Harry Potter and X-men Crossover

By: Sybil Henninger

Ororo Munroe looked into the mirror on her vanity and added a light touch of makeup to hide her tear tracks. She didn't want the students to worry about why the normally calm and composed woman had been crying. It would bring up too many painful memories. The white haired African mutant took a deep shuddering breath to compose herself better before she headed for the door that leads from her large bedroom to the wide hallway. She was walking down the stairway elegantly when she noticed two of the students arguing at the bottom of the stairway.

"Is there something the matter?" Ororo asks her cotton soft voice effortlessly cutting through the argument. The two students looked up at her as she walked down the stairs towards them.

"No ma'am. We were just arguing over who got the last bottle of Sprite in the fridge." Kitty said glaring at Jamie who chose this time to stick his tongue out at her.

"Why do you not pour the drink into two cups equally and each take a cup?" Ororo asks tilting her head to the left slightly as she looked at the two students curiously. Both students stood gapping at her for a moment before they smacked their palms to their faces in embarrassment.

"Why didn't we think of that? Thanks Ms. Munroe!" The two teens said in unision before running to the fridge in the dining room.

"No running in the house!" Ororo shouted after them making them slow their pace considerably. Ororo had just reached the bottom of the stairs when Amara Aquila from Brazil started falling down the stairs from the top landing, after being pushed out of the way by Bobby Drake. Her high pitched scream alerted everyone in the mansion as she hit the top step on her hip. Ororo gasped in horror and didn't think twice about her actions, she didn't think about them at all really as she reacted out of pure reflex. A wooden stick that looked to be a reddish color snapped into her hand from its place in her wrist holster as she shouted the first spell that came to mind.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ororo shouted swishing and flicking the wand in Amaras direction just as her right shoulder connected solidly with another step and she fell even further. Amara stopped falling, in fact she just stopped doing anything as she floated just above the stairway, upside down, before Ororo raised the wand slightly, Amara moving in the same way, and slowly guiding the Brazilian girl down the stairway, without touching a single stair, and gently lowered the amazed girl onto the couch in the living room. Ororo canceled the spell and rushed to the young girls' side waving her wand as soon as she reached the girl.

"A fractured hip bone on the left side and a broken right shoulder. Nothing that I cannot easily fix." Ororo muttered to herself, but still loud enough for those around her to hear, as she looked at a piece of parchment that suddenly appeared floating above a wide eyed Amara. Ororo waved her wand over Amara for a moment before stopping and nodding in satisfaction.

"There you are, child, all healed." Ororo said smiling down at the wide eyed Amara calmly. Ororo reached into her pocket and withdrew a small cauldron cake before handing it to the Brazilian princess.

"I had to spell a few potions into your system so that should help balance them out since you have not had breakfast yet today." Ororo said smiling down at the young girl before whirling around to face a stunned Bobby Drake with a deceptively calm look on her face as she stared at him and didn't move a centimeter. Professor Xavier, Wolverine, and Beast all got as far away from the white haired woman as fast as they could before plugging their ears.