It is said that light and shadow can never co-exist. That neither can dwell in the others domain.

And yet, the two are willing companions, sharing the soothing sky, retreating to rest when their partner grows strong.
One cannot exist without the other; without light how could we ever hope to define the shadow? Without shadow where would we retreat to escape the exuberance of light?

Tired, fading, the light welcomes the shadow into the home. Darkness falls.
And still…light lingers.

Even while the shadows paint the room black, lovingly drawing a blanket of its own making over the slumbering figure, a faded screen glows faintly with lasting light maintaining its own silent vigil.

For another in the home, light dances softly in the torch beam encased within a cocooned blanket. The shadows wait patiently, occasionally sneaking their way under the whispering fabric to share in the wonder of the images, the quiet rustle of a well-loved comic.

If we were to continue the search we may be drawn to the flicker of light that emanates from a slowly melting candle. The small flame twists and winds, never bending to the will of the dark. Its tantalizing threads of light only stroke the shadows, whispering;
"Not yet. I'm not sleepy yet. I have power still, can't you feel it?"

A door opens and light spills out from its hidden sanctuary. The shadows give way, accommodating their partner as a blind hand gropes for the prize it seeks. The clink of the can echoes in the small space as it is removed and the light bids the shadows goodbye as the fridge door glides to a close.

It is said that light and shadow can never co-exist. And yet, in this quiet family home, they have proven us wrong once more.