Prequel to The Dominatrix and Ms. O'

The History of Ms. O'Keefe

Stephanie Meyers owns all things Twilight I'm just borrowing her characters names and appearances, but the kinky things they do are my creation and story. I do not belong to any BDSM groups and have no more knowledge of the subject other than what my research has found, and a very dear friend who's actually participated within the World of BDSM and some of my opinions will reflect his attitudes and experience.

Warning: Very adult material. If Adult material bothers you, then please do not read any further. I will not answer any hate mail because of the adultness. If you're not an adult, just don't read it.

None of this would have happened with the support and editing skills of the following people - true and tested friends: For Editing: Sally, Liz and Annie

For Constant encouragement: Annie, Liz, Sally and Ron, and John-Mark

To Issy or you would not be reading this now!

Doris O'Keefe was born during the beginning of the Second World War. She was raised in the State of Texas and California and her only child was born in San Diego, California. However, her State loyalties, if asked, were to the State of Texas. It's an emotional thing. Her education wasn't exceptional, but she did have the love of reading for knowledge. Thus, she was able to acquire a great many skills; skills that paid off in later life.

Her love life was checkered and spotted with 5 husbands. More than any one woman should ever endure. But then, as she was fond of saying, "Some of us just take longer to learn certain lessons than the rest of us".

Among her Life Skills was the study of Metaphysics and so called "supernatural forces". She had discovered that through clear thought projection and meditation, she could bring about, within her life, changes and certain material forces that she wanted and/or required. She never used this acquired skill against anyone. She had always used the addendum to her visualizations only is it were 'for the greater good'. She very much believed in Karma and that Karma can be a Bitch.

She was not a Wiccan, and would bristle if asked this question. She found those who claimed this as an ancient religion were totally unaware of just how that "religion" came into being in the late 60's and early 70's. But that would always start a fight, and she just gave up and refused to go into lengthy discussions. Religion is an emotional subject just as political subjects were. No, Ms. O'Keefe considered herself to be just a spiritual individual and claimed no religion.

At age 55, Doris began her visualization about her desire to have a comfortable senior lifestyle. That required money; so, she set about to discover what would make her the most money upon which she could retire, in style. Her research led her to come to the conclusion that those areas of human nature considered to be sin would always be profitable. That list of "sins" included prostitution or just enjoyable sex, gambling, and drugs.

Prostitution was out of the question since it virtually made slaves of the women and men who sold their bodies; usually it seemed to involve the misuse of drugs. To Doris, this alone was an act of the blackest type and she'd fight that misuse of human energy.

Drugs definitely took people's free wills away from them and that was a black misuse of human energy as well. She would not sell drugs to make money from the suffering of humanity.

Gambling; that was a matter to give more consideration. But, in the end, she realized that that area of human nature was, for the most part, given over to the dark side and organized crime. She didn't want any part of that area of life.

This left only sex for pleasure without selling it. That led her to the Bondage and Domination World. She'd made an in-depth study of the different subjects that were folded into this world. She was initiated into the use of the Bondage and Domination as well as the Sadomasochism portion. Her conclusion, from her first-hand experience, was the latter was dangerously close to the totally dark side of human nature, and not for her.

The Bondage and Domination part of the equation was not bad and she quite enjoyed it herself. That was what decided it for Doris. She'd work to bring about an atmosphere in which that part of human nature could be explored by consenting adults only. So she began to formulate her plans for The House of "O".

She'd never tell any of this to any of her managers because to share a meditation subject would only weaken it when too many people were made aware of it.

The first order of business would be to find an attorney with enough shark-like qualities to make the environment she required safe, legally. That particular visualization brought her to J. Jason Jenks. She later felt that J. Jenks was the devil incarnate when it came to contracts that stuck, no matter what. Once she had confided in Jason what she wanted to accomplish, and how she needed it to come about, he was on board with the contractual documents required. He saw the potential for huge profits and he wanted his share, and that was a side of Human Nature he'd like to explore.

The next step was the hardest by far, she needed to bring about the circumstances where the funds became available to buy the buildings needed as well as enough to outfit them as needed for the business venture.

It all came about.

She inherited every penny.

A family connection to very old money was "discovered" and it was an extremely huge sum of money. It seems there was a black sheep of a very wealthy family in one of Doris' direct family line. She was the only surviving member of that family and it all came to her. A brilliant tax attorney had set up the fortune so that Federal, State, and other local tax agencies got very little from the use from the money.

She required a building of at least 10 floors with its own parking facility that was attached to the building. Then she found a contractor who would do the renovations exactly the way she'd envisioned it. The very building came up repossessed by the bank and was available for practically nothing.

That left finding the correct individuals to help run the project. That actually turned out to be the easiest of all. Once she'd found, or rather, Bella found her, it became a piece of cake that other individuals who were attracted to the project. There was just one problem with Bella, she was alone.

An additional element was necessary now to add to the meditation, partners in love as well as in business. So this meant that whatever love partner she found; that partner would be a part of the World and a Dom just as Bella was a Dominatrix; but they would be compatible. This is as it should be for each and every club she would bring into being.

Doris O'Keefe was not afraid of hard work, and she discovered that when it's your money and/or energy going into a project, it was fun; which made it easier to pull off.

When Bella walked into Ms. O's office she'd felt the pieces click into place just like a puzzle whose pieces had been scattered until the central piece had been placed correctly. Then all the other actors that were required to play their parts were attracted and the money train just got into high gear and took off.

It became evident to Ms. O' that she and Bella had some good Karma working and often laughed about how much good Karma was between them. Bella, however, was a very practical individual and laughed with Ms. O'. Bella would have never believed in a million years just how it all came about, so Ms. O' never tried to explain. Why waste the energy it would take.

So with all her generals in place, all Ms. O' had to do was watch the money come in and make sure that the money train was not derailed by anything. She continued to meditate upon the goal at hand. She was almost the happiest she'd been in this lifetime and never worked so damned hard – except maybe childbirth and in many respects what she'd done bringing the building of the clubs, was a birth.

Ms. O' didn't get to see her grandchildren as much as she'd like so she took 3 weeks every Christmas to be with her daughter and grandchildren. Then, as they got older, she'd take another 2 weeks and take them on trips or cruises on ships to interesting places. She figured that when they graduated from high school and college she'd either take them or fund another trip for them.

Her daughter, who was very bright, finally figured out what business it was that her mother was working in and, at first, was shocked and balked. Then she came for a few days by herself and Doris showed her around and the number of people who were club members, not only in Seattle but also in Denver, Colorado Springs, New York City and Atlanta, GA. She'd also hoped that they would have clubs in LA, San Diego and San Francisco before it was all over. She would leave her child and grandchildren better off than when she had them. J. Jenks would see to it that they were well taken care of.