Bardock's Curse

This is my 1st story and a setup for the next one, I need a lot of reviews to know whether or not to bring the entire race back to life after the events of dragonball gt take place, but I have a good idea how. If you're looking for details, reach for the author's button, and Bardock doesn't survive in this one.

Disclaimer: If I owned dragonball it wouldn't end after dragonball gt

It was over, I failed.

I am Bardock the 3rd class sayian who is stronger than most of Frieza's elites. That is why I'm about to die. Frieza feared us, we were getting to strong. He sent his soldiers to kill my crew, and then went to kill our entire race. I found out because of my curse.


When I finished purging a planet that was rumored to have psych powers like reading minds, with my crew, a sole survivor hit me behind the neck. He told me about it, I will never forget his words.

"You can too Bardock now you can read minds and see the future too."


"So you can see the horror of your end just like we had too" he laugh an insane sound,

"Shut up!" with that I killed him.

**********************END OF FLASHBACK******************

I now know why he did that; he could see how the people that killed him would die, he wanted me to see that Frieza, who everything we did was for him, would kill us and destroys our planet.

I tried to stop him; I warned my people and they thought I was insane. What fools, there all goners. I tried to fight him, I told him we quit, and then it happened.


My son was being sent to a different planet,

I saw a girl next to him.

My son was mediating.

He was grown up and beating a green alien I've never seen before,

He was using an attack he called Kio-ken.

Then he was fighting Prince Vegeta, who yelled "not bad kattorot, for a low level."

"Why am I seeing this?" I cried.

"It's the future" the alien who gave me this curse, it was his voice.

"The future?" I repeated.

"This is your son; he is growing to become a great warrior just like his father was."

"Was" I did not like the sound of that, it meant I failed.

"By this time you are long dead, but take heart, a hero has been born, one that will protect people from people like Frieza and you. He however has more power than the rest of this dimension combined. Of course he isn't from this dimension or the next, when you will meet him for the first time. He won't even be a sayian, not that he ever consider he was in the first place." He predicted

"No one is that powerful." I reasoned, in doubt.

*******************END OF FLASHFORWARD******************

My energy was absorbed by Frieza's blast, it was as big as most moons. It was headed straight to my planet, and the blast engulfed me.

It was over, I failed. I closed my eyes and a final vision overcame me as I died.


My son was a super sayian and beat Frieza.

Teleporting a living bomb to another planet.

Going super sayian 3 and 4 and gaining impossible power levels.

Fusing with an ageless and limitless dragon and becoming immortal and nearly invincible.

I with the rest of my race meeting my son in hell but alive; not knowing how powerful he really is.

Or what he's doing here or what where doing here.

*******************END OF FLASHFORWARD******************

So that's the future. As I died I yelled the true name of the most powerful thing in these dimensions,

Where super sayian 4, is just the tip of his power, which nothing from the known dimensions can beat.


So that was my first story and yes bardock did see what my future fan fiction will be about, and if you don't review I will ask Sheron to make everyone who reads this have an uncontrollable urge to review, and check out my account and e-mail it to all your friends. HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!