Splashes were heard, and the sound of swords clanking together stopped. Wolfram was the first to make it to the fountain.

The sight of his double black fiancé soaking wet made his heart race, not that he would ever admit that to anyone. Especially the person in question.

Yuuri smiled once he wiped his eyes and saw his blond ex-prince standing there with his hand on his jutted out hip. His smile began to fade though once he saw that the blond's pout was more real than his exaggerated. Once his smile had fully gone, he noticed the tears well up in the soldiers eyes. Not one spilling over the thick lashes.

Wolfram never cried, with the exception of the time Yuuri came back of course.

Climbing out of the fountain, Yuuri searched in his pocket for the present he had brought back for Wolf. Finding the velvet box wrapped in a sealed plastic bag, he sighed in relief when he saw that it hadn't gotten damaged in his travels.

"Yuuri, you wimp! How could you leave, today of all days. You promised me that we would spend it together." To anyone else they would have just thought that it was one of Wolfram's usual tantrums, but Yuuri knew better. After knowing Wolfram for five years, and being in love with him for two, Yuuri learnt quickly to spot the difference between Wolf's fake tantrums and when he was genuinely upset about something.

Yuuri also knew that he didn't really need to go back to Earth this morning, but he also knew that someone would have found Wolfram's present had he kept it in the castle.

"You went back so you could cheat, didn't you? You damn cheating wimp!" Wolfram added a stomp of his foot to his scene, which made Yuuri realise that if he didn't explain himself right then and there Wolfram wouldn't be speaking to him for the remainder of his eighty-eighth birthday.

The double black simply smiled and handed Wolf the box, but before the blond opened it, he placed a chaste kiss on the ivory cheek, "Happy birthday, Wolf."

Wolfram blushed, but proceeded to open the box. His blush strengthened as he saw the large emerald sitting nicely in its golden cravat chain. Wolf found it hard to keep his composure, he wanted to jump on Yuuri, wrap his arms around his lovers neck and kiss him. But Wolfram knew better, he would wait until they were alone to kiss Yuuri. He didn't want to give his troops a show.

He suddenly remember that he was meant to be in the middle of their morning practise, and just as he closed the box and turned to go back, Gwendal walked forwards, "Wolfram, I believe that I have already told you but I shall repeat myself as you seem to have not heard me the first time. You do not have to have your regular practice today. Spend the day with Yuuri, now that he has returned that is." He was about to make his leave, but stopped and tilted his head slightly to the side, "Oh, and happy birthday little brother."

Yuuri couldn't believe it, he was absolutely sure that when Gwendal had wished Wolfram 'happy birthday' he was smiling. Only a small smile and if you blinked you would have missed it, but a smile never the less.

Smiling himself, Yuuri grabbed Wolframs hand before he had the chance to back and carry on with the training, "Come on, Wolf. You can wash my back in the baths."

Wolfram looked down, not wanting to see the leering smirk adoring his lovers, once again totally forgetting his troops.

Once Yuuri had realised and come to terms with his feelings towards the blond bishounen, Wolfram had to learn to adjust to him wanting to spend more and more time with him, not to mention the fact that Yuuri had suddenly become touchy feely towards him, especially at night. He had also had to learn that Yuuri's invitation to wash his back in the baths was more than the innocent act, it had always ended with him needing another wash afterwards. Not that he was complaining, it was everything he had ever wanted and much more.

"Let's always spend your birthday together, Wolf."

Wolfram let Yuuri lead him towards the baths, and gave a simple nod to what his lovers words. Ever since he had met Yuuri, his birthdays had become something that he treasured and wished for rather than dreading growing a year closer to loosing his one good quality, his looks.

Once they made it to the baths, yuuri locked the door behind them. He chuckled as he said, "We don't want to be disturbed now do we, Wolf?" And so began their long soak in the Maou's reserved bath.

So here's my first KKM fic. I hope I didn't make either of them too OOC, it usually takes me a while to get their personalities perfect when I start writing about a new character.

This will be updated soonish, but not that regularly.

Hope you enjoy, reviews and criticism are welcomed. ^_^