this is some idea that popped into my head in the middle of the night

when i was reading a joke sent by my friend..hope its good

disclaimer : i do not own nartuo...but i wish i did... :((


"Damn! just ask her already!" naruto was shouting at his best friend's ear.."shut up dobe" uchiha was clearly irritated.."this is always troublesome" shikamaru sighed. "this is one of the toughest job a man has to do all his life" neji groaned

okay our story begins when 4 hot guys are in a room...they are all 24 years old..filthy rich bastards if you got money, power, fame ,wealth and looks..whats more to ask? oh yes! they freaking needed hot chicks beside them! they were quiet lucky since they had super hot girlfriends! they are play boys so its not hard to get models to date them! well the actual problem need to ask a certain raven haired UCHIHA. he doesn't like it one bit

"seriously teme! just ask already!" uzumaki naruto was shouting at his best friend

"shut up dobe" uchiha was annoyed

"seriously this is troublesome" nara shikamaru sighed

"this is one of the toughest job a man has to do all his life!" hyuuga neji groaned

you ask me what their problem was? they will tell you right away

"damn its the same old men calling again!" sasuke was now totally pissed

"just pick it up sasuke and put it on speaker and we will listen to their crap!" neji suggested.i swear when i lay my hands on those hags i will rip them apart..similar thoughts were running through the rest of the guys brains

"hello" sasuke said in an uncaring manner which went unnoticed by the people on the other line

"sasuke ! you finally answered! hope am not disturbing you dear" uchiha fugaku spoke ! he was quiet excited

"no you are not!" actually you are fucking irritating me! i feel like bashing you in the head

"did you think upon what i told you a month ago?"


"if you haven't found anyone then i already have some one for you."


"oh! dear please tell naruto neji and shikamaru that their fathers are right here and have found some one too for them if they home are waiting for you all"

"man! where are we gonna find a freaking girl now?" naruto was literally smacking his head

"damn! okay i have a plan! lets call up those high school ex-girl friends of us?" shikamaru spoke

"alright! but will they agree? we already broke their hearts! i bet they will slap us!" neji was rest of them were frustrated.why did they have to break their hearts? man! this was the worst thing ever!

"you know what? just call them up and lets say we are sorry and stuff! pay them up for acting?" sasuke was the genius!

"alright! lets get to business!" naruto exclaimed..they all dialed the four numbers they never they were scared to death! they gulped

"hello! who's this?" a feminine voice spoke

"ahem!..its a person from your past actually your friends past too..." neji was sweating

"dude! can you speak clearly?" ino wasn't the one for mind games

"listen women! can you just meet us at the Yokohama restaurant at 3pm today? i promise it will just take 30mins of you precious schedule"sasuke was getting annoyed

"listen mister! who do you think you are to just scream at us and order us around? who knows if you are a rapist! maybe a murderer!" sakura exclaimed!

"bitch! shut up and come at 3" sasuke wanted to strangle her

"how dare you call our friend a bitch you sneaky bastard!" hinata was yelling

"ahem..ladies! ladies!" naruto tried to speak and catch their attention

"ladies! you call us that now! didn't your mothers teach you guys any manners what so ever? " tenten was screaming at the top of her voice

"will you all listen to us? please? sorry about the earlier outburst! my friends here are not them selves..can you do us a favor and meet us? please we promise we are good people! if you want you can get cops with you!" shikamaru pleaded

"alright idiots! we will meet you up! if u tried to screw us up our boyfriends wont let you live!" with that warning hinata kept the phone

"since when did they have boyfriends?" all of them gawked!

"seriously teme! you don't know how to speak to girls! no wonder no one wants to marry you!" naruto smirked.

"who cares how i speak as long as it gets the work done?" sasuke questioned the blond

"duh! get it through your thick head! never ever be rude to a girl! it will piss her off and our lives will be in danger!" shikamaru explained

"alright lets get going! wonder how they will react if they see us?" neji was wondering

"duh! they will have hearts in their eyes as usual like any other girl! and will agree to our wishes" sasuke stated

"ya! probably! since they were that way in high school!"naruto spoke

"but they said they have boyfriends! will they really agree? on the second thought!..." shikamaru was cut off by neji

"on the second thought! they might change their minds since we are hot! and the owners of the multi-billion dollar companies! in fact its become an unwritten rule to fall for us through out the world!" neji was very confident

"alrightyy then lets get this show on the road!" naruto shouted and the 3 covered their ear drums!

some where else in a flat 4 girls were talking

"hey do you think those guys will be hot?" ino questioned..yamanaka ino was a blond and a hottie..she was a florist by profession..

"they sound hot!" tenten was wondering the same..yuhi tenten was a brunette and a hottie too..she was interior designer by profession

"well are they gonna take us on a date?" sakura had her hopes high..haruno sakura was a hottie..she was a doctor by profession

"i hope they will since they called us to a hotel" hinata was having her hopes high like the rest of them. hyuuga hinata was a high school teacher by profession

"since we have done talking about the possibilities..we should find out how they got our numbers!" ino was reasonable

"how? are they stalkers? " sakura asked

"maybe they are one of those boys we beat up and now they are gonna pay us back?" tenten was worried

"they cant do that! its a public place..maybe they have some intentions" hinata stated

"alright lets go there! and find out1" sakura spoke and they all left to get ready!

it was around 2.30 when all of them came out of the rooms and went to the Yokohama hotel. now to their dress description

hinata was wearing a violet dress that went up to her mid-thigh and it was off the shoulders had her nails painted jewels were violet and let her hairs down. violet heels completed her! she looked HAWTT!

ino wore blue one sided strap dress that went up to her mid-thigh..she let her hairs had blue jewellery to match her dress and blue pointed heels to complete her fact she looked SEXY!

sakura let her hair down wore a single strapped pink dress that went up to her knees .she had pink jewellery to match her outfit! she had pink heels to complete her. she was very BREATHE TAKING

tenten let her hair down like the rest of wore a brown off-shoulders dress that was very short! it went a bit up her mid thighs and she wore brown jewelery .her brown pointed heels matched her perfectly and completed her..she was STUNNING

They reached the hotel and went inside it was very beautiful

"now how do we know who were the guys who called us?" sakura asked

"maybe we should call them?" hinata suggested

"then what are you waiting for?" ino was already impatient

"hey you are all forgetting that they called us on land-line!" tenten behaved smart!

"great! just great! how the hell are we suppose to know that we weren't tricked?" sakura lost her temper

"no use shouting sakura! we are here! at least lets enjoy the meal here" ino sighed

"those bastards! when i see them..i will.."hinata was soon cut off

"you will what?" questioned naruto standing with the rest of the guys

"strangle us?" neji mocked

"or kiss us?" shikamaru was getting on their nerves


now the girls eyes were wide and realization dawned upon them! these bastards were the one who called them up and they had nevertheless left their cockiness!


"women! just shut up! and listen!" sasuke was irritated.damn it this girl has never changed ever since high annoying


"you are as troublesome as ever! just listen to us!lady!" shikamaru was regretting proposing this plan


"listen shy girl forget the past and listen now" naruto commanded


"okay bitches! listen! all we need is help and we will pay you girls 30 thousand dollars if you agree" neji was pissed to the core

"WHAT THE HELL ! YOU CALL US BITCHES AGAIN? wait..what? 30..thousand..dollars?" all of them gaped!

"yes and now sit down and lets talk business" sasuke spoke point blank

"alright..listen our fathers want to get us married and if we don't find a girl by this evening then they will get us some ugly whores so please pretend to be our fake girlfriends and you all know the sum we will pay you" shikamaru had his hopes high

"we need to think" tenten stated . they all went to the nearest garden..they all sat around

"hey if we take up the job we can get money!" ino had money in her eyes

" and we can get revenge on them! by embarrassing them in front of their family" sakura smiled evilly

"and after we get the money we would be rich!" hinata was out of this world

"and after we get the money we can just tell their parents the truth and they are screwed!" tenten high-fives sakura

"and they wish they never asked us to help! and serves them right for breaking us to pieces!" the girls were loving every bit of this!

"alright lets say we agreed!" ino and hinata both spoke at the same time

they all made their way back to the table! and they sat down and smiled at the guys thought shit this cant be good ! they are smiling! geez now what do these sluts plan on doing?

"we agree to your wishes! " they all spoke in unison

"Alright! pack your bags and we will come pick you up at 4! and you girls will be staying with us" sasuke said and left

"and by the way we know you gals live together and you don't have to worry about not seeing each other since we all live in the same mansion!" naruto grinned and they all left

"alright! time to set our plan to action" hinata growled

"ya! revenge is sweet" sakura got up from the table

"lets go pack" ino left

"ya! cant wait" tenten followed the 3...soon they were in their house and were done packing. At 4.00pm exactly they heard the door bell and ino went to answer

"oh! you guys are here"




"hell yeah!"

"come in" ino led the way

"are you all done?" naruto was being impatient

"yup! we are done!" they all said

"before need to know few rules" sasuke flatly spoke

"what rules?" tenten was surprised

"mind your own business"

"do not complain"

"do not whine"

"do not come close unless its necessary"

"act like you are not acting" what the hell does he mean? sasuke is crazy

"don't roam into places that aren't your business"

"don't ask unnecessary questions"

"you can eat ramen" BAM! 3 of them whacked him on the head

"lastly don't be annoying or troublesome or too timid or loud!" it was directed to each of the girls in specific in the order -sakura,ino,hinata and girls only glared and didn't speak.

"lets go! we got your rules!" they all went to the limo and were to meet the prestigious people! and yes their plan will go on road!

what will happen next? what have the girls in mind?

they weren't high school bitches for nothing

actually i wanted to make it one-shot but it turned out to be something else! hehehe!

now all i need is you guys to comment and i will write down the next chapter soon!

untill then sayonara minna