Hi everyone. Before you read this, I would just like to say I haven't seen Full Metal Alchemist for years - I've only read fanfics since I recently got back into the fandom but didn't have time to watch the anime again. So, I do apologize for any inaccurate facts or out of characterness...I'm sort of just winging it, here. This idea came to me out of nowhere and wouldn't let me go. I like high school universes and Full Metal Alchemist, so why not mix both?

Disclaimer: I don't own Full Metal Alchemist or its characters.

Bright light. It was all he could see. Bright light surrounding something dark, something foreboding.

There was something engulfing him, something touching his mind so deeply it was impossible to ignore. He realized with mild surprise it was anger – no, fury, as his body stepped forward without his will, towards the blinding white light, stomping heavily towards the lone gate.

It stood, majestically tall, gray and inscribed with patterns like those from ancient rituals. He felt his face – the face he was wearing spread with a maniac's grin, his limbs quaking in fear and excitement. He turned around, and saw a blond boy looking at him with sympathy in his golden eyes.

He felt hatred course up in him, hatred so strong he could feel himself trembling. He glared with the hatred in his soul at the stranger, spat at him and then marched towards the thing that called itself the universe, the Gate, reaching out nimble, strong hands to pry the doors apart-


Envy blinked, coming back to reality at the sight of miffed blue eyes. "Yeah?"

"Were you even listening to me?" Envy shook his head, and those blue eyes glared. "You were daydreaming again, weren't you?"

"Mmm." Envy made a non committed noise. Looking at the displeased expression on his friend's face, he moved to elaborate, "I was just thinking, Winry."

Winry blinked, before her expression turned serious. "Did you have another dream?"

Envy nodded, "Yeah," he admitted quietly. "And I saw that same blond boy again…"

Winry smirked at him, mischievousness dancing in her blue eyes. "Oh? Maybe he's your future lover?"

"No way," Envy flushed, shaking his head. He held a hand up to his forehead in exasperation. "I don't know what it is with you girls and your determination to associate everything with romance. I'm not even gay."

Winry frowned at him, crossing her arms, and he amended with sigh, "Alright fine, I'm bisexual. Happy?"

The blond grinned as her friend grumbled. She leaned conspiratorially towards him, "So tell me, was he hot?"

"Yes- I mean no-" Envy corrected, only for Winry's smirk to widen. He sighed, resisting the urge to throw his hands up in the air, "He was short."

"How short?"

"Shorter than you." Envy replied, and smirked as Winry winced in sympathy.

"So you don't want a boyfriend who's shorter than you?"

Would you? Envy thought. But out loud, he said, "That's not the point, sometimes I wonder if you forget I'm not a girl."

"Well, you look like one…" Winry said thoughtfully, looking at him as if analyzing him.

"Not anymore," Envy corrected her, a smug smile on his lips. "I cut my hair a while ago." He said, reaching back to grab his spiky purple hair. "See? It's only up to the middle of my back now."

Winry pouted. "Awww, I liked it better when it was up to your waist and longer than mine." She swished her long ponytail for emphasis.

Envy twitched, and Winry gave him a sly grin, leaning forward to poke his cheek. "Don't worry Envy, you're still cute. Which must be why all those girls are staring at you."

Envy blinked, then frowned. Winry removed her finger and he twisted around. Sure enough, there was a group of girls in a huddle, pointing and giggling at him.

Envy grimaced. Turning back around, he slapped a hand to his forehead with a groan. "Not again."

Winry giggled, and Envy vaguely cursed her for finding amusement in his distress. "It must be your headband," she told him with an amused smirk. "Even I find it cool."

Envy reached up to finger his headband. It was black in color with an inverted red triangle with circles on its three points inscribed on it, and was useful in holding his hair back, especially when it had been longer. The girls took it as a fashion statement though, thinking it made him look like a bad boy.

"Whatever you say, Win." Yet he knew it must be true – Winry was one of the few girls in the school who actually knew how to dress, and dress well she did; even Envy had found himself staring at her with a blush on his cheeks when she had come to the school dance in a gorgeous blue and white dress which complemented the color of her cerulean eyes.

Winry had told Envy she would have become a fashion designer when she grew up, if she weren't already so heavily invested and interested in mechanics. Contrary to her feminine appearance, she was far from a girly girl, which was one of the things Envy found he appreciated about his best friend.

Of course, she was as 'girly' as any girl when it came to romance and hot guys, taking advantage of their friendship to drag Envy along on her escapades. Envy winced at the memory.

"U-Um, excuse me…"

Envy didn't hear the voice at first, immersed in his thoughts about his and Winry's strange friendship and the blond boy in his dreams. It was only when Winry smacked him lightly on the shoulder that he turned his gaze to her questioningly.

"There's a girl whom wants to talk to you, idiot." She hissed, but there was a playful tone to her voice.

Envy resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He turned around, and raised an eyebrow at the stranger. "Yes?"

The girl, a timid brunette, blushed. She shifted nervously on her feet, pushing the spectacles which had fallen onto her nose up. "U-Um…Envy, I-I think you're cool."

Envy blinked, tilting his head to the side. "Thanks?" He vaguely wondered if she had come from the group of giggling girls.

The girl's blush seemed to deepen, but he noticed she seemed to have gain more confidence from his reply, as she stood up straight and looked him in the eye, though not without nervousness. "I…I like you, Envy. Please, will you go out with me?"

Envy stared. "What?"

The girl gulped, but didn't lose her nerve. She inhaled, as if she was resisting the urge to squeeze her eyes shut. "I-I mean, will you be my BOYFRIEND?!"

Envy blinked. The cafeteria had gone silent at the girl's loud request, and he felt uncomfortable as he felt gazes on them. He opened his mouth, but was cut off as the girl rambled on.

"I'm sorry, I understand if you reject me, I shouldn't have… I mean, I'm probably not good enough for a popular guy like you," the unnamed girl spoke quickly, wringing her hands together nervously. Her gaze darted to the blonde beside Envy. "A-And, you probably like girls who are prettier than me…"

Winry blinked. She held up her hands, waving them almost frantically, her blue eyes wide. "You mean me? Please don't misunderstand! I'm only this space cadet's friend!"

Envy scowled at her. "Who are you calling a space cadet?"

"Well you, obviously," Winry countered, a smug grin slipping onto her lips. "Especially with your daydreams of that blond b-Mpffhhh!"

Envy hissed at her, cheeks flushed as he placed his hand over her mouth. "Do you want the whole cafeteria to know?!"

Winry blinked as he removed his hand. "So you do like him?" She whispered.

"No! I'm just…curious about him." Envy said, ignoring the amused smile on Winry's lips. He crossed his arms and glared at her. "I haven't even met him! Don't involve me in your twisted fantasies."

"Oh really?"

Envy rolled his eyes. He turned his attention back to the nervous brunette, giving her an apologetic smile. "She's right – um…"

"Schieszka." The girl provided.

Envy blinked, then nodded, giving Schieszka a charming smile. "Right, Schieszka- that's a nice name, by the way," he said casually, then decided to revert to the matter at hand as Schieszka blushed. "You're a cool girl Schieszka, but, I don't like you that way."

Schieszka looked crestfallen. "You don't?"

Envy shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I don't." He said honestly. He paused, before continuing, "I…already have someone I like. Sort of."

"You do?" Winry and Schieszka asked at the same time, their eyes widened.

"Who is it, En?" Winry added, frowning at her best friend. "You never told me about this new development in your love life!"

"How could you? I'm your best friend!"

"With the way you're acting, you seem more like my stalker." Envy muttered to himself.


"Nothing," Envy said quickly as Winry's glare increased in intensity. He hesitated, before saying, "I was just joking?"

Winry rolled her blue eyes. She turned to Schieszka, pointing an accusing finger at Envy. "How could you like such a guy?"

Schieszka blushed. "Um, he's cute?" She said, holding her thumb up. The two friends blinked, and she continued, "He's athletic and good at sports, but he's really capable in his studies as well – he seems really interested in learning…he has a nice, cute smile, I think his hair is sexy and he has really pretty purple eyes…"

Winry and Envy blinked as she counted off Envy's good qualities on her fingers. The former leaned towards the latter, whispering, "Hey Envy? I think she's really interested in you…though those last qualities are due to your girly appearance."

"You're just jealous because she thinks my hair is sexy." Envy smirked, muttering back.

"I'm not! I mean, c'mon, pretty purple eyes? And your hair looks like a palm tree!" Winry countered smugly.

"It does not! It's called creativity!" Envy shot back, glowering. "And might I remind you again, I just cut it!"

"Well it still looks like a palm tree to me!"

Envy glared, before huffing and turning his attention back to Schieszka. There was no arguing with Winry – she could be as stubborn as him.

Instead, he directed a smile at the brunette, which made her blush. "I'm honored you think so highly of me, Schieszka," he said, ignoring Winry rolling her eyes at him. "But…how do I say this? I'm…not interested in you romantically."

"So why don't we be friends?" He asked, holding out his hand to her. Envy grinned at her surprised expression. "I like you, Schieszka. Will you be my friend?"

"F-Friend?" Schieszka stuttered.

"Yeah." Envy nodded. He smiled at her. "How about it?"

"But I'm not worthy to be your friend…"

"Not worthy? What makes you think that?" Envy said. He frowned, "Who told you that?"

"Those girls…" Schieszka said quietly, not looking behind her. She bit her lip. "I…I was dared to confess to you, they said I wouldn't dare to-"

"Are they your friends?" Envy interrupted, but not rudely.

"I thought they were, I hung out with them because they seemed nice and I didn't have any other friends…" Schieszka confessed softly, not meeting Envy's gaze. "But they said you were too good for me, that you wouldn't date me in a million years."

"They were right…"

Envy shook his head. "They're not your friends, Schieszka." He said simply. "Your friends would not look down on you like that."

"And I won't date you not because I'm too good for you," he scoffed at the notion, "But because I'm just not interested in you that way. I don't want to give you false hope."

Schieszka blinked, then said softly, "I suppose that's true…"

Envy smiled at her. "We'll be your new friends, Schieszka." He said kindly, his hand still held out towards her. "If you don't mind hanging out with us, that is."

"Accept his offer, Schieszka," Winry told the other girl, nudging her friend with an amused smile. "Or he'll hold his hand out to you until you accept it."

"You make it sound as if I'm forcing her to be our friend." Envy said dryly, but he didn't drop his hand.

"I'm just joking, En."

Envy sighed, but smiled. "I know." He said.

"Is it really okay?" Schieszka asked timidly, clenching her fist. "I mean, do you really want me to be your friend?"

Envy just grinned at her. "Awww, c'mon you still harping on about that?" He said jokingly. "My hand's getting tired, you know."

"What Envy here means is that yes, he thinks you are more than worthy to be his friend as it isn't as if he's anyone special," Winry said comfortingly, though with a smidgen of sarcasm directed towards Envy. "Anyone can be his friend."

"Hey, I'm green with Envy, Win," Envy said goodnaturedly. "You sure I'm not special?"

"Your hair's not green Envy, it's purple."

"Yeah well, I dyed it." Envy replied, grinning. "Thought it would be cooler to have purple hair and purple eyes."

"I was right, wasn't I?"

Winry looked like she was resisting the urge to roll her eyes, as she mumbled to herself. "Why am I friends with this egoist again?"

However, she did not get to know if Envy heard her statement or not as Schieszka laughed, causing her to turn to the brunette in surprise.

Schieszka coughed a little, then grinned at her and Envy, a refreshing expression to Winry, "I'm sorry, you two are just so…normal."

Winry blinked. "Were you expecting something else?"

Envy felt a strange sensation at the word, 'normal', but brushed it away, "Of course I'm normal." He said, though the words sent a peculiar feeling through him.

"So I guess that means you'll be our friend?" He smiled at her, focusing on the shy girl and not the strange sensation. He shook his hand a little, sighing, "C'mon, you're the first person who has made me hold out my hand this long."

"Yeah, those girls he helped up practically snatched his hand in a second!" Winry chuckled, blue eyes twinkling in amusement. "Even I took only half a minute to accept his offer of friendship."

"Half a minute is already a long enough time, you know." Envy muttered. Winry ignored him.

Schieszka blushed, her shy demeanor seeming to take over. But then she looked at Envy's outstretched hand, and Winry's encouraging smile, and felt a smile curve her lips.

"I would be honored- no, I would be happy," Schieszka corrected, as she reached out her hand to take Envy's, smiling sheepishly at the surprise in his eyes. "I would be happy to be your friend, Envy."

Envy blinked, then grinned. "Likewise, Schiezka." He said sincerely.

Schieszka returned his grin with a smile. They clasped their hands together, before she let go, her cheeks slightly flushed. "I'm sorry, I'm just not used to personal contact…"

Seeing the puzzled expression on her friend's face, Winry moved to clarify, "She likes you En, remember?" She said, shaking her head. "I swear, you can be so forgetful and dense sometimes."

"Oh." Envy said, flushing a little as well. He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry, Schieszka."

Winry smiled at the girl. She patted the seat beside her. "Why don't you sit down with us, Schieszka?" She asked kindly, "You're not going back to them, right?"

She knew she didn't need to mention who they were. Winry smiled as Schieszka's eyes narrowed in determination and she nodded, walking and seating herself next to Winry.

"Thank you, Winry."

Winry smiled at her. "So Schieszka, what do you like?" She started casually. "And don't say Envy." She added teasingly.

Schieszka blushed slightly. "Um, I like reading I guess, I'm a bookworm…" she said shyly. "But I like handling computers as well, I'm kind of a computer geek…"

"Really? That's cool." Winry said eagerly. She grinned. "I work with machines myself – I'm a mechanic of sorts."


Schieszka blinked. "Well, a little maybe…I mean I thought you would like shopping like the other girls…" she raised her gaze, smiling. "But now that I've gotten to know you, Winry, I think I can see you as a mechanic."

"You haven't seen her wrench, have you, Schieszka?" Envy popped in, smirking, "Try to avoid getting hit by it. It's rather painful."

"Don't worry, En." Winry said with a sweet, devilish smile. "I only hit you with it."

Envy rolled his eyes, indulging in his urge to throw his hands up into the air. "Right, Win. I feel so special."

"You're such a girl, En." Winry said, just for the heck of it, Envy suspected in annoyance.

"And I suppose you're the epitome of feminism."

Fortunately, before Winry could retort and possibly hit him with her wrench, a new voice sounded, "Yo, Envy!"

Envy turned, his expression turning exasperated when he caught sight of the new arrival. "Russell."

Russell smirked. He had blond hair and blue eyes like Winry, but the color of his eyes was slate blue, while Winry's eyes were a lighter shade of blue. His right fringe partially covered his eye as he strode confidently to the table where the three friends were sitting at, plopping himself down onto the seat next to Envy, who vaguely realized the cafeteria was noisy again.

"What's up, man?"

"Your dick?" Envy was tempted to reply sarcastically to the sex-crazed womanizer, but restrained himself, instead speaking, "Nothing much, except that I made a new friend?"

Russell didn't seem to be listening to him anyway, as his gaze had landed on Schieszka who was sitting beside Winry and looked nervous at his presence.

"Woah, she's cute! How come I haven't seen her before?" Russell exclaimed, practically ogling Schieszka.

"Because you're too busy staring at girls with big boobs," Winry said bluntly to him. "And by the way, she likes Envy."

"Not another one," Russell groaned. He turned to his friend. "Why is it that the girls all seem to like you, when you don't even like them back? You heartbreaker!"

"You're the heartbreaker, you've never been in a lasting relationship with a girl before," Envy retorted, saying what Winry had been about to voice. He smirked proudly, placing his chin on his hand. "And the girls like me 'cause I'm hotter than you, of course."

Russell pouted. But then he leaned back, seeming to stare at Envy, giving his appearance a once over. "You know what? You're kind of right."

Envy was not the only one who gaped as Russell continued, "You're hot, but in a girly way. I mean, what's with that hair?" He gestured dramatically. "You could easily pass for a girl if you removed that headband- which is quite cool, by the way. But you know, sometimes I wish you were a girl, Envy, so I could have all the girls to myself and date you as well."

Envy stared, his eyebrow twitching. "Are you flirting with me, Russell?"

Russell merely smirked confidently. He leaned towards the disturbed Envy, "And what if I am? Can't handle my charm, huh pretty boy?"

His reply was a solid, hard punch to his stomach, which sent him tumbling over the edge of his seat. Russell gasped, then groaned as the back of his head hit the floor.

He glared up at Envy, clutching his head, "Hey, what the hell was that for?!"

Envy glared back down at him, and when he spoke, Russell almost flinched at the coldness in his voice. "You would do well to remember again you don't piss me off by calling me a girl, Russell. I might not be so kind the next time."

Russell watched from his position on the floor, stunned, as Envy got up from his seat, turning his attention to Winry and Schieszka, "Hey Win, Schieszka, I think the bell's about to ring so I'm heading off to my next class first."

"Uh ok," Winry said somewhat dazedly. "We'll see you later En."

Envy managed a smile at her. "See you later, Win, Schies." He said, oblivious to the blush on Schieszka's face at his casual use of a nickname for her.

With those words, he stalked off, and Winry couldn't help but notice there was a slight heaviness to his steps. She turned to Russell, who had gotten up and was shouting after Envy.

"Hey Envy! Your next class's Physics, right?" He yelled to the retreating figure. "Wait for me, will you? I'm having Physics too!"

Envy ignored him. Russell stared, then sighed, turning back to the two girls, grumbling, "Man, what's with him? What did I do?"

"Well, you flirted with him and called him girly?" Winry offered.

"You do that, Winry, and he doesn't react so violently!" Russell pointed out, scowling. "And it's not just once or twice either, you make a joke about his feminineness – his hair, his eyes, and he just brushes it off!"

"This is pure injustice!"

"Maybe it's 'cause you're a guy, Russell," Winry pointed out logically. "He's okay with me calling him a girl because I'm a girl and he knows I'm just teasing him."

"But when a guy calls him a girl, it seems like they're insulting him, you know?" Winry continued, in wry amusement. "He probably was trying to defend his masculinity."

"Or lack thereof." Russell muttered. He sighed, leaning his chin against his fist. "I take my words back – I'm glad Envy's not really a girl. He's already so complicated – what would he be like if he were really a girl?" He shuddered.

Winry huffed. "Well, it doesn't make any difference to me, Envy's a guy and he still accompanies me on my shopping trips. And although he grumbles when I make him carry my stuff, he does it anyway." She smirked. "He's pretty strong, despite his feminine appearance."

"Well, he is the Captain of the Karate Club…" Schieszka interjected timidly.

"A fact I've experienced firsthand for myself," Russell winced, clutching his stomach. "God, I think he broke my ribs. It's not like I groped him or anything. I hope he isn't this violent towards his future girlfriend."

"Or boyfriend," Winry thought, but didn't voice out loud. "Stop being such a sexist, Russell," she said with a raised eyebrow. "And what was that about dating all the girls and Envy?"

"What's wrong with that? Even you think Envy's hot," Russell said, and smirked as Winry flushed.

"We're just friends, Russell."

"My point, exactly. You're his friend and you think he's hot, so why can't I?" Russell shrugged. "It's a natural reaction to Envy's…hotness, for lack of a better word."

Winry blinked, leaning forward almost eagerly. "Even the guys?"

Russell nodded solemnly. "Even the guys. You can't blame them though. I mean, Envy's really hot."

Winry crossed her arms, raising her eyebrows. "Where's your proof, Russell?"

Russell blinked. Then he laughed, "Proof? I never knew you were that type of girl, Winry!"

"But if you want proof, here it is," he thrust his hand into his pocket and fished out his phone, scrolling through his pictures before coming to a stop.

"Here's your proof."

Winry and Schieszka blinked at the image, uncomprehending for a moment. Russell smirked, waiting until their minds could absorb the unexpected picture in front of them. It didn't take long.

He watched in satisfaction as a blush spread across Schieszka's face. "I-Is that…"

"Why, it's Envy half-naked of course, surely you've noticed," Russell said to her slyly. He turned his phone so the picture faced him. "He has quite the body, doesn't he? Lean but with muscle."

Russell smiled as he stared at the picture of Envy with his shirt off, exposing the hard muscles in his abdomen. His purple hair was wet with sweat, his hand holding a towel, a mild smile on his face. He was about to admire it for a second longer but was interrupted by a harsh blow to his head.

Russell yelped. He turned to glare at Winry, "I thought you only hit Envy with your wrench!"

"I hit Envy and perverts," Winry growled. She lowered her weapon, grimacing. "I knew you were a pervert, Russell, but I didn't know you were this much of a pervert! When the hell did you take this?!"

"In the guys' locker room when Envy was changing – hey I'm not a pervert, I just appreciate beauty!" Russell declared indignantly. "And you must admit, it's quite a good and clear shot." He puffed out his chest proudly, smirking as he stared at the photo. "I am quite the talented photographer, aren't I? Do you think I should sell this photo to Envy's fans? I could make quite a lot of money."

"Not only are you a pervert, you're also money-minded," Winry said in exasperation. "I would warn Envy about your…intentions towards him if you hadn't done so already."

"And for your information, when I said proof, I meant proof for guys liking Envy," Winry clarified, glowering at Russell. "Who are they anyway?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you – they just don't want to admit they find a guy hot, unlike me," Russell smirked, spreading his hands. "I'm open-minded, see? Girls like that in a guy."

Winry stared at him with a deadpan expression. "More like greedy," she said cynically, raising her eyebrows. "You sure your name's not Greed?"

Russell smirked. He leaned back in his seat, ignoring the pain in his stomach as he turned his head to gaze into the distance.

"Nah, Envy's the only one named after a Sin."