100. Beyond the Circles of the World
Dying is not to me a wholly foreign sensation. How many Men can say that? How many can claim to have known the throes of death before? Few recognize the sudden dimming of vision, the seemingly-slow transformation of it into pure, shining light, but I do.
My time has ended, not because of battle or wounds, but because I have simply lived my life. I wish I could say I am not afraid, but the knowledge that this time there will be no return from the Halls of Waiting, no miraculous rescue by my beloved TinĂºviel, chills my heart with terror. What awaits me beyond the circles of the world?
As the light envelopes me, my fear subsides and is replaced by joy and hope as I die for the last time.
I can't believe I was able to finish these before the end of 2011! I wouldn't have been able to do it without the support and encouragement of you, my faithful readers, reviewers, and toothpick-pokers (That means you, Skye! ;). Thank you all so much! :D