Chapter 1: Another Way to Meet Somebody

It was snowing and was close to Christmas. Snow covered the streets and street lamps that flickered slightly. It was close to midnight and everyone was asleep, including Maka. She was cuddled into a ball holding onto her pillow, making small noises and twitching. She was at peace until she heard the noises again.

"Oh Death Scythe!" a young woman said in a lust filled tone. Maka sat up, rubbed her eyes, sighed and nodded to the clock. "Right on time papa, its midnight." she said standing up. She grabbed her coat, apparently she was already dressed except for a coat and scarf. She opened her door to her dad who was crushing a young woman against the wall.

Her leg was wrapped around him as they both turned to Maka. "M..Maka, why are you awa-" "We go through this every night Papa," she interrupted him putting on her scarf. "I've decided to just leave whenever it happens… if you haven't noticed, I've been doing this for the past three weeks… that's why I'm always sleeping so late… just please, at least promise me you won't do this during Christmas. After all, it's in three days."

"I-I promise Maka." Spirit said. Maka sighed and grabbed the knob on the door. "You know, I hope you don't do this when I'm about to start school." She smiled. "I finally don't have to be locked up anymore!"

Before Spirit could respond Maka left like a flash.


"WHERE ARE YOU GOING SOUL? WE'RE ABOUT TO START MOVIES!" Blackstar screamed. Soul let go of his ears, "I'm going to get some coffee and just relax… we've been hanging out all day, I would think that kid, Tsubaki, Patty, and Liz would feel the sa-" they were fast asleep. He smirked. "Figures." He mumbled.

He walked out the door waving to Blackstar. "Don't worry, a cool guy like me doesn't just bail on a party. I'll be back." He said with a toothy grin.


She was walking ontop of the snow in the middle of the street. Snow was still falling lightly and wind was blowing causing her hair that was not in its original look to blow all around. She didn't really care. This has been going on for far too long she thought. With her hands in her pockets she continued to think about how her dad couldn't control himself, and the one secret that separated her from the world.


"So what can I get you hun?" The waitress said beaming over a sleepy Soul sitting in the farthest corner in the restaurant. She had the body of a model, which made her dangerously attractive, but Soul didn't even take a minute to think about it. There wasn't anyone there, so it felt a tad awkward to Soul. He sighed and looked up with his red eyes. "A coffee would be great…" he said with another toothy grin. Whatever happiness that was in the waitress's eyes left as she stuttered, "R-R-Right away…" She left and Soul looked down at the table.

They all look at me like that when they see my eyes and teeth. he thought. His hands clenched. It took me a long time to get the friends I have now to recognize me for me. I just wish that one person, just one person would see me as a regular person. The waitress set the coffee on the table and practically ran back to the counter. He sighed. Just one person.. he thought. One person… please?

The jinggle of the door to the café rang as the door opened. Soul looked up over the booth to question who else besides him would be out this late. The waitress smiled. "I was starting to think that your dad gave you a break today." Soul could only see the top of the door as it shut. He looked under and saw a pair of silver and black boots.

"When would he ever give me a break?" The mysterious person said slyly. Well, it's a girl. Soul thought. The feet shifted and started to walk forward. Soul's head peered out a little from the side. His eyes wandered from bottom to top. From her silver and black boots, up her tight blue jeans, up to her hips. His eyes moved even further up, scaning over her black sweater, up to her green scarf that wasn't tied, but laid back on her neck. All the way until he hit her beautiful face. Snow was laid gently on her shoulders and head.

He felt his face getting hot. He moved back into his seat, luckily she didn't notice him yet. She walked further to the counter with a bit of a small swagger with her hands in her pockets and her hair slightly moving with the motion. "I'll get your large hot chocolate with extra whipped cream hold the cherry right away." the waitress smiled as Soul watched the cool girl. "That would be great thanks." she said.

The waitress smiled as she turned on the hot chocolate maker machine. "You know, it's snowing, and your wearing a small sweater and a scarf that isn't even tied." She smirked. "Cool girls like me don't need clothes to keep them looking hot. And I'm not just meaning in temperature." She laughed. Cool? Soul thought. She definitely has that. His chin was resting on his hand while watching the coolest girl he'd ever seen. The waitress smiled. "So who was it this time?"

"A purple haired woman with big boobs. She wore a hat and a purple bikini" The waitress laughed as she walked over to the hot chocolate maker. "Figures… so where are you going to go today? It's snowing right now, I don't think you'll be able to stay outside for much longer." She said pooring the whipped cream in the "to go" cup.

"I'll be fine, I'll go to the usual park bench and wait for a while, hopefully I won't fall asleep." she caught her breath. "Hmm, why isn't your customer saying anything?" she asked. Soul almost jumped out of the booth. How did she know? I thought she didn't notice me! Her eyes seemed to watch him from the corners. The waitress seemed scared.

She leaned next to the blonde haired girl and whispered something. "Really?" she said loud enough for the building next door to hear. She turned still leaning in a cool way on the counter. "Red eyes huh?" she asked staring at Soul who she couldn't see from the back. Good thing too, he was blushing like the cherry that was never put on the cool girl's drink.

"… and pointy teeth?" She smiled as the waitress smirked. "I guess you don't find that weird?" she asked sliding the drink to her. She caught it while walking toward Soul. Oh crap! She's coming over here! He thought freaking out. Then he calmed himself down. What do I care? She'll just end up running away like everyone else. He turned away.

She stopped right in front of his booth. "Hey…" she said sipping her drink as it steamed. "Do you think I can see those eyes of yours?" she asked. He gritted his teeth and stood getting in her personal zone. Literally inches from her face. "Here! Happy? Now you can just run away like everyone else does!" he yelled with his teeth grinding and eyes locked on hers. She didn't even flinch.

The waitress freaked and ran to the back of the kitchen. She stood there for a moment. Staring into his eyes. Here it comes, she's gunna run away any second now just like everyone else. But, quite the opposite happened. A hand shoved him back a bit and stood in between them. The drink was up to her lips as she brought it down to speak. "If you're going to yell at someone, at least try and tell them your name first. I mean seriously, it's so uncool." she said.

"I'm Maka." Soul didn't move. He was so shocked that she wasn't even frightened one bit by him. Man, he seemed so uncool compared to her. "You can grab it you know, I'm not a disease." she laughed. He grabbed it. "Right, sorry, I lost my cool there for a second. I'm Soul." She smiled and released his hand.

"You're a weapon aren't you?" she asked. "How did you know?" She snickered. "I'm a meister, I sensed your soul from the moment I walked in." "Cool…" he said. She continued to drink her hot chocolate not even tempted by fear of his eyes and teeth. "Well, I better not keep your coffee waiting, that'd be pretty lame. So, I'll see you around…" she said as she turned slowly and walked out. The bells jinggled as Soul watched her leave.

Man, she's so cool. he thought. He sat back down and heard a small voice from behind the counter. "You're curious on why she was up so late aren't you?" The same waitress from before asked. Soul nodded. "Her father is a Death Scythe. The one and only Spirit." Soul's head snapped up by the name. "That was his daughter?" he asked. "Y-Yes…" the waitress said still uncertain about Soul's looks.

"She comes here every night and grabs a hot chocolate. She barely gets any sleep because of her father. He comes home with women and keeps her up, so she just leaves and comes back later when his 'playmate' is gone. She then walks to the park where her best memory of her whole family together was. She waits until about three in the morning and drags herself back home. Sometimes she falls asleep though." Soul got up and slapped the money on the table. "I see… thanks for the drink." he said already halfway out the door.


Maka was walking down the road with her steaming hot chocolate in hand. Snow was falling on her head and shoulders. She started to blush. I can't believe how cool that guy was. I wish we could be friends. But who would wanna be my friend if they knew my secret? A tear dropped down her cheak as she stopped walking. How uncool, I'm crying. She thought. "Why am I so different?" she said aloud. She heard a snicker from behind, but was too late to turn around when she was tackled from behind.

Her hot chocolate dropped and spilled everywhere. There was a lot of scrambling until a guy was ontop of her and three friends of his crowded. "What do you want?" she said while sighing. He smiled. "What do you think? It's twelve thirty, you are a girl all alone. I thought we could have some fun." he said unzipping her jacket.

She sighed. "Good luck. I don't think that someone would wanna even touch me because of my undeveloped body." "What was that?" he said as he stopped unzipping her jacket. "You heard me loser… I'm underdeveloped, so you won't even touch me." she said with absolutely no expression. The snow was starting to seep into her clothes as she became drenched with cold water.

"LOSER?" he yelled.


Dammit! Where did she go? Soul thought. He too was walking to the park. I wanted to talk to her some more, but it's no help if I can't find h- he stopped mid-thought when he heard someone yell. "LOSER?" It came not to far in front of me. He took off running.


"I'LL CUT YOUR DAMN THROAT OUT YOU LITTLE-" she laughed hard. Causing him to stop yelling. "WHAT THE HELL IS SO FUNNY? I'M ABOUT TO CUT YOUR FRICKEN HEAD OFF AND YOUR FUCKING LAUGHING?" he yelled. Her laugh grew and grew. Until she suddenly stopped full blast and put on a serious face. "Kill me… I don't really care, I don't deserve to live anyway." she said. The three boys backed away and the boy ontop of her got off and did the same.

"Y-You're insane!" he yelled running off with his friends. She sighed. I was really hoping that they would kill me. What a bunch of wimps. So uncool. she thought. She laid their, looking up at the dark sky while snow covered her. She decided she would lay there and if she woke up, then she would live another day. Until a hand appeared over her. She looked up to a red eyed handsom Soul extending his warm hand for her to grab.

She took it and stood. "Sorry I was a little late, but it looks like you handled them." he said with a sly smirk. They were both on the same level of coolness so there was no battle of coolness between them. She looked down and sighed. "My hot chocolate is no more." she said. He put a hand on her back which sent shivers up her spin and tickled her whole body. "You're wet. How about you come over to my friend's house and sleep there? I'm too cool a guy to bail on our party."

A smile smeared across her face. "Why not? Two cool people can't be too bad for a party." Soul laughed. "Follow me." he said as he started to walk ahead. Is it me? Or did I just make a new friend? I think I like him. She said as she shoved her hands into her pockets and followed with a small smile.

to be continued…

enrita11: hey guys! here's my brand new story! I'm totally in love with it... to all of my lovely readers, i hope you enjoy this as much as i did... i tried my best this time to include lots of descriptions and emotions... (and yes, i know Maka isn't as cool as she is made to be in this, but that's the way i think would be best for what's going to happen! XD) hope you stick with me.. hang on for the ride cause i'll take you high! thanks for reading! -next chapter coming soon-