Jeez, it's been a long time hasn't it. I'm sorry about that. If there is anyone out there that is still reading this then hear you go.


Chapter 15

It was a few hours before Jaime showed up at the lair. "Jaime, what are you doing here?"

She turned to see Maxine leaving the infirmary. She shrugged "Got bored at home. Twin went to get some work done and Val is out with Raph again." Jaime explained "What are you doing here?"

"According to Mikey, she collapsed on the sidewalk." Don called from his work station.

Jaime raised an eyebrow and Maxine answered by giving her a look that meant they'd talk about it later. With a short nod and a shrug she walked away. "You should rest some more." The younger sister suggested.

Without even thinking she had ended up standing next to Don. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Nothing really, just trying to get some work done… in other words fixing things that my brothers have broken. Right after that I'm gonna work on some of my own experiments."

"Oh my goodness, between you and Serena. I'm not sure who works more."

"Sorry, I gotta keep things in one piece around here."

"Yeah, I hear ya, but shouldn't you take a break every once in a while." Jaime asked hopping up to sit on the table.

"I take breaks." Don sounded offended

She crossed her legs "Not many I'm sure."

A different yet delicious scent invaded his nose. He inhaled deeply before speaking "Not true, I take a lot of breaks."

"Uh-huh, yeah sure. How about I help you?" she suggested.

"Hmm? You'd do that?" he looked up.

Brown eyes met grey ones for a moment before Jaime spoke up again. "Yeah, I did pick something up from my sister. I'll help you with… whatever this is. What is this?" she asked, examining the box with a bunch of wires sticking out of it.

"Believe it or not, it's the DVD player."

"Really?" She continued to take a look at it before noticing the bent eject button. "Oh… it is. What the fuck did your brothers do?"

"I don't know and I personally don't want to know." he chuckled "It's probably best not to ask."

"Alright let's get started."

With Jaime's help he finished what he thought was gonna take the rest of the night. "Well, thanks for the help. Now I can get to work on other things."

"Or…" Jaime slid off the table. "You could do something else."

"Like what?" Donnie asked leaning back in his chair.

She crossed her arms over her chest "Put on your little disguise and I'll show you."

He nodded and stood up "Alright, I'll be right back."

Don headed up the stairs to his room.

"Be careful out there J." she heard Maxine say.

"I will." Jaime sighed "Nothing's gonna happen… not with him."

Donnie returned soon after wearing his simple disguise.

"You ready?" she asked.

"Yep, let's head out." He offered his arm and she automatically linked elbows with him. "Shall we?"

"Oh we shall." Jaime smirked and led him out.


Jaime sped down the sidewalk with Donnie in tow. "Where are you taking me?"

"I'm taking you to get a drink and let loose"

He shrugged "Works for me."

Jaime pulled him into a lounge and right over to the bar. The dimmed lighting and slow songs coming through the speakers immediately relieved Don of his stress.

"Dry martini, please." She ordered when the bartender came to stand in front of her. She hopped up onto the stool. "Come sit Donnie."

Don sat at the bar stool right next to her and ordered himself a shot of Jack. As soon as the glass was in his hand the drink was down his throat. "You good Don?" Jaime asked with a small smile that she hid behind her martini glass.

"I'm good." He answered then ordered another.

"Take it easy Don, we don't have to leave right away."

He sucked the second one down and nodded. "I know, but I think I needed this. Being Mr. Fix- it all day can be stressful."

"That's what happens when you have three brothers." Jaime shrugged

"Yeah, that's a blessing and a curse."

She laughed "Would you like to talk about it a little. Cause the way you're sucking down those drinks you make me think that it's really stressful living in that home of yours."

"Really?" he looked at her.

"Yeah, tell Mama J."

"Well Mama J, that's nice to know but it's not too bad. I mean do I wish sometimes that Raph would be less… destructive? Yeah. Would I like Mikey to calm down and not make Raph angry and destructive? Sure. But I wouldn't trade them for the world."

He's a very family oriented guy… that's very attractive. Oh man, the things I would do to him if he didn't have to die… did I… just think that. Oh man, I need another drink. She ordered a shot, joining Don. "Sometimes, I feel like they expect a lot from me." Don said suddenly "When we were younger I was always the one that got us out of dangerous situations. Now that we're older I think they still want the same ol' Donnie."

"And the same ol' Donnie would be…?"

"Abnormally calm, does fairly well under pressure, and thinks alcohol is complete waste of time."

Jaime gave an un-lady like snort "I think that last one was thrown right out the window the night you came to our place."

"I know right, I got a little crazy. Leo has never seen me like that. He probably thinks I'm a fucking alcoholic or something." he muttered sliding the shot glass along the bar just so he has something to do.

"Oh don't exaggerate, you were just having fun."

"I know, and that fun ended with a lecture once the hangover was gone."

"Well, it's just us right now."

"Great, and how will that help when I get home." Don said

"Let's not go home then, alright."

He nodded and smiled. "So what are you planning to do after this?"

"I'm sure we'll think of something."

They continued to drink and talk about their families. Jaime was extra careful not to bring up too much information about herself. After a while she started becoming a little fuzzy. "Whew, I feel like we may have overdid it." Jaime stated with a slight slur.

"Yeah, maybe a little." Don agreed. "We should probably go."

Jaime giggled "Okay, let me just go to the bathroom first." Jaime hopped off the barstool and went further to the back of lounge. She was stopped about halfway there by a rather large arm wrapping around her waist.

"Hey there, little lady."

Jaime rolled her eyes "Hi" the guy clearly had too many beers and was getting horny. "What do you want?"

"I want you." He slurred. The smell of alcohol on his breath was making Jaime nauseous.

"Can you let go of me now? If you breathe in my face anymore I'll end up drunk off my ass."

Don sat on the barstool trying to keep himself from causing a scene. Any open conflict and he could risk being seen. Don watched as she pried the man's arm from her waist and quickly headed for the bathroom. He loosened his grip on the edge of the bar. Weird, I didn't even realize I was doing that. He waited for his knuckles to turn back to their original color. He inhaled deeply taking in that vanilla scent that lingered even though she was away from him.

Jaime strolled out of the bathroom knowing full well that she had to pass the same guy. Alright J, just be quick about it. She hurriedly sped by the drunkard. As soon as she passed by he slapped her on the butt.

She spun around and pushed him off his stool. Everyone in the lounge froze "What the hell is the matter with you?" she yelled as the man wobbled to get back on his feet. "You do that again and you'll regret it."

"I think he already did." A random patron commented.

Embarrassed and determined to get what he wanted he went to grab her again. Jaime got ready to do some real damage, but someone grabbed his wrist. The drunken man looked up to see…

"Donnie?" Jaime asked "What are you doing?"

"Back off, she's mine." The man pulled his wrist out of his hand.

"She's not property." Don responded with patience that Jaime has never seen before, not even from Maxine.

Don's actually scaring me right now. Jaime thought

"Shut your mouth." The man turned around and tried to punch him in the face, but he missed. Don took the opportunity to strike him down with a beer bottle he had in his hand. Once he was on the ground he began to beat his face in with his bare fists. The rest of the people in the lounge actually started encouraging him.

Jaime couldn't believe what was happening. Donnie was supposed to be the gentle turtle. Either way she had to get them both out of here. She could see the bartender on the phone with somebody and it was most likely the cops. "Don, we gotta go." Jaime grabbed onto the back of Don's coat and pulled him out of the lounge as quickly as possible. She didn't stop until she was far enough away and in an alley. "Where did you get that beer bottle?" she asked.

Donnie slumped up against the wall and waited as his adrenaline came back down. "I got one while you were in the bathroom." He looked down at his hands. His knuckles were bleeding.

The sound of sirens coming down the street caught their attention. They both hid further in the darkness. "We have to get out of here. It's not safe."

"Right." Don agreed. "Let's go."


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