Title: "Through Her Eyes"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: G
Summary: Though she will never see them, Raven will always have the most beautiful eyes to her beloved Irene.
Warnings: Femme Slash, Established Pairing, Drabble
Word Count: 100
Date Written: 5 August, 2011
Challenge: For the FemSlash100 LJ comm's weekly challenge
Disclaimer: Raven "Mystique" Darkholme, Irene "Destiny" Alder, and the X-Men are & TM Marvel comics and Disney, neither of which are the author, and are used without permission. Everything else is & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: G
Summary: Though she will never see them, Raven will always have the most beautiful eyes to her beloved Irene.
Warnings: Femme Slash, Established Pairing, Drabble
Word Count: 100
Date Written: 5 August, 2011
Challenge: For the FemSlash100 LJ comm's weekly challenge
Disclaimer: Raven "Mystique" Darkholme, Irene "Destiny" Alder, and the X-Men are & TM Marvel comics and Disney, neither of which are the author, and are used without permission. Everything else is & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
It's always been said eyes are the soul's window, but Irene has never seen her beloved Raven's eyes. Still she knows her soul is the brightest of all. She knows she's beautiful from the loving way she treats her. Raven has done horrible things, even murder, but those actions were all done for their people to survive and will never darken her beloved's light always shining in Irene's dull eyes. She'll never see her eyes, but Raven will always be the most beautiful soul to her as she watches her soul mate through the knowing eyes of ever lasting love.
The End