Garen watched as she darted down the finely constructed Demacian hallway. Her emerald eyes gazing over her shoulder at him as she retreated away with several Noxian soldiers carrying a large corpse, her vibrant red hair flowed as majestically as the rest of her movements. A smirk appeared across her outstanding face, one that would not leave his mind for many restless nights ahead. The only flaw that he could see was a deep scar that precisely made its way vertically across the left side of her face, crossing her eye, but not blinding her. He found it difficult to catch his breath for a while. The battle although exhilarating and pushed him to his very limit didn't account for this, it was the excitement that he had finally found a powerful warrior to match his skill and who would of thought in the form of one so beautiful.

The sinister blade at last.He thought to himself as an infantryman approached him. He waved the soldier off to give pursuit knowing they would be gone by now. The soldier was weary and bloody, but he had fought bravely, Garen's courage and defiance to Noxus lighting a burning spirit in him and the rest of his allies that made them fight with the fury of ten men. His body, like Garen himself represented his ability in battle; trained, powerful and ready to take and make many blows in the name of Demacia.

He placed a hand at his side to a slight wound gifted to him by Katarina. It dripped slowly, but he knew it to not be serious only another token from the field of battle that he would wear with pride. He pondered for a second about how she held her scar, was it a signature of pride or regret? He inspected the crimson upon his gauntlet and studied it for a short while. "Katarina. Sinister Blade. Daughter of the General Du Couteau of Noxus. I pray we meet again on the field of battle soon." He gave a small satisfied smile before jogging to catch up to the lone soldier.

Katarina gazed. Fixated upon the opening through which they had infiltrated the Demacian building earlier. The moonlight hit her skin, adding a garish hue to her hair that somehow combined with the intensity of her eyes gave the Sinister Blade an ominously beautiful visage. After a while of intense scanning of the entrance she was satisfied they were not followed. Her breath was intense, the battle was like no other experience she had before and who would have thought a general of Demacia giving her the rush she felt currently. The thrill bubbled excitedly within her manifesting itself as a smirk, which she wore for a while before turning to her men.

"That was some excellent work." She said genuinely praising her comrades although her voice offered no sense of emotion. "Let's return him back home, before the Demacian dogs come barking" a raise in emotion upon her voice showed her disdain towards the city state. Noxus and Demacia a very old rivalry with many battles fought between them both, but amidst the two city states with nothing but hatred towards one another stood Garen and Katarina, fighting for the sheer thrill they experienced from one another and the intensity of the battle.

She gave a nod to her second in command and he began quietly giving orders amongst the bunch. Her head turned back towards the hastily constructed entry as she began to ponder. So that was Garen Crownguard. His skills were impressive. I hope we meet again beautiful Demacian.With that she fled along with the rest of her companions back to their camp.

"Katarina is going to be in this battle?" Garen exclaimed excitedly slamming his fist upon the dining table. Cutlery wobbled as did the table from the force of his fist upon its finely crafted wood. He was joined by others, the tall silent warrior Xin, who even though off duty proudly wore his Demacian armour and his spear not more than arms length away, sat to his side. His bright vibrant sister Lux who contrasted to Garen with her golden hair and youthful blue eyes, she wore a very simple, but expensive noble dress coloured blue attractively complementing her eyes. Opposite them sat two of the Kinkou; the dark haired, lightly built Akali and the twitchy yordle Kennen who were both clad in very plain clothing, simple un-dyed cotton, the kind of clothing that best suited peasantry. They were un-phased by his outburst and continued to eat their prepared meals obviously used to the way he reacts to certain news.

"Yes." Akali replied emotionlessly as ever, she had a canny knack for stating things so matter-o-fact and it gave the Demacian General a hard time deciding what really played upon her mind. Her eyes never glanced up to him as she spoke instead staying fully fixated upon her meal. Their conversations had been few and far stretched in the past, but lately the two of them, especially Kennen had been joining them for meals on many occasions. "There is only one position remaining and that is on our team, which Katarina is on." Garen paused for a moment, but Akali continued on, her green eyes swiftly landed target upon Garen as she asked "why does that excite you?"

Garen remained silent for a while before responding, everyone now looking up from their food awaiting his reply. It's almost like he didn't know the answer himself as he scanned his brain. "Obviously because she is a very outstanding warrior! In fact one of the best Noxus has to offer. So knowing how to defeat her now would be advantageous to Demacia!" He said almost convincing, so that everyone else returned to their plates with the exception of Akali, who continued her gaze for a few seconds longer before following suit with the others.

Her gaze was beautiful and terrifying. The worst part, at least Garen assumed was you could never really tell what she really thought, and that maybe she saw into things too well, discovering hidden things that others couldn't pick up on. The young woman was one of the mysterious champions in the League and her intents have never been known to him, but she definitely had purpose behind those eyes and they burned with a passion that was rarely seen out of combat.

"I don't like her and I definitely do not trust her" Lux stated through the grown silence of the table. "You should steer clear of her brother!" Her blue eyes looked upon him, her face displaying almost a plea to her demand.

"Well of course not Luxanna" he replied which was met with an instantaneous sigh of interruption.

"How many times Garen? Call me Lux. Everybody else does. Even Akali does!" her face growing stern in annoyance. Kennen began to giggle at Lux's reply, but Akali quickly shushed him with an unemotional glance. Although her facial expression remained unchanged, Kennen was well aware she did not appreciate either his laughter, or Lux's comment.

"That maybe so, sister" he hesitated for a second, spotting Katarina moving swiftly with obvious purpose through the League's dining rooms. She was majestic to his eyes, every footfall seemed decided and agile like she was ready for an attack at any moment. "I'm participating" he stated changing the subject and stepping to his feet.

"Awesome!" Kennen cried. "The might of Demacia! Yes! Yes! Yes!" The yordle appeared very ecstatic at this revelation, Garen was aware that the smallest member of the Kinkou was an avid fan of his, especially when he performs Judgement on surprised enemies.

"Very well," Akali said quietly over her continually yapping comrade. "We will see you tomorrow then," she placed her cutlery upon her plate in a very neat manner before rising to her feet. Her small frame was deceptive, Garen had underestimated her abilities on many times during his first days of the League and she taught him, the hard way that there was a reason why she was named the Fist of Shadow. "Kennen," the yordle immediately stopped his rant of praise to look up at his partner and with a nod and a wave the two of them left the room.

"Well I'm going to volunteer, I imagine this close to the scheduled match they will almost certainly accept me," he stated, but Lux didn't turn or acknowledge his comment, instead her aggravated eyes remained stationed forwards. He let out a small exhale before disappointingly saying "Farewell Xin."

"Good luck tomorrow friend," Xin replied with a quaint smile before returning to his meal. Garen returned the smile and began his walk towards the arenas. He had always appreciated Xin Zhao's company he was a very reserved man, but often what he said was important and meant to be heard by others, so whenever Xin spoke to him he couldn't help but feel slightly graced.

His thoughts traced back to the Sinister Blade of Noxus, and the question returned, why am I so eager to be in a battle in which she merely is participating in? From what I remember it's not even an important battle, two summoners in disagreement as with most of the cases lately. Training. Of course, training! A soldier should be training when there is not much else to do. Keep his sword arm strong, his reflexes sharp and his battle cunning ready! He continued to walk down the path to his destination, passing summoner and champion alike, but so lost in his own thoughts that everything became almost irrelevant.