Prince and Priest

Kadaj POV

I had never argued about being a part of the great Mothers church. Sure, being a priest wasn't what I had wanted to do with my life, but when the great Mother speaks to you, you don't have a choice.

I worked as a traveling priest with Yuna and Roze. Travel groups always consisted of two priestess and one priest. I was the youngest in the church, so I was put with the eldest priestess. They were both nice, even though Yuna was really strict.

The three of us traveled all over, that was one thing that I liked about it, I got to see the world. The next place we were going was out to Midgar to work for the king for a while. I was ecstatic. I had always wanted to meet the princes. The king had twin sons, though they looked nothing alike. Prince Genesis was the one that I thought looked nicer, but Prince Angeal seemed like he could be nice too. All I knew was that I would get to meet both of them, and unfortunately, my excitement showed.

"For Mothers sake will you relax Kadaj? It's not like you've never met royalty before." Yuna scolded.

"I'm sorry Yuna. It's just, I was born in Midgar, so grew up as them being my royal family. I always looked up to them, so getting to meet them is big for me."

She sighed, shaking her head. She'd been with the church since she was little, so she'd already met all the royal families. She didn't remember what it was like to meet the royal family that she grew up with.

Roze sat there quietly. She never spoke around Yuna. The two didn't get along, they never had. But the rules prohibited arguments between members of the church. So she stayed quiet till Yuna walked away, then she turned to me. "Look, I know it's exciting, but you have to try to remain calm. And a few tips about this family. Around Angeal, keep your head down; don't look him in the eyes. He hates eye contact. Or any kind of contact actually. Genesis is very laid back. He doesn't really care what you do. And just a warning, he's very flashy. He loves to make an entrance, so be ready for that. The king is very stern, so keep your head down and don't speak unless spoken to. You may not meet the Queen. She prefers to spend her time weaving, but she's very kind. And I don't really know what else to tell you."

"Thank you Roze."

"No problem." she went back to what she was doing.

There was something I wanted to ask her, but I wasn't sure if I'd get in trouble for it. I figured that if I did get in trouble for it, it would just be a warning. "Hey Roze?"

She looked up at me. "Yeah?"

"Is it wrong of me to think that the princes are nice looking?"

She gave me a look that said to be careful. "Saying something like that could get you in trouble with the church, especially with Yuna. They may think that you're homosexual or something. Not that I think there's a problem with that, but they do. As for my opinion, I'd have to agree with you. I think Prince Genesis looks the better of the two."

"That's what I was thinking. I bet Prince Angeal is nice though."

"Actually he can be a huge jerk. He thinks that just because he's the prince he's better than everyone else."

"Really? Well, I still want to meet him."

"You will. Just follow my tips and you'll be ok." she went back to her work.

I thought about what Roze had told me as we traveled to the castle. I didn't see why it was wrong to think someone looked nice. It was a compliment wasn't it? Weren't compliments good? Sometimes I wondered about the things the church thought. I went along with it though because I had nowhere else to go.

We arrived at the castle in the early morning. A group of guards escorted us into the castle. It was just like every other entrance we had made to a castle. Not that I minded. It was kinda cool getting an escort. Sometimes it felt like I was someone really important who needed protection. I always had to shake off the thoughts once we actually entered the castle though. That was when I had to try to be perfectly serious. This time was a complete failure. I couldn't help but look around at the castle as we walked through. It was all so magnificent. It wasn't like it was the biggest castle I had been in. Not even close. Midgar castle was actually very small, but I still found it better that the others.

I followed quietly, not really sure where we were going. My guess was the throne room. I had high hopes that the princes would be there.

We entered the throne room, as I had guessed, and I quickly scanned the room. There sat the king in the front of the room, Prince Angeal sat next to him. On the floor in front of them, sprawled out, was Prince Genesis. I averted my eyes away from Prince Angeal and let them settle on Prince Genesis. He didn't seem to notice, so I left my gaze there. I could vaguely hear Yuna speaking to the King and Prince Angeal. I wasn't really paying attention though. I'd heard it all plenty of times.

I had left my gaze there on Genesis, since he didn't seem to notice. Then he turned and looked at me, smiling at me when he saw me looking at him. I looked at the floor in embarrassment. I couldn't believe that I had been caught staring at the prince by the prince himself. He had smiled at me though, so he must not have minded. I peeked up to see if he was watching me. He was still smiling at me, a look of curiosity on his face. I gave him a small smile before looking down again, pulling myself back into the conversation. "The three of us are available to each of you, but it is to your pick as to who is sent with who." Yuna was finishing up.

"I will let the boys choose for themselves, and I shall take whoever is left. Angeal, which would you like best?" the king said.

"I want the girl with black hair." he said.

I saw Roze step over to him, bowing before standing behind him. I figured that I would be sent with the king. Princes always went for Yuna and Roze. This time I got a surprise though. "I want the boy father." Genesis's voice rang in the room, so sure of his choice.

I was shocked, I couldn't move for a minute. Yuna nudged me towards him, signaling that I should go over. I stumbled over, bowing in front of him before standing behind him.

Yuna said a few more things, but I wasn't listening. Why did Prince Genesis want me? The princes never chose me. Maybe it was because he had caught me staring at him. I felt very embarrassed about it, and the thought that he picked me because of it made me a bit flustered. When we were dismissed, Roze and Angeal left quickly, followed shortly by Yuna and the King, leaving me and Genesis alone in the throne room. I looked down at the ground, trying not to look at the prince. "Follow me little priest. I'll show you to my room." he said.

I looked up and followed him out quietly. He led me down the halls to a room far from the others. The door was red, much like the red clothes that he wore. He opened the door and held it open for me. I was shocked that the prince was treating me so kindly. I stepped in to find his room black and red. I looked around taking it all in. The door shut behind me as Genesis walked in. The room had no windows, so it was dimly lit. Genesis walked around in front of me, plopping down on his bed. He smiled at me, and I gulped. "S…shall we get started my prince?" I said, looking down.

"Look, I'm sure that you're supposed to teach me about the great Mother or something, but honestly, I'm really not interested."

"But, it's what I was sent to do. I don't..." I was interrupted by him standing up and standing in front of me.

"I said that I don't care. If I cared I would have picked one of those girls. But I saw that you were more interested in looking at me then doing your job. Am I wrong?"

I didn't know what to say. He had picked me because he caught me. "I'm sorry my prince."

"Why should you be sorry? I didn't say that I didn't like it. I was just pointing it out."

I stepped back, unsure of what he was saying. He stepped towards me, smiling. "I'm sure you can understand my disinterest. Why should I pay attention to that stuff when I have an adorable little boy right in front of me?"

I backed up some more, worried about his intentions. He stepped forward again, reaching out to cup my chin. I jerked away and bolted out of the room. Unfortunately, a life as a priest had not given me the training to out run a fully trained prince. He caught up to me quickly, pinning me to the wall. "You're so cute." his face was so close I could feel his hot breathe on my face.

I flinched back as he spoke, not bothering to fight back because it was pointless. He cupped my chin again, making me look at him. "Would you deny your prince?"

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't deny the prince, but to give in to him would go against the church. "Prince Genesis, please. I can't. It goes against the church."

"It only goes against the church if the church finds out." I felt him snake a hand down my chest.

I was afraid, as was natural, but I felt something else as well. Excitement? No, I couldn't be excited about this. It was wrong, completely and utterly wrong. But why did it feel so right? I shook my head, trying to rid my mind of those thoughts. Genesis laughed. "Oh come now little priest, don't tell me you've never had a little fun. All that time alone with people, someone must have gotten ahold of your pretty little body."

"No, I'm untouched. I've promised myself to the church. I'm to remain untouched."

"You promised yourself, or the church forced you into this? Tell me little priest, is that what you want to do with your life?" I felt him snake a hand back up my chest, slowly attacking the buttons of my plane white button up shirt.

"The great Mother speaks to me, and I must listen. I have no choice in the matter."

"So you did not want this life. What was it that you wanted to do?" he had already undone the top three buttons.

"It doesn't matter what my earlier plans had been. I'm a part of the church now." I shivered as he undid the last buttons of my shirt.

"Come now, surely they matter to you." he slid his hand along my bare chest, playing with my nipples.


He smiled. "Like that do we? You never answered me. What did you want to do before?" he pinched and twisted.

I let out a small moan before clamping a hand over my mouth. Genesis laughed, pulling my hand away from my mouth with his free hand. "You sound lovely. Let me hear more." he slid a hand down.

"Please stop this. I can't do this. It's not right."

"Forget about what they say is right. Do what feels right to you. This feels right to me, I don't know about you. Will you at least tell me your name little priest?" I felt his hand slid down past my hips.

I struggled a bit, not wanting this to go any farther than it already had. "K...Kadaj Yuiki. Stop, please."

"Kadaj, what a pretty name for a pretty boy." he brought his hand to a stop on top of my clothed groin, giving it a small squeeze.

I pushed my head against the wall, gasping. "G...Genesis. P...please..."

"Please what? What do you want me to do Kadaj? It certainly doesn't feel like you want me to stop."

"I..." he squeezed again, pulling another moan from me.

"Do you want more Kadaj?"

I didn't know how to respond. I was shamefully liking this, but I knew that it was wrong. He smiled. "I'll take it as a yes." he attacked the button and zipper on my pants.

He yanked my pants down to my ankles, leaving me exposed. I shivered as the cold of the passage hit exposed legs and member. Genesis slid a hand down, rubbing my inner thigh. I started, making him laugh lightly. "Don't worry little priest, I'll be gentle with you." he slid his hand up around my member, making me gasp.

He started to stroke it, pulling small moans and gasps from me. "Have you ever touched yourself? Or is this all new to you?" he laughed stroking faster.

"I've never..." I gasped as he squeezed as he stroked.

"Well then, I guess I get to be your first." he took his hand off of my member.

He brought his hand up to my face. "Suck."

I looked at him, wondering what he had planned. "I don't want to hurt you more than what it already will. Suck." he actually had a look of concern on his face.

I took his fingers into my mouth cautiously, sucking on them, making them wet. He must have thought they were good enough because he pulled them out of my mouth. I looked at him, wondering what he was planning now. He moved his fingers out of my sight as I watched his face for any kind of warning of what was coming next. He leaned forward wrapping an arm around my waist, pulling me away from the wall a bit. The next thing I knew I felt his cold wet fingers press against my entrance. I griped onto his arms tightly to get his attention. "Genesis."

He looked at me. "It's alright Kadaj, I'll be gentle." he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.

It was my first kiss. It wasn't a soft sweet kiss like you see in films or plays. This was hard, bruising. Regardless, it was my first, and I was liking it. The happiness of the kiss was quickly over ruled as I felt him push a finger in. I called out. "Genesis! Stop, it hurts."

"I know, I know. Just give it a minute. It'll feel better soon, I promise." he moved his finger slowly, causing more pain.

I whimpered, hating the discomfort of having his finger inside of me as well as at the pain. He held me up, I had lost strength in my legs.

After a few minutes, the pain subsided into a nicer feeling. It actually began to feel good. He added another finger, giving me momentary pain and discomfort, but they faded quickly.

As he stroked in and out, I gained a shock. It went up my spine, spreading through my body. "Dear goddess, do that again Genesis." I threw my head back.

He smiled and hit that spot again, sending shockwaves through my body. Soon enough I was mewling and moaning like a common whore at a brothel. I was enjoying myself, for once in my life. "Kadaj? Are you down here?"

I froze, shutting up. Genesis froze too. I looked at him. "That's Yuna. She can't see us like this."

We never even had a chance to move before Yuna came around the corner. "KADAJ!" she screamed.

I knew that I was in more trouble than most could imagine. Yuna was furious. I wanted to hide in Genesis' chest, but I knew that would just get me in more trouble. "You are to meet Roze and I in the main hallway immediately." she turned and stormed out.

Once she was gone, I did hide my face in Genesis' chest. "I'm done for."

"Relax little priest. She's just mad. She'll calm down." he said, pulling his fingers out.

"You don't get it. Yuna is the strictest priestess in the church. What just happened between you and's against the church. I could get kicked out for it. I'm scared that that's what she's going to do."

"You said yourself that you never wanted to be a part of the church. This could be a good thing."

"The church is the only home that I have. My parents have disowned me because I became a part of the church, and I have no other family."

"Kadaj, I wouldn't let you go without a home. If she's stupid enough to kick you out, you can come live here with me."

"Genesis, you would do that? But, you've only just met me."

"Kadaj, if you get kicked out it will be my fault. I pushed you into this. I'm sorry. I lost control of my actions."

"Genesis, it's not all your fault. I didn't necessarily fight back much. You don't have to open your home because of it."

"Who says that's my only reason? I have many reasons, but that's all you need to hear right now." he stepped back and pulled my pants back up.

"Alright." I started re buttoning my shirt.

"Do you want me to go with you? I might be able to help. This is my fault after all."

"As much as I would love to have you there to assist me, no. I need to handle this on my own."

"Alright. You can come back to my room when the meeting is over if you want."

"I'll do that." I reached up and kissed him quickly before turning to head towards my certain death.

I came up to the entry hall, finding Roze and Yuna waiting for me. I dipped my head down in shame as I walked towards them. Stepping quickly, I walked up to them, stopping a few steps away. "Kadaj, you have sinned against the Church of the Great Mother. What do you have to say for yourself?" Yuna said.

"My greatest apologies. My actions are inexcusable."

"Yet you have an excuse I imagine."

"If I may explain myself..."

"You may."

"Thank you. You see. After you left, Prince Genesis lead me to his room, as your patrons did for you. I suspected nothing, and I asked if we should begin the lessons. He said that he had no interest in the lessons, and he came towards me. I insisted that it was my job to teach him, and he repeated that he had no interest in them. He then attempted to kiss me, at which I quickly ran from the room. Unfortunately, he was faster and quickly overtook me at the spot you found us at. He began attacking my body, despite the fact that I pleaded with him to stop, that what he was doing was wrong. He listened not, and things led to what you saw."

"You did not seem to be fighting it. In fact you were holding onto him when I saw you."

"That is because I had lost all strength in my legs. I could not support myself. It was all I could do to not fall to the floor."

"Why did you not think to call for help?"

"To be honest, I was afraid of what was happening. I was too afraid to do anything."

"I see. As this is the story, I feel pity for you."

"Does this mean that I may remain a part of the church?"

"I fear not. Unwanted or not, your purity has been taken. The rules of the church speak clearly. You may not remain a part of the church. I'm sorry."

"But the church is the only home that I have. I have no family that I may turn to. Would you turn me to the streets?"

"I'm sorry Kadaj."

I sighed "I understand. The rules of the church are clear. I shall leave your presence now." I bowed and turned to leave.

They said nothing as I walked away, back to Genesis' room.

I walked quietly and slowly back down the halls. I hoped that Genesis would not go back on his offer to allow me to stay, now that I had no home. Pausing before entering, I knocked. Genesis' lazy voice called from inside. "Enter."

I opened the door and stepped in. Genesis was lying on his bed, looking at nothing in particular by the looks of it. He turned and looked at me. "How did it go?"

"They've kicked me out of the church."

"Well, my offer remains. If you have no home to return to, you will stay here with me."

"Tell me why though."

"Why what?"

"Why would you let me stay here. Is it because you feel bad for me?"

"You don't look like someone who allows people to pity him. Though yes, I feel bad for getting you kicked out of the church, no, it's not my only reason."

"Then tell me."

He sighed, gesturing for me to sit by him. I sat on the edge of the bed as he sat up. "There are a few reasons. For one, you seem like a good kid. You never wanted trouble, but I gave you some. That's partially your fault though. When I saw you at first in the throne room, I didn't think much of you. Yeah, you caught my eye as being cute, but I didn't think much of it. Then I saw you staring at me, and I became interested. You didn't seem to care about what was being said, so I figured that you might be more fun. Plus, you looked bored with it all, so I figured that maybe you never wanted to be a part of it all."

"So my looks overall got your attention. But I'm nothing to look at. I'm very plain."

"Is that what they've made you believe?"

"No, I just know it to be true. Next to people like you, I'm not very good looking."

"Little priest, you are much better looking than you give yourself credit for." he pulled me up in front of a mirror.

I hadn't been allowed to look in mirrors because it was a sign of vanity in the church. I had only really seen myself in pools of water or in reflections that I passed in castles. Now I was able to really look at myself. "You've got the prettiest silver hair. I've never even seen someone with silver hair before, but I love it. Your eyes are the prettiest green. They absolutely sparkle in this light." he ran his hands down my sides, making me shiver slightly. "You've got an amazing little body. Priest hood may not have granted you muscle, but it certainly has been kind to you. Take it from me little priest, you are beautiful."

"Genesis, don't call me that. I'm not a priest anymore."

"But you were when I met you, therefore you will always be my little priest. And I guess that makes me your prince."

"You were always my prince Genesis."

He laughed, the sound echoing around the room. "Not like that little priest." he wraped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me back into him "I'm now YOUR prince. Just like you are My little priest."

I turned to look at him. "Will you not get in trouble for that? I mean, aren't you supposed to marry a princess like your brother?"

"Ha, yeah right. My father already knows my preferences, as does most of Midgar. I have no reason to stay hidden. Though I have a feeling that your church didn't know."

"I don't think they did either."

"So do you accept?"

I looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"Do you accept me?"

I was unsure of what he was talking about. He sighed. "Will you let me call you mine, and allow yourself to call me yours?"

"Oh...I'm not sure yet Genesis. I mean, all of this is all new. I don't understand most of it yet."

"All you need to understand is how you feel. In the corridor, were you happy? Did you enjoy it, despite the fact that the church claims that it was wrong?"

"I...yes, I think I did."

"Then that tells you that you are at least bisexual. Have you ever looked at the priestess', or any of the princess' and think that were pretty? Like you thought of me?"


"Then you're like me. Guys are all you like, not girls. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that."

"If you're sure, then I would like to take you as mine. Though I'm still not fully sure about it."

"You'll get used to it soon enough. Come on, it's close to dinner time, and I won't have you dining with us looking like a simple priest."

"But I have nothing else."

"But I do. I'm sure I have something that you would fit in." he turned and began rummaging through his large closet.

He came out a few minutes later holding a long, plain red shirt, much like the white one I was wearing now. "This should fit you, and it will definitely send the message to your little priestess friend that you have a better home now." he smiled as he held it out to me.

I took the shirt and set it down on the bed and began undoing my white shirt. Genesis decided he wanted to help and pushed my hands away, doing it himself. I did have to admit that he was faster at it than I was. He soon had it all undone and was pushing it off my shoulders. I shivered as the cool air hit me, but it felt good. I reached over quickly and grabbed the shirt. I slipped it on, letting the silky material slip along my skin. I started buttoning it up slowly, feeling no need to hurry. Genesis watched me the whole time, seeming to enjoy it. When I was ready we sat on the bed, waiting to be called for dinner.

We talked about lots of different things. I told him about what I could remember of my family, and about what my plans had been before the church. He told me about his life as a prince. It turned out that while many envied his life as a prince, he actually envied the common people. "They have so much more freedom. I can't even step out of the castle without at least two guards with me. I would love to be able to walk the streets without being under constant watch."

"Yes, but you have all this. There's so much more that you can do."

"Like what? Talk to stuck up diplomats and aristocrats?"

"There must be more to do than that. I mean, you get to spar and ride horses and do archery."

"Yeah, but that stuff gets boring."

"Trust me, you aren't missing much."

"We'll see. I'm gonna sneak out of these days. Just to see what it's like."

"I'll show you around. Should we head down for dinner soon?"

"Yeah, we can head down there." he stood and offered his arm.

I took his arm and we walked down to the dining hall. When we entered we saw that most everyone was already there. The King sat with a women, I guessed the Queen. Angeal sat near his father, Roze and Yuna sat off at another table. I looked over at them and waved, smiling as I took a seat a with Genesis. The King glanced quickly at me, then went back to his conversation. Angeal however stood and walked over to us. "Why is your priest sitting with us? Should he not be over there?" he pointed to Yuna and Roze.

Genesis laughed. "Not at all Angeal. He's no longer with them. He's with me now."

"Don't tell me you ruined the poor boy."

"He sure isn't arguing about it." he laughed again. "Come on Angeal, you can't tell me that you're surprised."

"No I'm not. That's just the kind of thing you'd do." he looked at me. "So what's your name? It's obvious that we'll be seeing each other a lot now."


"Nice name. Alright then Kadaj. Good luck with my brother. He's a hot head for sure."

Genesis looked at his brother, a smirk on his face. "You wanna say that to my face Angeal?" he stood to face his brother.

"No problem. You're a hot head. Plain and simple."

Genesis laughed. "Alright, if I'm a hot head, then what does that make you? The goody two shoes?"

Angeal laughed, which shocked me. It rang out in the room, making me smile. "I can deal with that Genesis."

"Alright then. I guess it's settled then. I'm the hot head, and you're the goody two shoes." he laughed.

The servers came in and Angeal took a seat, surprisingly, next to me. We spoke during dinner, and I found that Roze had been wrong about him. He wasn't the jerk she made him out to be at all. It wasn't true that he didn't like contact, people were just afraid to make any kind of contact. He was actually very nice and enjoyed contact.

Later on I met the King and Queen. They're names were Vincent and Lucrecia. They both welcomed me warmly. I was quickly welcomed into the castle, and I was actually happy for once. I offered lessons on the Great Mother if they were interested, and they took me up on it once or twice, but for the most part I was treated as a part of the family.

I decided to be nice and helped Genesis sneak out of the castle one day. We both wore hooded cloaks, red for Genesis, silver for me. I took him to my old home, because I wanted to at least try to reconnect with my family.

It was just a small little house. Plain looking on the outside, plain on the inside too as I knew. I knocked lightly, hoping someone was home. I heard footsteps coming and the door slid open. The person standing there had long silver hair, but a soft face. "I'm sorry, but we have no spare change for you." he said, his voice kind.

"Thanks for the offer Yazoo, but I don't need it." I flipped my hood off, revealing myself to my brother.

"Kadaj! It's wonderful to see you. Who's your friend?"

Genesis flipped his hood off. "Hello."

Yazoo froze. "P...P...Prince Genesis." he bowed.

"Yazoo, relax, he's with me. Just treat him like you'd treat me. Where are Mom, Dad and Loz?"

"Inside. Come on in." He held the door open for us, and we walked in.

Yazoo walked ahead of us. "We have guests."

I stepped in, looking around at my old home. Mother was the first to say something. "Kadaj? Is that you?" she stood and walked over to me.

"Yes mother. And I've brought my partner with me as well."

"Your partner? I thought you were allowed no such thing in the church."

"I'm not longer a part of the church mother. I haven't been for a month or so."

"Well then bring them in. Is it a he or she?"

I looked over at Yazoo, who was gawking at me. I smiled. "It's a he mother, but I know you'll approve of him. Come on in."

Genesis stepped in, though he'd put his hood back on. "Mother, father, Loz, please don't freak out with this ok? Treat him just like you'd treat me alright?"

They all nodded and I pulled Genesis' hood off. He was smiling at my family. I laughed and hugged him from the side, watching my families reaction. My father stepped up to us, looking down at Genesis. By the look on his face, I knew there would be trouble. He was the tallest person I'd ever seen, standing like 7 foot, ad he had longer silver hair than Yazoo. I looked at my dad. "Father."

He gave me a look to silence me, and I glanced at Genesis. He looked scared, and I didn't blame him. My dad was a scary guy. "Prince Genesis, I've not seen you since you were a small child. To have you be with my son is a shock, but I'll deal with it. I suppose this means I should go visit your father."

I looked at Genesis then at my dad. "Sephiroth, my father speaks well of you. I had not realized Kadaj was your son." Genesis said.

I was completely confused, looking between the two. "Oi, does someone want to fill me in on what's going on here?"

Genesis laughed. "Your dad used to be my father's top general. He left by choice to have a family. I never had a chance to meet him because I was too young when he left."

"I had already had your brothers, but with you being at a young age, I figured I should be home to help." my dad said.

"So that's where you got that really big sword. You would never tell me."

"I'd retired. There was no point." he looked at Genesis "Though if your father wanted me back I'd be willing to return."

"I'm sure my father would like that."

Conversation continued on about different things, everyone everntually calmed down about Genesis, though Loz and Yazoo took quite a bit longer than my parents.

As it turned out, my father went back to work for Vincent, my mom and brothers were allowed to come live there at the castle because Vincent and my dad were good friends.