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Sorry it's been a long time but I haver been preoccupied. I am sorry. I would like to thank SEXiiCULLEN for your help. I would love to have the cullens come back. I just haven't desided if they good or bad. Remember 18 years and older.
bella's pro.
I am looking back to the day Edward left me. I remember every word he told my, every kiss, look and touche he ever gave me. It didn't make any sence. It doesn't matter know. Because he said he didn't want me and left. They all left me. Some family. I even left Charlie. I came back, so does that mean they will come back too.
As I was thinking to myself in the livingroom. The phone in the kitchen rang so loud it scared me. I go and answered the phone.
Bella) "Hello"
I woundered who it is that would be calling me this late. I look to see what time it is. 12pm.
Stella) "Bella, isCathytherewithyou? I need to speek to her! haveyouseenher?"
She is talking to fast for me to get what she is say.
Bella) " Stella slow down. I can't under stand you. Are you looking for Cathy, let me see if she is here."
so I yell out for Cathy. "CATHY" No answer. so I run up stairs to her room. The door to her room was opened. I walk in slowly. I don't see her but the window was opened. I look around and see a paper on her bed. I walk over to her bed. There was a note so I read it.
Paul or Bella,
I went to jacob's house. I will be there if you need me. Be back soon.
Love, Cathy xoxo
I run down stairs to the kitchen and pick up the phone.
Bella) "No she is with jacob. she left a note on her bed. Why, is everything okay?"
Stella) "I don't know, I had a bad dream. It seemed so real. In my dream, Cathy was in trouble and She needed me and I can't fined her. I called jacob's and there was no answer. Can you help me. I don't want to scare everyone until I know if there something is wrong. You know what I mean. I don't want them to think I crazy."
Bella) "I don't think your crazy and I don't care what other people think. If you think something mite be wrong, then that is all I need. I want you to go in the woods and phase. I am heading out side after I hang up with you and i will phase too. So go right know." I tell her.
I hang up my phone and ran out side. I don't know why I am scared. Maybe it is because I was thinking of the cullens, vampires. I ran out the door so fast that I didn't close the door.I go in the woods and phase not even caring that I shredded my cloths. I started howling to get everyone together.
In no time at all everyone was phased and asking all kinds of stupid questions. I was getting pissed off. You would think that everyone would shut up and wait to find out what was going on. But no, they just keep going. I had enough.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES." I mentaly hell as loud as I could.
Bella is that you? (Paul
Yes, have you seen cathy? (Bella
No is everything okay? (Paul
What is going on? Is there a problem? (Sam
This better be good (Tommy
what the fucks up? (Leah
What did you find out Bella? (Stella
PLease everyone be Quiet, Has any one seen or talked to Cathy lately? Can anyone smell her around or anything? (Bella
Where is Jacob? (Quil
Can anyone find thier sent anywhere? maybe some one should go to Jacks house. Isn't that what the note said she would be there. Someone should start there with me. I am there now. (Stella
I will be there soon too. (Bella
I found thier sent. It is going out of town. (Paul
Maybe they went to Port Angelas on A date? (Embry
Stella and Bella stoped their movements and looked back were they can feel Pauls location. And every one went to Paul.
Has anyone try to call Jacob on his cell? (Quil
Lala? (Bella
Yes, it went to voice mail. (Lala
What do we do now? (Lorrie
We Just wait, What can we do? (Sam
I am so sorry I stopped here but something has come up.
Sorry it is short but I had you guys waitting long enough.