Title: "The Right Mister Right"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: G
Summary: Cole is by far Piper's best taste tester and wouldl be a great deal more if only she'd had enough sense to wait.
Warnings: Het, Drabblish
Word Count: 313
Challenge: The full version of a story I wrote and then heavily chopped down on for 100wordstories LJ comm's weekly challenge
Disclaimer: Piper and Phoebe Halliwell, Cole Turner, Leo Wyatt, and Charmed are & TM Spelling Entertainment and any other respective owners, none of which are the author. Everything else is & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Cole licked his fingers with an approving smile. "I don't know how you do it, Piper! Everything you make is better than the last! The condensed milk gives these cookies the perfect amount of moisture, but the white chocolate chips keep the right crispness."

Piper grinned, basking in his glow. "I'm glad you like them," she said but had to shake her head at the fact that Cole could so easily deduce her recipes. "You're the best taste tester I've ever had."

"It's easy when the food's so delicious! There's only one thing I know of that's sweeter!" His eyes met hers meaningfully, and Piper blushed and turned her head.

"Can I have another?" he asked, quickly changing the subject, and Piper smiled and hurried to oblige his request. He'd never pressure her, but she'd also never stop wishing that she had waited for him to come into her life for Cole, she knew, was truly her Mister Right no matter what her wedding band said. If she'd only not known Leo when Cole had first entered her life, or had let Phoebe take the stoic White Lighter instead, she was sure that they would all be much happier. As it was, however, Cole would only ever be her friend, though her very best friend in the whole world indeed, and they would have to keep their love to their dreams, these quiet moments of friendship, and the wonderful tingles that passed through them whenever they touched as they were now as she gave him another cookie.

"Thanks," Cole said, and Piper knew his gratitude hailed from much more than the cookies.

She nodded. "Thank you," she answered, their true meaning unsaid but understood by both, and though she forced herself to turn back to her cooking, Piper continued to dream forever more of what it would be like to be Mrs. Cole Turner.

The End