Naruto Absorption Justu 8

The sky was black and the sound of the ocean was the only sound that was present, the stars were being

shown, "HACCCCCKKKK!" cried two voices and three balls of light shot though the air, Naruni gasped and wiped

the drool off her face, "man, I hate doing that!" said Naruni, Naruichi pay no attention to her sister complaint and

was instead looking at a map of the countries, "hmmm, after this country, we will arrive at the Land of Islands

and we can circle around the Land of Water and head for the Land of Earth, on the way we could stop in the

Land of Demons" Said Naruichi, "hmm? Why do you want to go to the Land of Demons?" said Naruni but then she

realized the reason, "oh! Now I get it…. You want to see Shion don't you?" said Naruni smiling, "Yeah she is a

friend, so what?" said Naruichi defensibly, "hehe, it looks like you got confused with you kissed Yakumo right?

Maybe I should give you Sasame since you like her too!" said Naruni, "knock it off Naruni!" said Naruichi getting

red in the face, "hehe! Geez Naruichi, you don't have be embarrassed! That's Hinata talking! You're still Naruto at

heart but you just have Sakura, Hinata and Granny sexy body!" said Naruni, "Damnit Naruni!" cried Naruichi, she

gripped her fist and punched Naruni straight in the face, Naruni rocket through the air, "aaagggggg!" cried

Naruni, lights began to turn on "oh crud!" said Naruichi as she jumped.

In a village, there were no sounds at all but only the sound of the guards, the were put there after a few

"disappearances" occurred, after night time either a man or woman would disappear and the only thing that they

left was their clothes, it was a terrify thought and it gripped the village, now all the villagers stay in their homes

and the guards were left to stop this plague but it seems too that guards were disappearing, there were a lot of

brave men who would choose to fight this problem, a young guard was standing by a gate when an elder guard

came by him, "how's it going here?" said the elder guard, "nothing here sir" said the young guard, "well keep it

up," said the elder guard, "but why is this happening? Day and night our people are disappearing" said the

young guard, "hmm I don't know but what ever it is we have to stop it" said the elder guard, "hey I need a break

could you take my place for" the young turned and saw that elder guard was gone, the younger guard looked

around and saw the elder man's clothes laying on the ground, "Gah!" cried the young guard as he dropped his

spear and back away from the clothes but then he hit something and his head hit something soft, looked up and

saw two eyes staring back at him and smiling, the figure grabbed the young guard, "aaaaaaaaaaarggggghh!" an

screamed through the village.

It was morning and bright sun shone though, the two Twins were walking the path, Naruni was rubbing her face,

the wrapping covered her face and she was in a bad mood, "I was just joking about it, you didn't have to go all

Sakura on me!" said Naruni, "and again, I'm sorry" said Naruichi blushing, the two was walking when they say a

large crowd of men and bandits, they were standing around large poster outside a village, the twins looked at

each other and got close, "whats going on?" said Naruni to one of the men, "there some guy hiring men to guard

there village" said the man, "but isn't this over extreme" said Naruichi, "hey don't ask me, listen to the guy!" said

the man, Naruichi and Naruni walked into crowd and found some spots, there was a large stand and on it was a

elder looking man with a sad face on him, "thank you all for coming, you're probably wondering why men such as

yourself are doing here, I need help, my village is being attacked by something and my people are now terrified

just to go outside at night and every morning one of my people disappear" said the old man, "that's awful!' said

Naruni, "yes, but I think there are more to it" said Naruichi, "I know that it's not much but we will be grateful if

one of you gets rid of this nightmare, I'm offering the one any treasure they like" said the old man, all of the men

cheered and some of them went into the village to stay, "come on sis! Lets help them out!" said Naruni, "yes,

lets see what we can do" said Naruichi and the two twins walked into the village. It was in the afternoon and

Naruichi was looking around the village but she had weird feeling in her, "this village is strange, it like something

that is familiar to me, it feeling like the first time when I discover the Absorption Justu" thought Naruichi, "come

back Ray!" cried a voice and little boy ran out of a alley and he wasn't paying attention and he bumped into

Naruichi and both people fell down, "ouch!" said Ray as he rubbed his head but then he noticed that one of his

hands was touching Naruichi's Breast, both people were red in the face, "sorry! I was running and didn't see

were I was going!" said Ray, "no it's okay, but why were you running?" said Naruichi as she stood up, "there you

are Ray!" cried a man, the man looked angry and grabbed Ray by the head, "give back the apples that you

took!" said the man, "what Apples?" said Ray but the man shook Ray and 5 apples came out of his shirt, "oh

those apples, hehehe" said Ray nervously, "I swear you better have money or I'll" growled the man and Ray

became scared, "how much were they?" said Naruichi, the man and Ray looked at Naruichi confused, "I said, how

much were they?" said Naruichi, "3 ryo for each!" said the man, Naruichi then took out gama-chan, "here, now let

him go" said Naruichi as she gave the man the money, the man grumbled and walked away, Ray turn to Naruichi

and was stun, "why did you do that for me?" said Ray, "hey, you just wanted some apples right? That's simple

right?" said Naruichi smiling; Ray blushed when Naruichi smiled but then shook his head, "well I didn't need help!

I could have gotten it anyway" said Ray, "why is that?" said Naruichi, "because I'm the chiefs grandson!" said

Ray, Naruichi smiled and giggled a bit, "he is like Konohamaru" thought Naruichi, "whats so funny?" said Ray, "oh

nothing, just thinking of a friend" said Naruichi, "you're weird" said Ray, "whatever, hey do you have a place to

eat?" said Naruichi, "well there is this ramen…" "RAMEN?, come on lets go!" said Naruichi and she grabbed Ray by

the arm. Later at the ramen stand, Naruichi order a bowl for Ray while she order some for herself, as Ray was

eating he was surprise how messy Naruichi ate and she was already at her 4th bowl, when Naruichi eat her 9th

bowl, Ray had lost his appetite and was looking at Naruichi, "man that was good! Hey waiter can have 9 more

bowls please?" said Naruichi, "w-what? You're still not hungry are you?" said Ray, "what? No these are for my

sister" said Naruichi; "you're sister?" said Ray. A knock came on the door, Naruni heard it and open the door to

see a stack of ramen at the door, "hey got you some Food!" said Naruichi, "sweet sis! I was wonder were you

were!" said Naruni smiling, Naruichi walked into the room and along came Ray, "hey who is the kid?" said Naruni,

Ray blushed when he saw Naruni, she was equal beautiful as her sister, "oh that is Ray! He is the grandson of

the chief!" said Naruichi, "nice to meet ya!" said Naruni smiling, "t-thanks!" said Ray but he was distracted by the

sun, the sun was going down and it was already dusk, "hey whats wrong? Oh yeah! It's that thing that keep

attacking your village right?" said Naruni, "y-yeah…." Said Ray softly, Naruichi and Naruni noticed his change in

tone, "hey whats wrong?" said Naruni, "everybody is terrified and it's my fault" said Ray, "what? You're fault?"

said Naruni, "Ray, could you tell us whats is going on really?" said Naruichi getting serious, "I can't! it will hurt

grandpa!" said Ray, "Ray, we can't help if you're not telling the truth" said Naruichi, "o-okay I'll tell, my village is a

poor village and we struggle to make money, everything in the treasurer is all of the money we collected over the

years and it's all thanks to my grandpa but one day while we were fishing, Grandpa hooked up strange scroll"

said Ray, "a scroll you say?" said Naruichi, "yeah! It had a weird design on it and the writing inside it was weird!

It was like another language! My grandpa told me that it was a scroll from 3,000 years ago and he said that it

would really help the village if he sold it to the hidden mist village so he took it to the village but that is when…"

"that's when the attacks happen right?" said Naruichi, "yeah, I feel so bad about it, so I kinda stay up at night to

see the things that are attacking the village" said Ray, "Naruichi, whats is going on?" this scroll?" said Naruni, "I

have an idea about it but" a scream was heard outside, making the three people jump, Naruichi ran outside and

saw that the men were fighting something outside the village, "Naruni lets go! Ray, stay here!" said Naruichi as

she jump towards the fight and Naruni followed after her, Ray stood outside the house, "Naruichi…." Said Ray.

Naruichi and Naruni jumped as fast as they could, Naruichi used her Byakuygan to look ahead and she saw

something that disturbed her, "Naruni hide!" said Naruichi, "okay but why?" said Naruni, "just do it!" said

Naruichi, the twins arrive at the field and hid in the tree and as an extra precaution, Naruichi made a genjustu

that made it seem that Naruichi and Naruni were two cats, Naruni turn to the felid and saw a frighten scene, the

felid was covered with clothes and dried up bodies, the bodies were still moving but the thing that interested her

were the two figures, they were two girls standing in the middle of the field, the girls were usually big, about the

size of two men and one of them was a little bit taller than the other one, the one the on the right had long black

hair with a white streak in it and on her right shoulder was a ruby, the one on the left had brown short hair and

on her left shoulder was a sapphire, but the most usually character about them was that they had large breast,

a man was in front of them struggling to get away, "he is a bit of a fighter huh sis?" said the tall one, "it's pretty

much useless though" said the short one, the tall one grab the man by the legs and held in up side down, "I'm

still hungry, so I'm going to eat him okay Toshira?" said the tall one, "you're always hungry Yoko" said Toshira,

Yoko smiled at the frighten man and then her hands glowed green, suddenly the man began to dry up and soon

he was turned into a mummy like the other men, "*burp* well that wasn't satisfying" said Yoko, Naruichi and

Naruni were shocked at what they saw "Naruichi! T-that's that's..." stammered Naruni, "The Absorption justu but

it's different from ours" said Naruichi, "it looks like the chief of that village thought he could stop us but he is a

bigger fool than I thought" said Toshira, "the scroll is the village right? Lets go there and get it already!" said

Yoko, Naruni stood up and was about to jump off the tree when Naruichi stopped her, "what are you doing?"

said Naruichi, "we have to stop them now!" said Naruni, Naruichi thought for a moment and she knew that

Naruni was right, "we need to get the scroll as soon as…." A kunai cut across Toshira face, "argh!' said Toshira

and she turn looked at the attacker, Naruichi cancel the genjustu and the two girls appeared in front of Yoko and

Toshira, "well, well what is this? Two Kunoichi" said Toshira, she saw Naruichi and blush, "the one with the eyes

is pretty cute~" said Toshira winking at her, "w-what?" thought Naruichi getting creeped out, "were here to stop

you!" said Naruni, "ha! That is a laugh! No one can beat a protoamazon!" said Yoko smugly, "Proamazon?"

thought Naruni, "now why don't you leave before I suck you dry!" said Yoko, "in your dreams!" cried Naruni as

she grabbed her two swords and charged at Yoko, "Naruni wait!" cried Naruichi, but Toshira blocked her path,

"you have to deal with me sexy~" said Toshira as she grabbed Naruichi and pushed her across the felid

Naruni charged at Yoko and swing her sword at Yoko's arm, Yoko channel charaka though her hand and stop the

blade, "what?" said Naruni, "pff" said Yoko as she slam her fist down but Naruni dodged the attack, "my fists are

very strong huh? They can also do this!" cried Yoko as she punched the ground, suddenly the grass began to dry

up, "my Vampire Syringe Justu will suck you dry!" cried Yoko as she charged at Naruni, "okay so close to close

combat won't work, maybe it time for long range!" thought Naruni, she jump back from Yoko and switch her

swords with her weapon scroll, "Heavenly dragon justu!" said Naruni as she spin her scroll around and

summoned kunai, bombs and shruiken at Yoko but Yoko jump and charge at Naruni, "got ya!" cried Yoko as she

stabbed Naruni but then Naruni went poof and a snake was there instead, the snake bit Yoko with it's fangs,

"god Damnit!" cried Yoko as she tossed the snake away , "over here!" cried Naruni, she was swinging a chain

around and tossed it at Yoko's legs and it wrapped around her legs, Naruni slam down on the chain and Yoko

along with it, Yoko landed flat on the ground, "you little brat! I'll kill you!" said Yoko but then she noticed that her

arms were numb, "my arms! What happen to my arms?" cried Yoko, "my snake numbed you arms you can't use

your justu any more!" cried Naruni, "arggh!" cried as she mash the chain with her fist and charged at Naruni,

"Mind technique!" cried a voice!" Yoko suddenly stop and stood still, "my body… what happen?" said Yoko, Naruni

just smilied as a shadow clone was using the Mind Techinque on Yoko, Naruni came closer and Yoko noticed that

her hands were glowing green, "no! you couldn't learn" said Yoko with tears in her eyes, "that's right! I'm going

to do what you did to those men! How did this justu go? Oh yeah! Vampire Syringe Justu" cried Naruni as she

stabbed Yoko and watch the process, Yoko's body was began to lose it's youth and was becoming older and

older, her breast were beganing to shrink and she was getting smaller and smaller until she was a shriveled up

mummy, Naruni sat on the ground, "few! I hope that Naruichi is doing better!

Naruichi gotten into her fighting stance (which was a mix of Strong and Gentle fist) and she cried out

"Byakuygan!" her eyes focus on Toshira, Toshira just smiled and walked around Naruichi, "hmm, you know, I

never seen a person like you before" said Toshira, "I never seen a person eat another person "Said Naruichi,

"hehehe, how would know the enjoys of devouring the weak and the pleasure of them in your body" said

Toshira, "you're sick!" cried Naruichi, "I'm not sick, it's how am raised, It's how all of my clan sister were raised"

said Toshira, "you were raised like that?" said Naruichi, "yes but you'll never find out about my clan Naruto

Uzumaki…." said Toshira, Naruichi was shocked, "h-how you know my" "your boy name? I'm a mind reader and I

have been reading your mind this entire time, so why don't you show me you're original form?" said Toshira as

appeared began Naruichi and grabbed, Naruichi was suddenly transformed back into Naruto, "what?" said

Naruto, Toshira looked at Naruto and smiled, "hmm you look as a boy as well~, I don't know which form I like

more" said Toshira as she back away from Naruto and Naruto transformed back into Naruichi, "how did you do

that?" said Naruichi, " a secret so anyway Naruto, before you die I'll show you one of my clan special justu!" said

Toshira, Naruichi got back in a fighting stance, Toshira weaved hands and then she began to suck in air, the air

was getting stronger and Stronger and it sucked in a large boulder, the boulder was sucked in Toshira and into

her stomach, her stomach bulge, "digestion justu!" said Toshira, and then her stomach was shrinking back to

normal but as it did, Toshira grew large and her skin turn gray "what the heck!" cried Naruichi, she threw a kunai

at Toshira but the kunai stuck in her skin, "hehehe! This is my justu! The digestion justu, anything melted in my

body I absorb the traits of it and grow in size!" cried Toshira as she lifted one of her feet and slammed down on

Naruichi, "Rotation!" cried Naruichi as she spin quickly, this cause Toshira to slip, "why you!" cried Toshira as she

got up, Toshira shoot rock out of body but Naruichi dodged them with the help of the Byakuygan, "I got to stop

her before she sucks in more!" thought Naruichi, "Naruichi!" cried a voice, Naruichi turned and saw Ray, "Ray!

What are you doing here!" cried Naruichi, "I-I wanted to help!" cried Ray, "ohoh! This a friend of you're here

Naruto!" cried Toshira, she began to blow in again and the wind was incredible, "-ha-ha-aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!"

cried Ray was he was picked up the wind, "Ray!" cried Naruichi, Ray was then swallowed by Toshira,

"hehehehahaha! You better beat me or you're friend will die! Huh?" said Toshira, Naruichi was standing and her

fist was tight together, "you better let him go!" cried Naruichi, her eyes with now red and the mark on Naruichi

head spread and cover her face, "what is this?" cried Toshira, Naruichi focus her charaka in her hand, wind was

forming around it until it was in the shape of a sphere, then the sphere began to change into a lions head, "this

is my new justu!" Cried Naruichi as she jumped towards Toshira, "Rasoka Juho Soshiken!" cried Naruichi as she

slammed the justu into Toshira, when hit Toshira's eyes bugged out and she threw up blood and vomit and her

stomach was broken though, Naruichi was still in the air holding Ray her arms, she landed on the ground, Ray

began to stir, "Naruichi…" said Ray, "It's okay Ray you're safe" said Naruichi as she lay Ray on the ground,

Naruichi walked towards were Toshira landed, Toshira's stomach was bleeding and she was cough up blood,

Naruichi stood over Toshira, "you won, good job…" said Toshira, Naruichi crotch down and her hands began to

glow, "let me heal you' said Naruichi, "hehe, why?" said Toshira, "because I need information on you clan" said

Naruichi, "hehe, alright come closer" said Toshira, Naruichi came closer to Toshira, suddenly Toshira put her

hands Naruichi, "for defeating me, I'll give you my justu" said Toshira, she was pushing more and more of her

body into Naruichi with she was in Naruichi, "wait Toshira!" cried Naruichi, "goodbye Naruto Uzumaki…. I wished

you had absorbed me as well" said Toshira, Naruichi stomach bulged and then it began to shrink back to normal

size, Naruichi stood alone.

The Morning was bright and all the villagers were in front on the village and they were cheering for Naruichi and

Naruni, Ray and his grandfather was standing by them, "thank you Naruichi and Naruni, you have free us from

our nightmare, is there anything we can give you?" said the Chief, " Chief, do you have a scroll in your hands"

said Naruichi, the chief thought for a moment, "yes, you can have that accursed scroll' said the Chief and he went

to get it, Ray was standing silent and blushing, "Naruichi san" said Ray, "yes Ray?" said Naruichi smiling, "t-

thanks for rescue me" said Ray red, Naruichi smiled and she hugged Ray, "ohoho, my Ray quiet a lady boy" said

the chief, "I-I'm not" cried Ray and everyone laugh. Waving goodbye, Naruichi and Naruni returned to their

journey but Naruichi had a face of worry, "what wrong sis?" said Naruni, "those ninja, I have a feeling that we

will be meeting more of them" said Naruichi