Standard Disclaimer:  As much as I want it to be true, the Lovely Weiß Boys will never be mine.  So, I'll just borrow them for a bit.  I can't guarantee that this fic will be updated too regularly, *randomly kills Accounting and Pre-Calc classes* With schoolwork and such, who knows.  Warning: This fic may contain some potential shounen-ai, (YohjiXKen) so …enjoy!  Oh, and review if you like. Review if you don't like. Tell me why.  You know the drill. 

            "Mro~wl," The old lady's cat purred as it rubbed against Ken Hidaka's legs.  Ken, who was sitting with his head propped up on his fists, looked down at the calico.

            "Watcha want cat?  You wanna play?"  He took one of his stray apron strings and dangled it in front of the cat.  The said cat took the opportunity to bat at the plaything a few times before returning to rubbing up against random objects.

"Purrrowl," she meowed as she rubbed up against the counter before flopping down on the floor.

"Well, at least you're entertained easily enough."  Ken sighed, returning to his bored position.  Business was slow today.  In fact, he was the only one currently watching the store.  Omi had taken care of most of the closings tuff before he left an hour before.  So poor Siberian had no customers to serve, nobody to talk to, and nothing to do.  He was downright bored.

He saw a little piece of paper on the desk he was sitting at, and proceeded to doodle.  He had about filled up the entire page with little random drawings, when a familiar voice filled the room. 

"Wow.  Somebody looks like they could use a little excitement.  You gonna fall asleep over there, Hidaka?"  The tall blond asked, stepping into the room.

"Huh? Oh, hi Yohji.  Yeah, it's been really slow."  The younger boy replied.

"Yeah, well you might as well start to close up.  A thunderstorm's suppose to be coming through here soon, and I don't think we'll get much business within the next half hour." Yohji suggested.

"Well, I would, except Omi did just about everything before he left. All I really have to do is flip the sign over and lock the door.  That's how slow we were."  Ken replied.

Yohji's eyes widened.  "Damn. I wish I'd had your shift."

"No you don't. You can't imagine how bored I was until you showed up."

Yohji started to speak, but was interrupted by a loud thunderclap.  insert thunder sound here "Um, I don't think anyone'd mind if you shut down early.  Better hurry, it's starting to rain."

Ken untied his apron, balled it up, and threw it at his taller companion.  "Here. Take this."

"Oi! What was that for?" Yohji mocked a hurtful tone.

Ken smiled to himself as he walked to the door. A blur of motion caught his eye.  "Wha?"  He looked out the window of the door, watching as someone ran away from the Koneko.1 

"That's weird."  Ken jumped at the sound of Yohji's voice so close.  Yohji had also seen the blur and had come up behind Ken to look out the window as well.

"Yeah, I wonder what—Huh?" Ken looked down, spotting a box in front of the store.

"What's that?  Think they left it behind?"  Yohji asked, gesturing in the direction the blur had gone.

"Dunno. Probably."  The soccer player opened the door, knelt down and peered into the box.  "Awwww! Kawaii!  Yohji, look!"

Yohji looked down at Ken. Or rather, at what Ken was holding. A ball of fluff. A mewing ball of fluff. A mewing ball of fluff with its eyes glued shut. Or so it seemed to Yohji.  A drop of rain landed in Yohji's eye.

"Help me, Yohji." Ken asked as he picked up the box.

"How do you want me to help?  You seem to be doing fine on your own."  Yohji replied.

"Well, could you at least hold the door open?"  Ken asked, struggling with the slippery box.

"Yare, yare," Yohji said as he held the door open for Ken.  "What do you plan on doing with them Kenken?"

"Well, it would appear that they have no mother, so I'm gonna take care of them.  And don't call me that!" Ken growled.

"Alright, Ken. Mother of kittens." Yohji grinned as he locked the door.  Suddenly, Ken's balled up apron hit him on the back of the head.  "Ow! Grrrrr…." Yohji mumbled before turning around to help Ken with the kittens.


Review please. Tell me what you think, what I need to work on, if it looks like it'll go anywhere, or you could just randomly glomp someone. That's always fun. ^_^  Anyway, this was my first Weiß fic, so I want to know how I'm doing. Thanks for reading!

1. Authors Note: I realized as I was writing that how silly that sounded, since the mysterious person was not only running away from a flower shop called The Kitten, but they were also running away from several kittens. ^_^