Okay! Welcome to The Awesome Eighty-Four Fiction Challenge! -1984 is when the TV series first came out, in the odd case that you didn't know.

The rules are -

The drabble length is to be exactly 84 words long, so word count and spellcheck before submitting please! My word processor counts dashed words as one word so take this into account. This is a challege! Make every word count!

All drabbles must include at least one instance of the letters A.U.T.O.B.O.T. & S. It does not matter where these letters are in a word, but they must be there.

And only three letters in a word count. For instance, the word "Absolutely" could count for the "A," the "B," the "S," the "O," the "U" and the "T" requirement, but no! Only three are allowed. So, you can use "absolutely" but only three of the letters will count. So, the phrase "Absolutely brilliant, my good friend!" would fulfill the whole requirement. But now you can't use it since I just used it ;)

You may use the word "Autobots" in your fics, but if you do, each appearance counts for only ONE of the letter requirements. For instance, if you wished "Autobots" to count for the "A" – "Autobots, you know, the good robots…" would fulfill the requirements.

However, if you wish "Autobots" to count for the "B" the sentence would have to be something like – "Autobots, the awfully good robots."

In any case, each instance of the word "Autobots" will count for only one of the required letters.

The title is not included in the word count. Any letters used in the title words will not count towards the Autobot letter rule. Letters used in an Author's Note will not count

You decide for yourself what the drabble is about, and pick your own story-arc, timeline and genre. The stories do not have to be related at all.

OC's are allowed. However, AU's, crossovers, M-rated stuff and slash are not allowed.

-If you use an OC, be sure to specify whose it is in an author's note, (which isn't part of the words count) and a little, tiny bit about the OC.

One person may submit more than one fic, but I won't post them all in a row; someone else's fic has to go between them. For example, if I get two fics from Zoey, I'll have to wait for Mary to send one in; then I'll post them like this: Zoey's fic, Mary's fic, then Zoey's 2nd fic. Or I could put one of my own in. (No pressure, gals; I just used the first names that I thought of).

And since the fics will be amazingly short, don't worry about doing the docX, just send them to me in a private message.

Have fun! Be creative! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with! Your participation is vital! XD

DFTBA! DFTBA! (Don't forget to be awesome! Decepticons fear these brilliant Autobots!)

I'll start you off with a piece with my OC, Aurion-Blaze. She's a little femme under Ironhide and Chromia's guardianship. You can find her full story among my writings on ffn; it's entitled, "You Have Found a Home."


Auri stood quietly, waiting.

Sometimes she fidgeted, but she usually stayed still.

It took a long time for ambushes to work.




Then she heard foot-steps, the heavy foot-steps of a big mech.

She smiled triumphantly.

"SCREEE!" she jumped out with drawn mini-swords.

Then she froze.

She was not facing her target.


"Ah… you're not Ironhide." She said awkwardly, staring up at the huge mech.

"No, I am not." He replied.

She ran off.

Ultra Magnus smiled a rare, bemused smile.

There you go! There's the first fic; now let's get 83 more! Give it your best! XD