a/n: So this is the extra that I was talking about, it takes place in the future of the story.

CHAPTER V: The First Time That Dean Found Out That Jack Doesn't Die

Dean had been at Torchwood 3 for about three weeks now, and to say that he felt like a real newbie was an understatement. It was just like he was being introduced to Hunting for the first time again; but he wasn't four years old and he barely knew these people.

Sure, he got to see first hand what kind of skill that they had:

Jack, Dean knew, had a lot of shit under his belt, it was in his eyes, the same thing that Dean had in his eyes. And he had skill, Dean had to admit, was good under pressure and an amazing leader. In this kind of work, with all this crazy shit, it was good to have someone with a real head on their shoulders.

Ianto, the kid, who was a few years younger than Dean, the same age as Sam would be if he existed in Dean's eyes anymore. Dean could tell that he was still fresh, had that innocence and hesitance about him. He didn't get to go out in the field much, and Dean knew that that was some of the reason why. But Dean could also see that he was strong too, more resilient than the others thought—and the sarcasm and snark that seemed to leak from him . . . Dean was surprised that no one was screaming by now.

Owen, who for a doctor, was good with a weapon in his hands. He was athletic and knew what the hell he was doing in the field and on the table. He was a charmer, flirted like hell on fire—but had eyes for the black-haired beauty.

Gwen, said blacked haired beauty, used to be police—and Dean found it pretty hot that the woman knew how to handle a weapon. But she let her heart get in the way of things; Dean knew that you shouldn't lock that away completely, but if you let it shine it just got in the way and gets people killed.

Lastly was Toshiko, she was a total and complete computer nerd, who was also shy as hell. But shy as she may be and as quiet as she was, she knew how to use a weapon and was confident in the field.

These people, as psycho as they were and this crazy town with its Rift—a tear through time and space—they sure as hell knew how to hunt. And half the shit that Dean saw; even he couldn't believe were real, and the fact that there was other planets and crap?

But those being the most shocking things yet had turned to dust when Jack, Ianto and Dean went on a hunt, it was a thing called a Gelth-something or other. At first Dean thought it was a ghost and he had felt relief at the familiar Monster, a simple salt and burn is what it was going to be. But then his hopes came crashing down when Ianto told him what it really was.

It separated them, the smartass, Ianto going one way and Jack and Dean the other. It would have been obvious for the creature to go after Ianto, but instead it came after Dean and Jack—almost as if it were on a mission. Running did nothing of course, with creatures that were like ghosts, running didn't do a damn thing. It was like a mist and it floated about, trailing them, lapping at their heels.

Dean had no idea what the hell it was or how to take it out, Ianto never got to tell him before it targeted them, and now there wasn't time. Wind blew and the mist caught up with them, and Dean was sure that that was the one thing that you didn't want to happen. But as it turned out, it caught up with Jack and not Dean, because Dean was sure that Jack had slowed down just a smidgen—but a smidgen was all the corporal-being needed.

"Jack!" Dean yelled not knowing which instinct to take, fight-or-flight—so he was kind of just left standing there, helpless to help Jack.

The mist, which Dean now noticed was darker, like smoke from a fire and it didn't seem to have any trouble enveloping Jack's entire body. He couldn't see anything but the mist and swear he was seeing shadows swarming throughout it. There wasn't a sound and that was probably the thing that freaked Dean out the most, not peep, just yawning silence.

And as soon as it began, it was over.

The mist thinned out, before it dissipated completely—almost as if it was never there, just wanting that one kill and it was finished. But for the simple fact that Jack was left behind, he was still and just standing there, not a hairs worth of movement. Dean could tell that it was going to happen before it did, could see the slight bend of his knees and the way that he was leaning back slightly. He rushed forward, just having enough time to grip the lapels of Jack's long coat before the Captain's legs gave way.

And he was heavy as hell too, Dean fought the urge to drop him down quickly so that he didn't tumble over on top of him—something he was sure that Jack would like. But as he set Jack on the ground, Dean noticed something; Jack wasn't moving—at all. His chest was still, his lungs not expanding.

"Jack?" he called, giving the man a shake, it did nothing but cause him to rattle like a rag doll.

Dean had no idea what the Gelth did to Jack, or whether he could be brought back to life after whatever it was, but it was worth a try anyway. He title Jack's head back slightly, staring down at the pale face as his bit the inside of his cheek—Jack wouldn't remember or realize, so he was safe on the account—but he himself would remember. It didn't matter though; he would probably put his lips to Jack's a million times over if it meant that it would bring him back to life.

Dean took a deep breath, lowering his face slowly, his lips inching closer to Jack's. Just a little more and they'd be touching, he squeezed his own closed—one more inch. But it was needless because just then Jack gasped, his eyes snapping open and his head coming up—his lips meeting Dean's in a kiss.

Dean's eyes snapped open and he found himself staring into Jack sapphire-jade eyes, their faces just inches apart. Dean let out a yelp and jerked away, scrambling backwards away from the apparently alive Jack Harkness. Dean stared dumbfounded as Jack sat up with a soft grunt, and stared at him a wicked grin on his lips.

"How?" Dean said faintly, frozen to the spot for the moment.

"Your magic lips, of course." Jack said, his wicked grin being replaced by a flirtatious one.

Running footsteps approached from behind, and Ianto appeared from the shadows out of breath. "What happened?" he panted, his eyes darting back and forth between the two men on the ground.

Dean opened his mouth, but nothing came but breath, he shook his head ever so slightly; never taking his eyes from Jack.

Ianto stared at Dean for a long moment, recognizing the look. "What did you do?" he demanded, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared down at Jack.

Jack gave him an open mouthed look. "Why do you always assume it's me?"

"Because it always is," Ianto said.

Jack looked up at him and pouted.

Dean looked at them, his mind and instinct finally kicking in, he jumped to his feet.

"What the hell just happened?" he demanded.

"Well," Jack grunted as he got to his own feet, dusting off his long coat. "Your lips gave me life," he grinned.

"Quit joking around!" Dean growled, taking a few steps back.

"Dean," Ianto started. "It happens all the time, he's fine." he assured, sensing how tense this situation was getting, Jack's joking not helping in the least.

"Does it?" Dean nodded, his lips curling. "So what are you? A Demon?"

"Well, I do have devilish good looks." Jack charmed.

"Jack," Ianto scolded.

"Tell me what the hell you are!" Dean demanded, pulling out his gun and pointing it at Jack.

"What?" Ianto took a step forward, having no idea how the situation could have gotten so out of hand, but Jack put a hand on his chest stopping him.

"Dean," Jack said slowly.

Dean shook his head. "I shoulda' known," he whispered. "I never could catch a break, so why did I think that this was it?" and he was swearing at himself for it too, he should have checked them, made sure that they were human in the very beginning.

"I'm not a Demon, Dean." Jack said, his hands slightly raised, his voice serious. "I'm human, just like you, but with a little sugar on top."

"Magic sugar, I'm sure." Dean said in a sarcastic tone, one that could match Ianto's.

"Look, it's no big deal; when I die, I tend not to stay that way for very long." Jack shrugged his shoulders like it was no big thing, but Dean had other idea's on the matter.

"If you're human, then how? You make a deal with a Crossroads Demon? Sold your soul? A Witch?" Dean wasn't letting this go, and he was damned if he let anyone who wasn't human walk away.

"What is it with you and Demons?" Jack countered. "It's like you're obsessed."

"Not obsessed," Dean's voice was hard. "I've learned my lesson, Harkness. Now tell me what the hell you are?"

"I'm human!" Jack yelled back, now not appreciating the gun pointed at him as much anymore.

"Then how the hell are you alive?" Dean demanded, his eyes narrowing with promised threats.

"Because," Jack sighed. "Awhile ago, I met a Doctor and lets just say that something's happened and I wasn't the same again."

"What kind of Doctor?" Dean asked, his expression pinched.

"A Time Lord," Jack answered, a look in his eyes.

"What the hell's a Time Lord?"

"Someone who can control travel and control Time and Space, and has the ability to alter it if he so wishes."


"What?" Jack laughed. "You are really hooked on that, aren't you?"

"Yes or no."

Jack fought the roll of his eyes. "No."

"And what does that make you then?"

"It makes me alive, is what it makes me."

"How?" Dean demanded.

"I'm a fixed point in Time and Space, okay?" Jack ground out. "That mean's that I don't age and I can never truly die. Forever and ever and ever, okay?"

"Fine," Dean conceded. "But you have to prove it."

"You are not shooting me, Winchester." Jack held up a threatening finger.

"I wouldn't chance it," Dean said dryly. "It's a fifty-fifty chance that you're telling the truth and that I'm crazy for even considering that you're telling the truth."

"So, what then?" Ianto asked; glad that there would be no shooting.

"Here," Dean said, pulling a knife from his boot. He tossed it towards Jack, who caught it, giving him the are-you-mad? look. "Just a little cut is all I need."

Jack stared at him for a long moment before he tugged up his sleeve, and drew the silver blade across the flesh of his arm. Blood welled from the cut and that was all, he held it out for Dean to see.

"Good," he said. "Take these." he stuck his hand in his pocket and took out two small objects, again tossing them to Jack.

Jack caught them and stared at them before looking back up a Dean. "What the hell are these?"

"Salt and Holy water,"

"Oh my god," Jack sighed, shaking his head as he tore the salt packet open and pored it into his mouth; a grimace crossing his face at the taste. Next he uncapped the miniature bottle of Holy water and drank that too; the grimace stayed on his face, but that was all. "Happy?" he demanded.

"Very," Dean reported back dryly, reluctantly lowering his gun and slipped it in the back of his jeans. "Why the hell didn't you tell me in the beginning?"

"It's not something I advertise." Jack said back, just as dryly.

"Maybe you should," Dean told him. "As a member of this team, I don't take too kindly to being held in the dark."

Jack grind at that. "So, trial basis over?"

Dean didn't say anything, just glowered at the other man—which caused Jack to grin even broader and Ianto looked between the two of them with worry.

"So no one's going to shoot anyone?" Ianto asked hopefully.

Jack and Dean looked at Ianto at the exact same time, their expression a mirror of each other. Ianto wondering how this situation turned into him as the one the others were looking at as if he were out of his mind.

Ianto held up his hand and shook his head. "No," he said emphatically. "You are not putting this on me." he pointed at each of them in turn before he spun around and disappeared into the shadows.

Dean raised a brow at Jack, who just shrugged his shoulders.

They were silent as they just stared at each other, almost like it had been in the beginning when they had first met. Dean crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes narrowing slightly as he noticed that Jack's expression was slowly turning into something else. He was suspicious now, as Jack's lips turned into a flirtatious curve—if Dean had learned anything about being with Torchwood, it was that Captain Jack Harkness screamed sex whether he wanted to or not—but was sure that he wanted to. So Dean was sure that something that he didn't want was going to go down, and of course Jack was going to be the cause, because as Ianto had stated before: It was always him.

"Um," Dean said, popping his lips as he took a slow step away.

Jack took a step forward to counter-act the space gain. "You know, speaking of advertising. . ." Jack started, his hands in his pockets. "You should advertise those lips of yours,"

Said lips were pursed into a thin line as Dean shook his head mutely, Jack getting closer with every step—Dean's eyes widened as he noted the swagger that the Captain was putting into his hips.

"No." he said simply.

"But we shared something," Jack said, a slight pout to his lips. "I think that it was called a kiss."

"We did not kiss!" Dean clenched his jaw; he was a man, and he kissed women!

"But we did."

"You were dead, so I was gonna administer CPR." he ground out as Jack stopped in front of him.

"In other words; a kiss."

"I would never purposefully kiss you in a million years, Jack Harkness." Dean growled, hating the fact that he had to look up at him.

"How about a million and one?" Jack cocked a brow.

"Don't make me shoot you," Dean threatened. "Now that I know that you won't die permanently, I don't have a problem with it."

"I always did like a little foreplay," Jack clicked his tongue.

Dean huffed out a breath. "If you don't back off, Jack," he said, a grin stretching across his lips. "Then it won't be me you'll have to worry about, but Ianto too." his eyes flickered to look over Jack's shoulder for a second.

Jack looked at Dean for a long moment, before he turned around, but only found empty space. He open his mouth, about to make a very smart remark as he turned back around, but that was empty too—he couldn't believe that he had fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the book, as well as the fact that they just left him—he was a little hurt.

Dean forced the snort of laughter back, not believing that Jack had actually fallen for that. Dean's treats about shooting him had been empty, he wasn't the cold-blooded type so he couldn't just shoot him—even if Jack could come back to life. He could deal with crazy Torchwood-ness, and even the fact that Jack was human but couldn't die—but having Jack flirt and hit on him in what felt 24/7 was just exhausting—wearing him the hell down.

"Where's, Jack?" Ianto asked as Dean arrived at the Ranger. "You didn't shoot him, did you?" he asked, worried.

Dean rolled his eyes. "You would've heard it, if I shoot him."

"Right," Ianto sighed, feeling relief.

"I'm driving!" Dean announced suddenly, climbing into the driver's seat.

Ianto paused for a moment, sending a glance behind him and into the alley where Dean had come from before he went into the passenger seat—Jack was just going to have to deal with the back.

"Are you sure you should be?" Ianto asked, clicking his seat belt into place.

"What?" Dean gave him a hurt expression. "You don't trust my driving?"

"Well," Ianto started. "We're not in America anymore."

"Well," Dean said back. "Jack's probably too shocked to anyway."

Ianto sent him a confused look and Dean just grinned broadly, starting the engine as Jack finally appeared from the alley mouth.

"Come on, Jack!" Dean called through the open window. "Quit dittley-daddling."

Jack glowered at him as he silently climbed into the back.

There was a squeal of tires as Dean pulled from the curb, the wicked grin never leaving his lips.

note: that was the last chapter and I hoped that you enjoyed, and I hope that you'll review too.

I know that a Gelth is from Doctor Who and what I made it out to be in this chapter was not what it really was; the point in that is just because I needed a name for a monster, so I kinda switched the stuff about the real Gelth into something else.
