enrita11: Alright! here you are my lovely people! very last chapter! well... already rated m... soo... ummm... enjoy! please read the bottom though!

Chapter 10: The Aftermath

"Soul!" Patty yelled griping hold of Soul's attention. He had stray tear marks on his face which was so not cool. But he didn't care. All he knew was that Maka was gone and yet again, he did nothing but fail her. "Soul.." Patty said again, nearing him. He brought his eyes up to her as she held her hands behind her back. "Member that you told us how the man at the jewelry store said that your linking notes would break if something happened to the other person?"

He nodded remembering the memory, but twisted his heart as he looked down at his wrist. Patty giggled. "Yes! She's still alive! Look, her necklace is still together as well!" she said, pulling the necklace from behind her. Soul's eyes widened and took the necklace, gently rubbing the small black note. He looked to the sky and a single tear went down his cheek. Not manly at all…


"Where am I?" Maka asked aloud to herself, gently opening her eyes to nothing but white. She was floating in white space, feeling no other souls around. "H-Hello?" she called, unsure of herself. All of the sudden, out of nowhere, a white door with a gold handle appeared in front of her. She just realized where her random books from space came from.

She hovered over to the door and gripped the gold knob, turning it slowly and cracked the door open. Immediately, it swung fully open and Maka's mouth dropped to the white abyss. There was a big judges table, white with golden lace. Five chairs sat behind, white of course, and with those five chairs, sat five angels, all identical, as if they were brothers.

"Maka Albarn…" The one in the center smiled. "Won't you join us?" he asked, gesturing to a seat that also popped out of no where. She sat down and fiddled with her hands awkwardly. "So… What brings you here?" The one in the center asked. "I-I really don't know…" she said, still fiddling with her fingers. "Hmmm… let's begin then shall we? We are the five angels of judgment. According to our name, we judge souls. So lets make this quick shall we?"

He spoke so formally towards her, like she was a queen in a castle. He studied her for a long breath. "Okay… Maka, don't worry, we'll let you go back to the realm of living. You risked your life for others, and your only what sixteen? You're in love too are you not?" He said with a smile. She nodded slightly. "Alright Maka, you depart in about five minutes. Giving you about a minute to talk to each person."

Maka was confused. "What?" she asked and he just gestured behind her. She turned to find four people standing before her, in white clothing and smiling. "M-Mom, Papa, Mai!" she paused and sneered. "Andy…" she said harshly. She pulled them all except for Andy into a hug. Her mother was the first to speak.

"Maka…I've missed you…" "Two minutes!" someone shouted. Her mother giggled. "Five minutes is actually only one…" Maka nodded and hugged her again. She turned to Spirit. "Papa… how could risk your life just for me?" He laughed, "Isn't it already obvious?" She smirked. "Thirty seconds!" She quickly turned to Mai. "Mai… thank you." They embraced until Mai said, "No Maka… it is me who should be thanking you."

"Andy? Why on earth are you up here?" she said towards Andy. He shrugged. "Maka… I did everything for a reason. I was just following orders by the five angels of judgment." "Orders?" her soul started to shimmer. "There was so much that I wanted to tell you, but it appears I should be going back to living with my partner…" she said.

They all waved as she slowly disappeared… "Goodbye Papa, Mamma, Mai…"


The city seemed to just get up and act like nothing even happened. Things returned back to normal faster than Soul could even breathe. Truly, with their actions, he was just pissed. The gang was walking in silence, all eyeing Soul who felt the eyes on him. Their gaze quickly lifted to the skies. "S-Soul!" Tsubaki yelled. He also looked up at the flying golden light that was quickly to crash upon them.

It was already at eye level in a heart beat and stopped abruptly, floating in mid air. When everyone's eyes adjusted, they practically died. Especially Soul who was reaching his hand out. "M-Maka…" he breathed watching her hover in mid air.

Her eyes were closed and she had two white bands, holding her hair into pigtails that gently swayed with her small white dress that stopped at her mid thighs. She was lifeless floating in front of them, begging to be touched, which was exactly what she got. Soul reached out and stroked her face.

Abruptly, she fell to the ground, followed by the group squatting down next to her. They were speechless until her eyes fluttered open quickly and they all simultaneously said, "Maka!" She started gasping for air as if she forgot how to breathe. Her eyes examined her surroundings until they stopped on Soul who pulled her into a hug. "Group hug!" Patty yelled and they all tumbled onto each other.

"Maka… what happened?" Tsubaki asked. She gently swayed her head back and forth as if trying to disregard the subject. "The five angels of judgment decided to let me stay here… it wasn't my time to go." she said retreating from the hug. "Maka…" Soul started scratching the back of his head. "I-" "Yo! Maka! Wazup wazup wazup!" It was Lord Death waving with his giant hand.

"Hey…" she said. "We have a whole lot to catch up on… why don't we all go to my death room huh?" he asked. Maka looked at her friends who quickly moved their gaze from Maka to Lord Death nodding. They had been staring at her with loving eyes, basking in the feel of her presence.


After a really long talk with Lord Death, Maka felt he was trying to keep her distracted, but she shrugged it off. They walked outside of the academy in a comfortable silence, shoulder to shoulder. Maka almost cried. "SURPRISE!" The whole city was throwing her a party. After a couple minutes of being in shock, they made it under the huge arbor, with colorful lights dangling from it.

As she made her way, she received many thanks and pats on the back. She blushed when Soul asked her to dance to the slowest song possible. "S-Sure…" she said and took his hand. He twirled her gently and with grace, smirking every time they became close and he directed her leg to wrap around his thigh as he dipped her. She'd never been this close to her partner before, besides hugging and holding hands, it wasn't even romantically. This was different.

After hours of partying and many people telling her how proud they were of her, she and Soul made it home, closing the door with a big sigh. Maka slipped her white flats off and plopped on the couch with a small sigh. "It's finally over…" she said with her eyes closed. They immediately flipped open and her hands flung to her chest. Soul blushed where he was standing behind the armrest of the chair.

He coughed with his hand lightly covering his mouth. "umm… W-What are you doing Maka?" he managed. She sighed. "Unfortunately, even with Mai not being with me anymore, I still have giant boobs." Soul smirked thinking pervy thoughts. "And that's a bad thing?" Her head turned to see a tent in his pants and he quickly turned away.

She coughed awkwardly. "Umm… it's eleven.. So.. g-goodnight…" she said and shuffled to her room, her white dress lightly grazing Soul's legs as she did. She quickly closed her door and slid onto the bed and let out a light giggle. "I guess it's not that bad…" she said with a smirk. With that, her door swung open with a loud bang.

Maka shot up in alarm, but was forced back down on her bed as the one and only Soul climbed on top of her. "S-Soul! What are you-". She struggled for a minute but caved when their tongues started to dance the tango. "Maka… I can't wait anymore…" he said and she blushed noticing how his 'tent' grew bigger. He had let go of her wrists and they maneuvered to his hair, Soul moaned as she lightly tugged.

Things happened very quickly after that. Their clothes were already laying on the floor and Soul broke her virginity with one thrust. He didn't wait for her to get hold of herself and this new feeling. He went to work, starting very slowly, and eventually Maka's squeals of pain turned into moans of pleasure. "S-Soul… I-I've always… always loved you ever since we met in the café…" she said while he still dug into her.

He laughed and started to pant a bit, but went faster, determined to bring both of them to their climax. Like he had hoped, they both climaxed moaning each other's names at the same moment. He fell next to her, under the covers.

She gripped his torso and his arm wrapped around her waist. They were both panting, but as soon as they quieted down Soul placed the black note necklace around her neck. Which she fiddled with for a bit before drawing circles on his chest.

"Soul… thanks…" Maka said.

He laughed. "For what? I didn't do anything except hold you back. I'm not strong enough for you." she stopped tracing his uncovered chest with his scar and slapped it, causing him to groan a bit.

"Don't say that… I was thanking you… for loving me…" she smiled sweetly.

"It's no problem… you deserve to be loved… and I couldn't love you any more than I already do."

She smirked. "You sure? And I can't make you love me anymore?" he laughed.

"Well…" he said gliding his hand down her back. "round two…"

enrita11: ALL DONE! yay! thank you.. thank you... hold your applause.. well, it wasn't my favorite story that i've written... i truthfully thought my very first one is my best if you wanna check it out... anyways, if you like SOMA you should keep in touch with my writting because i have another one that im going to have fun making... its just a sweet story that is also going to be soooo funny... i already have some stuff planned O.o ... well anyway, i wrote a lemonish scene here, not too strong, but not so less that i wouldn't be able to call it a lemon.. since this is my last chapter, i really can't ask you all anything else but to stick with my stories... thanks for reading and reviewing! i love you! :D

thanks to...









thats it! thanks guys especially the ppl who have read all three of my stories... you know who you are! *wink wink* *sniffle* i don't wanna say goodbye!


enrita11: how the hell did you get here? I killed you off like two chapters ago!


enrita11: HEY! STFU! rrrrrriiiiiittttttaaaaaaaa... CHOP!


enrita11: humph! Well... he's dead now... O.o