A Cinderella named Rose

I own nothing! I hope this chapter is like able. And I hope it makes sense. My laptop doesn't work right so sometimes a letter dosn't make it in the word. And if I type to fast the whole chapter gets erased and I have to start all over again! Anyway please review.

Once upon a time there was a little girl whose mother and father loved her very much. They spoiled her left and right but the girl never let it go to her head. She was a sweet child, did everything she was ever asked.

Her name was Cinderella, well really it was Ella. But one day Ella's mother got sick and eventully died. Her father was very sad and thought Ella needed a mother so he remarried.

Ella was fourteen at the time she got a stepmother brother and sister. Her father had to go out and find work leaving the poor girl with her step siblings. The mother and daughter were cruel people and did not love Ella. They made her clean and cook and eat scraps like a dog. Life was Hell for the young slave. But she lived.

Shoot I wish I had it that good. First of all, my name is not Ella. It's Rose. My mother is Janine Hathaway and my fathers name is Abe Mazur. My mother didn't die, she abandoned me. My father is 'missing'.

Yea, right I think stepmother killed him. My stepmother Tatiana adopted me. I have a stepsister Mia AKA bitch. And a stepbrother who cares about me, Mason. Mia is a spoiled brat who looks like a doll.

She's a total mommy's princess. She has blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin. Just like her mother in so many ways.

Mason is more like his dad I think. I also think Tatiana scared the poor man away. Mason has red hair and freckles. He's also my best friend and my only friend.

We live in Russia now on a farm. Guess who has all the chores to do. Oh yea that's me! Mason tries to help me but Tatiana yells at him and calls me a lazy wench and punishes me.

My old friend Vasilisa,err Lissa and her boyfriend Christian got banned cause they stood up for me. I didn't speak for weeks. Right now I have to get ready because Mia's friend Nancy (I couldn't remember Victors daughters name so I used Nancy from little house on the prairie.) and her dad Victor along with Mase's friends Adrien, Eddie, and Aaron are coming over.

Adrien smokes and drinks but it's 'okay' says him because he is past twenty. He is always flirting with me too. He has bronze brown hair and striking green eyes. Eddie looks a lot like Christian. Black hair, blue eyes. And Aaron has blonde hair and blue eyes.(I have bad memory, I don't remember what Aaron really does look like, or even Eddie.)

I raced down the stairs and into the kitchen. I gave everyone root beer except Adrien and myself. Adrien got Russian vodka and I got water. I settled myself in a corner and blanked out all conversation. That is until Nancy said something that made my ears perk up.

"Mia,did you hear about Prince Dimitri Belikov is having a ball?"

"Oh yes! We are going to be the most beautiful girls there. He will HAVE to dance with us!"

"Yes, he would be a fool not to. I think he's taking a bride to!"

"Every one knows it will be me if he does. I am the richest girl within two miles!"

"I think you would make the best queen ever. And to think,I'll be the queens best friend!"

Suddenly Nancy made a face."Is that made of yours going?"

"Of course not!" The turned to look at me with disgusted grimaces."She would make us look bad. The prince would never go near us with her around!"

The girls nodded at each other in agreement.

"Mother,when is OUR invitations for MY future husbands ball coming?"

"Tomorrow dear", Tatiana says. She whipps her head over to me. "What are you still doing down here? Go to bed!" I stand up and clench my fists.

"What? It's only six o'clock!"


I huff and stomped up to my room. I lay down on my bed and soon fall into a peaceful sleep. The only peace I get.

Soo.. what do you think? Good, Bad? Review!