T_T …. There are no excuses.
A/N Rating has been changed. Be warned.
Ch. 9
Usami had lost count on how many hours he had spent trapped wherever the hell he was. 'Hours? More like days.' Usami thought to himself, wincing has he tried to sit up. 'When did I fall asleep?'. He had been spending the last couple of hours yanking at the chains binding his wrists to the wall and yelling out for help, hoping someone would hear him. All that thrashing around only brought him pained wrist and a sore throat. Somewhere in between his body gave out in exhaustion.
Usami took the chance to look around the room one more time. Nothing much had changed. There was still no light, but his eyes had begun adjusting to the darkness. 'Everything looks the same…but then….why does something feel different.' He didn't have time to ponder it further as a blinding white light filled the room.
"You're finally awake huh? I didn't want you to miss anything now, Usami-sensei."
Unscrewing his eyes, Usami's vision slowly came to. Standing there right in front of him was Kyo.
"…" 'I guess screaming until my voice disappears was not the best idea' Usami thought to himself.
"Aww…is your voice gone? That's too bad. I really wanted to hear your opinion on this."
Keeping his eyes trained on Kyo, Usami finally noticed an added feature in the room. On the wall adjacent to his, was another body, chained so the body was lifted off the ground and covered with a blanket. As Kyo neared the body, Usami's heart began to race. 'No…no…it can't be…he wouldn't hurt him…would he?'
Usami's worst fears became reality when Kyo uncovered the body. There chained up against the wall, was none other than a blindfolded Misaki. 'No…NO….It can't be.' Raking his eyes over Misaki's unconscious body, it appeared he wasn't injured in any way, until he reached the crotch of Misaki's pants, were a bulge could clearly be seen.
"How do you like my little surprise eh?"
"You bastard," Usami managed in a hoarse whisper, "I swear to you that when I get out of these chains, my face will be the last thing you ever see."
"Now, now, Usami-sensei. There is no need to be threatening me in front of Misaki now is there."
"What did you to him?" exclaimed Usami, in the loudest whisper he could muster.
"Oh don't worry, he is going to be coming around soon. And when he does, we are going to have a little fun. It's nothing that is going to kill him Usami-sensei, I'm not that stupid. I just gave him something that will help both him and me have a great time. The drugs are just to help him beg me for me."
And as if on cue, Misaki began stirring. "Ughh….whaa …ughhh…"
"Misaki….MISAKI," Usami began to yell, mustering all the strength he could, trying to break free of his chains, until he broke off into a fit of coughs.
"Don't bothering wasting your energy, he can't hear you." Kyo explained as he tilted Misaki's face to the side, so ear buds could be seen inside of his ears. "Oh, and before you ask, the blindfold isn't coming off, and neither are the ear buds."
"Why are you doing this?" Usami asked, voice quivering. 'Distract him, get him angry at you. Do something. Something that will get him away from Misaki. Damn it!'
"Well, I guess you could say, revenge of some sorts."
"Huh?" 'What the hell is this kid talking about?'
"You're so blind Usami. Do you really think I didn't take notice of Misaki until recently? I've been in love with him for the better of almost two years."
"I guess Misaki doesn't really remember, I can't really blame him. He was really out of it. But I remember the day I met him."
"Dammit… if I'm late again I'm so going to get grounded." Kyo muttered to himself as he picked up the pace. Not only had he gotten in trouble and had to stay after school to talk to his professor, but it started raining out of nowhere. Now he was late, soaking wet, and probably in serious trouble with his overly strict step-father. 'Damn it all to hell' he thought to himself, as he blasted music into his ears. Crossing the street, he didn't notice a car blazing towards him, or a boy motioning for him to stop. Next thing he knew, he was being tackled forwards, landing on his shoulders.
"What the he-" he started to yell, turning around, until he saw the disappearing light of a speeding car. His shock was broken when he heard a groan coming from someone next to him.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" he yelled at the boy who was struggling to sit up, grasping his shoulder. Looking at the boy, he could see his forehead had a nasty bruise that was bleeding where he hit his head on the sidewalk.
"Y-yeah..I-I think I'm fine," the boy managed to say before he collapsed backwards onto the ground.
"Shit, shit, shit! What the fuck do I do?" Panicking, Kyo picked up the mysterious boy into his arms and carried him home.
"Thank goodness there was no one home," Kyo sighed out loud. There was no telling what his step-dad would do if he came home late carrying an unconscious body with him. Kyo shuttered at the thought. Walking to his room, Kyo began to take out his first aid kid. Living with his step-dad had pretty much made him a pro at bandaging pretty much anything. Looking over the boy, who was no longer bleeding and everything was bandaged, Kyo began the wait for the mystery boy to wake up.
"Ughhh…" groaned the boy, startling Kyo out of his daydream.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.
"Like crap actually. Where am I?"
"You're at my house, you collapsed out on the sidewalk. I think you hit your head pretty hard on the pavement."
"Well no wonder my head hurts then," the boy chucked nervously.
"Here, I got you some medicine to help take care of that," Kyo said, passing him two pills and a full glass of water.
"Thanks," the boy said drowning both pills.
"I'm Toru Kyo by the way," Kyo said, extending out his hand.
"Takahashi Misaki," Misaki replied gripping Kyo's extended hand. "I should probably get home." Misaki declared attempting to stand up, only for his world to start spinning around him. "Or not," he mumbled as he fell back down on the mattress.
"Is there someone you can call to come pick you up?" Kyo questioned still concerned.
"Oh yeah, my brother." Misaki stated dialing the familiar numbers.
Once Misaki's brother came to pick him up, Misaki was out. Explaining the situation, Misaki's brother took him home, or to the hospital, Kyo didn't question which.
"Misaki," he said out loud that night in his room. "Misaki… Misaki…. the boy who saved my life….Misaki." Kyo didn't question the fact Misaki was in his dreams that night.
*end flashback*
Coming back to reality, Kyo took one good look at Misaki before he turned his attention to Usami. "You've had Misaki for way too long. At first, I didn't think anything of it, of why Misaki was constantly in my mind. Then one night, those dreams started. I would picture Misaki in my room, in my bed. I could picture us as a happy couple, kissing, making love, fucking until he came over and over again, screaming my name. I was freaking out. I wasn't gay, so why was this person taking over my entire life. A year passed and I still couldn't get him out of my mind. I had to know more about him. Then one day, I saw him, in the hallways at school. Rumors were floating around about him living with some top notch writer. I couldn't take it. I started following him around. I could see the way he acted around you. It never seemed to me that he liked whatever relationship you had with him. He saved me that day, and now, it's my turn to save him from you."
"You're insane," Usami muttered loud enough to earn him a kick in the stomach.
"I might be, but I won't give up on him. I didn't risk my life at the hands at my step-father beating the life out of me when he somehow realized I was attracted to a guy for nothing. You can't do anything worse than he did."
Gasping for air, Usami could do nothing but send death glares in Kyo's direction.
"Now, now, this is such a gloomy atmosphere. I think it's finally time for some fun." Kyo whispered as he leaned towards Misaki's neck.
Panicking, Usami began to yell and thrash around, ignoring the burning, painful sensation in his throat and his wrists, which were now raw and bleeding. 'No… Misaki… no. I won't let this happen to you! No…'
Annoyed at the interruption to his concentration Usami was providing, Kyo stepped away from Misaki and began to walk towards the desk in the corner of the room.
"I really don't want you to miss anything Usami-sensei, but I can't have you rudely interrupting me now can I?" Grabbing a handkerchief and walking over to Usami, Kyo attempted to tie it over Usami's mouth, only for him to be bitten. "Why you piece of shit!" Kyo yelled, punching Usami in the jaw. A deafening crack was heard. Taking the chance that Usami was reeling from the punch, Kyo quickly tied the handkerchief over Usami's mouth, giving him a kick in the stomach for collateral damage to his hand. Content that Usami was no longer a threat, or a nuisance, Kyo returned his attention to Misaki.
"Now, where was I?" Usami could do nothing but watch in horror, having no more energy left, being able to do nothing, not being able to look away, not being able to protect his Misaki.
Leaning in once again, Kyo brought his lips closer to Misaki's neck, giving it a cautious lick, a smirk forming has he heard a gasp coming from Misaki.
"W-whaa…..nngg…?" Misaki let out in a stutter, his breathing increasing.
Encouraged, Kyo began to nibble and lick Misaki's neck, slowly moving up to nibble on Misaki's ears, earning him a stifled groan from Misaki. Risking a glance at Usami, he let out a triumph smile at the hatred and contempt placed on Usami's face. Stepping back, Kyo took a knife out of his pocket. Winking at Usami, Kyo began to cut open Misaki's shirt, so that his chest was now exposed. Using his hands, Kyo began to trace the contours of Misaki's chest, running his hands over Misaki's nipples, seeing the boy shiver. Getting closer to Misaki, Kyo took one of Misaki's nipples in his mouth, running his tongue and teeth over the erect nub, using one hand to play with Misaki's other nipple, while the other ran up and down Misaki's back. Letting go Misaki's nipple, Kyo began to leave butterfly kisses all over Misaki's chest, until he reached the boy's navel. Dipping his tongue in, Kyo was rewarded with another shiver. Running has hands around Misaki's navel, his hand descended to play with the buckle of Misaki's jeans, lowering enough to grasp Misaki's already throbbing erection.
"Wha….ughh… wai….w-wait….sto-…nnnhh…"
Lowering himself down, Kyo hooked his hands in the loops of Misaki's jeans and pulled them off, leaving Misaki in his boxers. Bringing his mouth to the boy's straining erection, Kyo began to trace the outline of Misaki's cock with his tongue, earning him another groan from the boy. Grasping the hem of Misaki's boxers with his teeth, Kyo began to pull them down the boy's legs, freeing his erection, until they were lying on the floor along with his pants. Gently taking the boy's erection in his hands, Kyo began to stroke Misaki's cock, loving the sound of Misaki's moans coming from above him. Getting bolder, Kyo brought his mouth closer to Misaki's cock, giving it a lick here and there, and running his tongue on the underside of Misaki's cock. Opening his mouth, Kyo brought the head of Misaki's cock into his mouth, giving it a long suck, until he started taking more and more of Misaki into his mouth and began to bob his head up and down, feeling Misaki swell up in his mouth. Knowing the boy was close, Kyo brought his hand to cup Misaki balls, hearing Misaki groan at the touch.
"St-sto-p, I'm gonna… I-I…to…cum…U-u-…"
Intensifying his actions, Kyo was displeased at the name that came out of his beloved's mouth.
"Usagi-saaaan!" cried out Misaki, as his seed exploded into Kyo's mouth.
Swallowing it all, Kyo stood up, placing his hands around his hips. This is not the outcome he was expecting nor wanted. He was beyond furious. 'How…why…why would you yell out his name love,' Kyo thought as he brought his hand to trace Misaki's sweaty and blushing cheek, 'what can I do to make you call out myname, not…not his.'
A/N Review? I really am sorry it's been forever. Read and review please! Let me know what you think :) This is the longest chapter, so I tried to make up for not updating sooner :)