Summary: Harry devises a plan to seduce Severus, does it work? Why is Severus holding a pair of handcuffs in detention? Find out! Read and review!

The Plan!

Harry had a plan. He wanted Severus, and would do anything to get him, but he did have a plan.

Harry suddenly stood up from his seat in potions class. It was the last class of the day, so if Snape assigned him a detention for this then they could talk about it.

"Severus Tobias Snape, I am—oomph!"

Draco had tackled him.

"No, you dolt! That's not the way to snag my godfather!" Draco whispered harshly as Snape made his way over to them.

"You are… What Potter? Finish the statement that you had so rudely interrupted my class to say, and Mr. Malfoy, do try to let him finish this time. I'm sure it'll be quite amusing."

"Never mind, Sir. I'm sorry for interrupting class," Harry said with respect.

Severus looked shocked for just a second before a blank mask came up to hide his emotions.

"Very well, Potter… You may stay after class to discuss with me, the need you felt to interrupt my class for a topic that you felt was no longer important."

"Yes sir," harry said while dusting himself off, not catching the way Snape's eyes followed Harry's small, pale hands as they brushed the tight, firm globes of his ass when brushing dust off of himself.

'Dammit!' Severus thought to himself. 'Why does the boy—man! — insist on teasing me!'

Surely he doesn't mean anything by it? After all it was Draco who tackled him to the dungeon floor.

That thought just made Severus' jealousy worsen 100-fold. When he got the chance—if he got the chance—he would make Harry Potter his in every way that he could.

He watched as Harry sat back down in his seat, pondering how he would seduce Harry, not knowing that Harry was thinking the same thing.

A/N: Just a bit of a teaser for now to try and help my writer's block, if you didn't notice all the fics that I've put up for adoption, but I've also given people chances to create sequels to some of my other stories. Check them out please!