Just like how artists have sketch dumps, this is going to be my crack!fic writing dump.

These are just little drabbles that have a lot of insanity and not a lot of sense. I may use some later in full-fledged fics, but for now, they're just written proof that my mind is completely bonkers.

Rated T for some bad words.

Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice.

Before Kaldur became Aqualad, he decided to give acting a shot…

"Hello ladies. Now look at your man, now back at me. Now back to your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isn't me. I have gills, and mystic eel-tattoos. Now look at your man, I just turned him into a human lightning-rod. Look at me. I have a magical water sword. And now it's a mace. I'm on a dolphin."

On second thought, Kaldur decided that maybe he would just stick with fighting crime and saving the world…

Superboy didn't always used to only watch the psychedelic black-and-white buzzing static on the television. His force-teaching G-Gnomes did enlighten him to the wonderful creations of the television, remote, and cable...

Day 1:

Dad? Dad, come on. You gotta get up. Dad, we gotta go home! HELP! SOMEBODY! …Anybody…help…

"NOOO!" Superboy jumped off the couch, infuriated. "WHY DID MUFASA DIE?" He brought his fists down, and before M'gann could stop him, the coffee table was split neatly in two.

Day 3:

No. I am your father.

No…that's not true! That's impossible!


And a second coffee table bites the dust. Or, well, is surrounded by dust particles of itself.

Day 6:

Madness? This! Is! Sparta!


M'gann ran into the room after hearing a crash, and discovered that Superboy had once again destroyed the coffee table, this time by accidentally kicking it into the TV, which was also in pieces.

She dropped her dish-towel and sighed. "Superboy, maybe you should stick to watching something more calming, or boring, next time?"

Day 10:

Now, to Al for today's weather!

Well folks, I know I promised sunshine for today, but it looks like Mother Nature has thoughts of her own! There's an eighty-percent chance of rain this afternoon, with possible winds up to twenty or thirty miles per hour! So it's probably best if everyone—


M'gann had thoughtfully moved their newest coffee table away from the couch to prevent any damage, but upon hindsight, she probably should have removed every possible item in that room, as Superboy had grabbed the remote and threw it haphazardly, and it pelted through the coffee table with a sharp crash, leaving behind a decent hole right through the center.

Well, though M'gann to herself as she tried not to slap her forehead with her hand, at least it would make a nice cup-holder?

Day 14:

At the Wayne Manor…

Bruce was casually flipping through the bills from Mount Justice while drinking his evening coffee, when all of a sudden he gagged and started coughing.

"Master Bruce, are you all right?" inquired Alfred.

"How the hell did The Team manage to spend over ten-thousand dollars on coffee tables in the past two weeks?"

And as loaded Bruce Wayne was, he simply thought spending that amount of money on something like a coffee table was just too absurd.

So therefore, Superboy was kindly required to stay away from all televised programs until he could get a freaking grip on his emotions.

"Come on Roy, why won't you join The Team?" whined Wally, for probably the tenth time that day.

Roy sighed, but continued to scan the night-time streets below the building he and Wally were perched on. "I already told you—I'm going solo. I'm done with taking orders."

"Yea, but why?"


"Because why?"

"Just cuz."

"Why why why why why?"

Roy gritted his teeth. If this continued he was seriously going to fling Wally of this building, even though Flash would definitely not be thrilled to discover his side-kick (and nephew) had fallen off the fiftieth floor of anything.

He exhaled slowly. "If I tell you will you PLEASE STOP?"

As his answer Wally just nodded and grinned.

"And don't tell anyone else this!" growled the archer.

Wally made a gesture of zipping his lips and throwing away an imaginary key. "Mum's the word!"

Roy took a deep breath. He really couldn't believe he was actually going to tell this story, and to Kid Mouth, out of all people. Was he really out of his damn mind? "So, ever since I started with Ollie, he was in a relationship with Dinah."

"Black Canary?"

"Um, yeah. Anyways, so Dinah's always been a sort of…a mother-figure to me."

Wally let out a low whistle. "Can you say MILF!"

Roy's eye visibly twitched, even through his mask. "I'm going to pretend I never heard that."

"So you don't want to join The Team because you don't want to hang around your mom?" Wally made quotation gestures in the air with his fingers for the last two words.

"She's the combat trainer!"

Wally raised an eyebrow. "So…?"

"So, have any of you ever gotten the upper-hand when training with her?"

The speedster paused and thought for a brief second. "Actually no. But that's only because I let her win…"

Roy snorted. "Right. Dinah's the best hand-to-hand combat fighter out of the entire Justice League, and she's also sort of like my mother. I'll let you put two and two together."

Wally opened his mouth to ask more questions, but stopped. As realization dawned upon him, he exploded with laughter. Roy grumbled something to himself and glared back at the streets below.

Finally, Wally's laughter subsided enough for him to choke out some coherent words, "Wait…so…Roy Harper…the powerful Red Arrow…is…afraid of being publicly served…by his mom? HA!"

Robin pranced around his teammates gleefully. "Batman saved us from Clayface! Batman! My mentor!"

He jumped in front of Wally and pointed a finger at him. "Not yours!"

And then M'gann. "Not your uncle either!"

And then Kaldur. "Not your king!"

And then Superboy. "And definitely not your—" He suddenly stopped himself and visibly blanched. Superboy's lips twitched and dragged down slightly.

Without warning Robin threw his hands into the air, turned, and ran out of the room, shrieking.

"Hey Artemis." Wally slid into the chair opposite the archer on the breakfast counter. "So do you have a twin brother named Apollo?" He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Artemis pointed her spoon at him, and when she finally swallowed her cereal, she replied, "Hardy har har. Aren't you the witty one? And in Rome, they call me Diana!"


"And I also have a pet deer and like to run around in the forest in nothing but a toga."

"Oh, that's hot." Wally winked at her.

Artemis glared at him. "Don't make me call upon daddy Zeus to stick a thunderbolt up your ass."

"Uh, has anyone else noticed that Superboy has been acting a bit…well, strange ever since we got back from Bialya?" Robin took a seat on the couch, and watched as Artemis, Wally, and Kaldur played a game of Jenga on the coffee table.

"Why, what's wrong with him?" asked Kaldur without looking away from the tower of chaotic blocks. He gingerly poked a single block out, and exhaled in relief when it didn't compromise the overall structure.

"Um, he hasn't stopped following around M'gann like some…lovesick puppy…"

Artemis laughed. "So? He probably finally realized he liked her back."

"Yeah, but, don't you think it's a bit…sudden?"

"Well we don't know whatever happened to the two of them in the desert when he got his memories back. Maybe he had a lightning bolt of inspiration."

Robin frowned, and then started laughing, startling Artemis into almost knocking over the Jenga tower.

"ROBIN!" she yelled exasperatedly.

Robin grabbed his side and bent over, still howling with laughter. "I'm…sorry…it's just that…I just realized…that the only memories…Superboy has…are M'gann's memories…of them together!"

The three other teens paused their actions and contemplated Robin's words.

"Holy moly, you're right!" began Wally, "Wait…does that mean he's totally forgotten everything the G-Gnomes have taught him too? Drat! I can't use him as Wikipedia anymore!"

If Young Justice were a musical…

Superman, looking dramatically away from Superboy: But the kid is not my son! She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son!


A/N: I think the lack of new episodes is literally driving me insane..