Listening to "I Saw God Today" by George Strait will help set the mood for this one-shot :)

"It will be a while longer." The words rang softly through Jace's head as he strolled out of the mudane hospital. He thought with amusement of Clary and Jocelyn's badgering push toward their daughter being born in a registered hospital. A small po-dunk coffee shop sat across the street and Jace smiled, enjoying the thought of a break from endless walls of sterile white.

With coffee in hand, he leaned his elbows against the cheap formica table in front of the store window. Eighteen hours now...a small quiet moment alone was welcome. He hadn't left her side the entire time. Clary's labor had seemed to be going quickly, but that was 10 hours ago. Before he'd left, his fiancee' was fast asleep, the pain and tears she'd already suffered through leaving her completely exhausted. Jace was happy that she was finally getting some relief. He'd had horrible injuries and mental pain, the life of a shadowhunter, but to see Clary crying silently from the labor pain with their baby, his baby...that had almost killed him on the spot.

The steam from the coffee cup wafted up and filled Jace's senses as he watched person after person walk by him. A couple caught his eye and he noticed the woman had a familiar glow about her. The same glow he'd seen around Clary for the past nine months. He grinned, glancing at the small bump curving the woman's abdomen.

Jace raised his face, letting a little of the late afternoon sunlight pass over him. He would be a father soon. How unbelievable. Looking around him, he saw a small pink flower pushing up through a crack in the sidewalk. His gaze caught onto it immediately, the delicate curve of the petals, the thin, frail stem. Like it was put there for just him to see.

His pocket buzzed and he grabbed his cell, flipping it open. The text message read, 'Showtime', 5:08 PM. Jace smiled and threw his half filled coffee cup in the nearest trash can as he practically ran toward the towering white building.

One hour later, Jace had his face pressed against cool glass of the newborn nursery. A nurse was running a small soft brush through a tiny little baby's light fuzz. The baby scrunched it's nose and momentarily flicked it's eyes open, before closing them again. Green. Just like her momma.

Jace had never been much for religion, but watching his new little baby girl, now sleeping in a glass cradle, little pink socks covering her feet and his and Clary's name written on the paper band around her fragile wrist, he couldn't deny that only some higher power could have brought this to him. This miracle.

He saw God today.

Just some more Clace. I'm obessessed, it's official. Reviews and comments are very welcome. Each one helps me improve in some way.

Hope ya enjoyed it guys!
