Nina took a deep breath, slowly raising her arm an knocking on the door. She was excited, there was no doubt in that. Today was the first day back at Anubis house, she was excited to see her friends again, but also very, very nervous. Her and Fabian have been in a long distance relationship all summer; they didn't talk very much, the time difference played a big part in that, and she was nervous to see how Fabian had changed. The door opened.


"Ah, Nina," he said, voice creepy as usual. "I forgot you were coming back this year. Well, don't just stand there, come in,"

Nina walked past Victor in through the door, expecting to see one of her friends, but instead meeting eye-to-eye with a complete stranger.

It was a girl. She had long, wavy jet black hair, a curvy body, orient eyes, and highlights like Patricia's. On her body was a red tank top, skinny jeans, and, rather tall, six-inch heels.

Nina had to look up just to see her face.

"Oh, uh, hi," she said, slightly recovering from the shock. "I-I'm Nina,"

"Gwendolyn, but, call me Gwen," she said, voice loud. Just by the way she spoke, Nina could tell she'd been fun to hang out with.

"Sweet. Nice to meet you, Gwen," Nina said, recovered. "Don't take this the wrong way, but has anyone else shown up yet?"

"Nope. We're the first,"

She smiled; hearing a squeal from the background. Nina would know that squeal anywhere - she'd heard it time enough.


"Nina!" Amber squealed, running up to hug her.

"Oh my gosh, Amber, where have you been?" Nina asked, smiling widely.

"Oh, you know me. Shopping," she said with a smile. She gasped; looking behind Nina.


"You know it, chicka!"

"You two know each other?" Nina asked, looking at the two.

"Yeah, we were best friends in, like, the third grade," Amber said, smiling.

"Amber, it was fourth grade,"


A knock was heard from behind the door. Nina turned around and opened it. She smiled at what she say.


"Hey, Nines,"

Nina held out her arms and gave yet another hug today. Releasing from the embrase, Nina noticed a girl with dark brown hair and glasses standing next to him.

"Oh, hi. You must be new, huh?" Nina told her, trying to fill in the awkwardness of which she had just witnessed their reunion hug.

She smiled, nodding, "Yeah. I'm Danielle,"

"I'm Nina, and this is my boyfriend Fabian,"

"Pleased to meet you,"

"Whoa! Person clog at the door,"

A girl walked up to the door - or, well, danced up, as it seemed. She had light brown hair with red bows in pigtails, wore a black top, brown pants, red shoes, and some sort of baseball hat.

"Could you let me in? 'Cause I certainly don't want to spend an hour waiting for the door," she said, impatiently.

"Oh, yeah, sure," Nina said, moving to the side.

"Sweet, thanks. I'm Daniela, by the way," she said, walking in.

Nina laughed, "Wow, that's ironic; Daniela, meet Danielle,"

Danielle smiled, amused with the situation, "Seems we have the same name,"

"Ah, awesome," Daniela said, smiling. "But you better not be trying to steal my identity or something - then we'll have a problem,"

"Trust me, I won't,"

She chuckled slightly, warmth clear on her face, "Well, are you just gunna stand out there or are you gunna come inside?"

"Oh, yeah, sure,"

Danielle and Fabian finally made their way in. Nina was about to close the door when -

"The party animal has returned!"

Nina smirked, "Hey, Alfie,"

"Hello, Ma'dam," Alfie said jokingly, imatating a bow. "I didn't know you were taking Victor's place this year."

Nina laughed, "Come on in,"

"Alfie-poo!" Amber shrieked, wrapping her arms around him. "Oh my gosh, I missed you so much. Don't ever leave for that long again,"

"Sorry, Amber. I was busy at the alien convention. Did you know that this year there is a 50% chance of aliens landing on earth?"

"As long as they don't take my make-up, I'm good," Amber said, chuckling slightly.

Another knock came from the door. Nina turned around and opened it again.

A girl was standing there. She had long, curly blonde hair that went to the middle of her back, bangs, and bright blue eyes.

"Hey, uh, I know this is random, but is this Anubis house? The taxi driver dropped me off here, but I'm not sure,"

'How many new people are there?' Nina thought.

"This is the place. I'm Nina,"

"Emma," she smiled, walking passed Nina and joining the crowd.

Nina's head turned as she heard the rushed footsteps of a person running up the steps. It was a girl. She had shoulder length black hair, different colored highlights, wind swept bangs, and large, deep brown eyes. On her back was a vans purple and black checkered backpack. She ran passed Nina and shut the door abruptly.

"Whoa, 'eh, uh, hi," Nina managed to stutter.

"Do you wanna tell me why you did that?" she asked, confused.

Meanwhile, the black-haired girl was hunched-over, trying to catch her breath.

"There was ... white van and ... rapist ... so I ran," she said between breaths, standing up straight and catching her breath.

"Okay. Is there something I can help you with?" Nina asked, still confused.

"Nope. So, this is Anubis house?" she said, looking around.

Nina nodded, "Yup. Has been for, well ... Well, forever,"

"Sweet. 'Looks like we're gonna be living together this semester. I'm Melisa,"


The doorbell rang. Man, was there ever going to be a moment of silence around here?

Yet again, she opened the door.

"Hey, Mick,"

"Hey, Nin-"



Gwen ran up, a smile on her face. Mick picked her up and spun her around, only to kiss her after he was done.

"Something tells me you two have met before. Either that, or you're really friendly," Nina said, confused yet again.

"Gwen used to come here in the fourth grade. I went on a trip to America and saw her again, and we kind of ... Well, you can take it from there,"

Nina nodded, understanding.

Once again, the was a knock on the door. Nina sighed, opening it.





Nina laughed, pulling them in for an embrace.

"Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in forever! How've you been?" Patricia asked, grinning widely.

"Great. But things are far less interesting back in America, you know,"

Patricia giggled, walking inside. Mara followed behind.

"Hello, Nina," said a smooth voice from behind. Nina turned around.

"Hey, Jerome,"

Jerome simply pushed passed her, walking over to Alfie and starting a conversation with him.

Nina closed the door. Again.

Only for someone to knock on it.

"Okay, will somebody else get that?" Nina said, annoyed. No one answered and she groaned; walking over to open the door.

Standing there was a boy. He had blonde hair with different colored bangs just above his eyes. His eyes were hazel, ice blue in the middle and were spotted with brown. Slightly behind him was a girl and a dog. She had straight, shoulder length, black-brown hair with side bangs. She had one pink side bang and a turquoise streak in her hair. Her eyes were chocolate brown, and she was, well, funsized. The dog next to her looked to be a Shitzu. It was white with black and brown spots, and Nina assumed it was a male.

"Hey, uh, something tells me your gonna be staying here this semester?"

The boy nodded, "May I come in?"

"Oh, sure. I'm Nina, by the way," Nina said, moving out of the way.


He quickly walked in, leaving the girl and dog behind him.

"So, uh, do you wanna come in, too?"

"Mhm," she said, smiling. "I'm Izabela, and this," - she looked down at her dog - "little man, is Sulki. And you are Nina, so I've heard,"

She nodded, "Yup. Come on in,"

Izabela passed Nina, quickly spotting Jerome. She walked over to him, smiling widely.

"Hey, J," she said.

"Iz, what are you doing here?" Jerome asked, shocked.

She shrugged, "I told you I sent in an application! And I got in!"

Nina watched as they talked. Was she the only one who didn't know anybody?

She sighed, I need some air.

She swiftly opened the door, There better not be anyone else waiting to come in.

But, never the less, there was.

It was yet another girl. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and was quite skinny.

"Oh, hey! I'm guessing this is Anubis house? I'm gonna be staying here this semester,"

Of course she was.

"Yep. Come join the crowd, trust me, there's tons of people in there,"

"Great; but I was actually hoping to go unpack. This is a long shot, but do you know where my room is?"

"Uh, no, but considering you're a girl, I'm pretty sure it's upstairs,"

"Thanks. I'm Violet-Grace, by the way," she quickly walked in, passed the crowd, and up the stairs.

Not the most chatty person, is she? Nina thought, turning back to the crowd. She sighed; turning around to talk to Patricia and Mara.

Meanwhile, Violet-Grace had finally managed to find her room. Throwing her bag on the ground, she began to unpack things into her closet. She reached her hand in, pain suddenly crawling through her arm. She jumped back and shrieked, looking down at her arm. It was bleeding; a single cut drawing a line down the middle.

The ground started rumbling and an unknown force pushed her to the ground. Both hands on the ground, she tried to push herself up; but the force kept her down. A gust of wind flipped her on her back. She screamed as her body filled with pain; her brain feeling as if it weere on fire. Her vision became blurry, and slowly she began to black out.

Nina, Patricia, and Mara had engaged in some semi-interesting conversation when, all of the sudden, the ground started rumbling.

"What's happening?" Amber shouted, eyes darting around the room.


They ran into the dining room and hid under the table; hands above their heads. An ear-splitting scream was heard from above, causing them to drop their hands to their ears.

Soon after, the rumbling stopped; a knock was heard at the door.

They slowly got out from under the table. Nina walked over to the door, opening it in one swift movement.

There stood two girls. Two very, very pale girls. One had wavy auburn hair and pitch black eyes; the other had short blonde hair and hazel eyes. Something about them made Nina feel uneasy; small. And she didn't like it.

"Hi - let me guess, more new students,"

"Yes, why?" Blondie asked, head cocked.

"Oh, nothing, there have just been a lot of new students today," Nina recovered herself quickly. All of the opening and closing of the door was slightly annoying.

The auburn-haired girl just rolled her eyes, "Look, can we come in or are we going to be living outside the school?"

Wow. Someone's cranky.

"Sure," Nina said, moving to the side.

They walked in inspecting the room from head to toe.

The blonde girl turned around and Nina couldn't help but gasp.

A/N: Yes! Here it is! In all it's OC-y glory! :D Yeah ... :P Here's chapter one. :) And .. sorry this is so long. The other chapters probably won't be this long, this is only because I had so many people to introduce and re-introduce. :P Oh, and tell me if I messed up on anybody's characters ... I think I might have. D: Oh, and I have a new siggie! :D Wanna see it? Too bad! Wait 'till the end! :D Oh, wait ... It is the end ...

~Mystery and Myths,

Bastet(Just call me that;])

P.S.: Also, just letting you know, that one tiny part is probably the only part specifically focusing on Violet-Grace (I've been planning, and your OCs are far more important in the story than her), and that these first few chapters are written from a very-close-to-first-person form of the original HOA cast is only because I need to get all the OCs personality established before I write from their POV. This will most likely revolve around the OCs way more than the original cast - just not yet. :)