roses, especially when she came out of her bath. It was moment like these he believes that he is just a normal man in love.