Summary - When the iCarly gang head to Webicon again in their senior year, how will Sam and Freddie react when Carly reveals their greatest secret to a room of crazy fans? A secret they themselves had yet to come to terms with... Spencer and Guppy guest star, and the 'stumes make a comeback!
Disclaimer - If I owned iCarly, Spencer, Gibby and Guppy would have way more subplots together, or just more episodes together in general, but unfortunately I do not. Oh, and I would personally kick any mean or cruel fans of the show out of the fandom until they learnt how to be nice. It's meant to be fun guys, chillax.
A/N - My first multi-chapter fic, I'm so excited! A huge thank you to bobkitty1123, 3cooldog92, DannySamLover20, alma, WhitKnightro, gottaloveLOVE, WinterTolle, KittiesOnTheDarkSide and an anon for reviewing my first one-shot, I really appreciate. If you guys haven't read it, go check it out! OK, enough shameless self promoting for one day, on with the show! Hope you like it!
I won't say I'm in love - Disney's Hercules
No chance, no way, I won't say it
Get off my case, I won't say it
At least out loud I won't say I'm in love
The hall housing Webicon this year was filled to the brim with people of all levels of eccentricity; teenagers dressed in colourfully designed costumes, gamers intent on finding out the release dates for the latest extensions and hoards of young girls crowded by the entrance, awaiting their chosen celebrity to pounce on and make their own. As the iCarly crowd walked through the doors, the cheers emitted from behind the security tape was immense, and Freddie Benson couldn't help but smile and wave at his adoring fans.
"Aw, look at Frediccini's little fan club," teased Sam, elbowing Freddie and smirking at him ferociously, "How many girls did you pay to stand there and pretend to be interested in you this year, nub?"
Freddie ignored Sam's less than flattering comment for the time being, and continued to smile and wave at the crowd, "Jealous are we, Sam? Because if you want a piece of the Benson all you have to do is ask."
Sam rolled her eyes and nudged Carly, who was standing to her left signing autographs,
"You see, Carls? I told you we shouldn't have come back here, all this attention is making that big nerd head of his swell up as we speak."
"There's always a comment about my big nerd head, isn't there Puckett. I think you've been staring longingly at my face for too long; who knows, maybe you'll be a part of my ever growing fan club next year."
Carly glanced over at her two best friends, and couldn't help but want to bash their two heads together as the bickering, taunting, and at times blatant flirting took place right before her eyes. The pair of them had been dancing around each other for years now, and what had started out as innocent childhood crushes and constant fighting to mask their true feelings had now escalated into something much more, though neither of them dared to admit it.
"Arrogant dipthong!" Sam yelled at Freddie as he winked at the crowd, causing one girl swoon and faint, and he quickly turned and responded with "Blonde headed demon!" as their dispute continued to rise in volume, though both of them seemed to be enjoying themselves far too much for it to be called that.
Carly sighed, and turned back to the fans to sign more screenshots from iCarly that people had brought with them. She had tried her best to intervene and meddle in her friends' love lives at first, asking them both about their true feelings towards the other, separately of course, but each and every time she ended up with the same response; a scoff from Freddie claiming that Sam hated him and always would, and a sneer from Sam reminding her of the nub's undying love for Carly which was like a particularly resilient spot, in the respect that it would never go away. She had smiled at these responses, clever answers that avoided the original question but did not flat out deny the truth, as Sam and Freddie had always been terrible liars to Carly, their ever innocent doe eyed friend.
"Sup Carly," Spencer asked as he wandered through the entrance, costume clad as always and with a tiny sidekick in the form of Guppy in tow.
"What are you wearing, Spencer?" Carly asked, bemused at her older brother's get up, "And what have you forced poor Guppy into wearing?"
"Like the 'stume? This year, I am Dragomir, defender of the universe from Galaxy Wars" Spencer declared grandly, swishing his long purple cape behind him to show off his jewel encrusted breast plate and long silk trousers,
"And this is my master, Froogle," he finished, pointing at Guppy who was wearing a long maroon cloak and was holding a large sword, "Do not be put of by his size," he mock whispered to Carly, "He is in fact an incredibly lethal weapon!"
Carly laughed and ruffled Guppy's hair, who responded with a toothy grin whilst Spencer asked, "So what goes on, little sis?"
"Oh, you know, the usual," she responded cheerfully, glancing over at her two best friends whilst accidentally stabbing her pen through a screenshot; a stream of inner anger towards the two of them leaking out by mistake, "I'm signing some autographs and getting ready for the panel whilst Sam and Freddie are denying their obvious feelings for one another."
Spencer glanced over at his little sister's two best friends, who were now playfully shoving each other whilst maintaining their insult match, "Sam and Freddie are arguing again?" he chuckled, before sarcastically adding, "That's different!"
"Come on Spencer, this is serious. When are they going to open up and actually talk about how they feel to each other, it's getting ridiculous?" Carly asked, stamping her foot as if to prove how upset she was by the whole situation.
"I don't know, Carls, but we're definitely right," Spencer said, shaking his head at the still arguing pair, "I mean, look at the way they use needless physical body contact to try and gain the other's attention, Sam's body language is all over the place, not to mention the way Freddie-"
"Spencer," Carly cut in, a confused yet amused tone in her voice, "Have you been reading Dr Phil again?"
Spencer stopped and looked at Carly sheepishly, his bedazzled shoe brushing embarrassed circles against the wooden floor.
"Who are you trying to impress this time," Carly asked, crossing her arms and smirking at him, "Is it one of the ladies in your book club?"
"Her name is Sabrina and she makes tiny houses out of her breakfast waffles and she smells like strawberries and sunflowers AND SHE'S PERFECT!" Spencer screamed suddenly, doing a crazy happy dance and waving his hands in the air, which prompted Guppy into chanting a wave of happy birthday's to anyone who cared to listen.
This sudden burst of noise distracted Sam and Freddie from their 'argument' and enticed them to see what Spencer was making a fuss about.
"Spencer, Guppy," Freddie greeted the pair as he and Sam reached the group, nodding at them in acknowledgement whilst Sam began a poking war with Guppy.
"Sam Malone," Spencer said, addressing Freddie, "Diane Chambers," he finished, turning to Sam and ruffling her hair.
Carly elbowed Spencer in the stomach, smiling at his not-so-subtle reference to his favourite TV couple whilst simultaneously thanking the makers of fat cakes that Sam and Freddie had never seen the show Cheers, for fear of Spencer's life if Sam had.
"Has anyone seen Gibby?" Carly asked, trying to distract Sam and Freddie who were still confused by Spencer's rather odd new nicknames for them. "I mean, he should have been here ages ago."
"Probably got lost in the parking lot again," Freddie answered absent-mindedly, his gaze fixated on Sam.
"Or he found liquid soap in the bathrooms and he can't drag himself away," Spencer added helpfully, before sighing wistfully, "Trust me, I know the feeling."
"It's cool; he knows where we'll be," Carly said, before jumping into her usual peppy mode, "So, to the panel room?"
"Sure, let's get this show on the road!" Sam replied with fake enthusiasm, leading the gang in the direction of the iCarly conference hall, "But first, does anyone know where a girl could get one, if not seven, fat shakes around here?
"Here we go again, what is it with you and fat shakes?" Freddie asked her, his eyebrow raised in mock interest.
"Mama just appreciates a good 300 calorie smoothie from the fat cake heavens, ok Benson?" Sam replied, before promptly punching Freddie on the arm, "And that was for questioning the fat shake Gods."
Freddie yelped in pain, rubbing his arm in the place where Sam had pulled her surprise fat shake protest attack, and as the bickering began again Carly rolled her eyes at her wonderful, yet incredibly stupid best friends, who were now grinning madly at each other while the insults were flying.
"Completely oblivious," she muttered to herself, before storming off after them, Spencer and Guppy following a similar suit, "Well that's going to have to change."
There it is, chapter 1! Did you like, did you have any favourite parts / lines? I made up the names of the Galaxy Wars characters, Dragomir was supposed to the equivalent of Luke from Star Wars, and Froogle like Yoda. Gibby will appear in the next chapter, in all his Gibby-ish glory! Next chapter up soon, maybe even today if I finish editing it...
Please Review, Click the Blue!
~ Mim