The Day was going on as usual for Captain Hirako Shinji. He had already been repeatedly kicked by Hiyori, saved from that by Love, and stopped Kensei from killing his own leiutenant. Now he was on his way back to his squad's barracks, a characteristically apathetic expression on his face. As he got closer to his barracks, his long bleach blonde hair blowing in the wind, he sensed a confused, but strong spiritual pressure coming from the door. He sped up his pace to see what was wrong and saw something truly unusual. On the steps to his barracks, he saw his squad sitting there trying to talk to a very scared looking kid with bright orange hair that was almost scarlet. The kid was short, probably about 4, but really thin, almost like he'd never been fed enough. His eyes were too big for his face and he looked confused and overwhelmed, wearing black robes, like a shinigami, but with no zanpakutou. He seemed a truly unusual character. As Shinji got closer to the strange scene, his squad scattered, allowing him room to appraoch the strawberry kid. "What happened?" he asked his squad. "We don't know, we got here and he was just sitting on the steps like he didn't know where else to go." " I see", Shinji replied. "Hikari! Go alert Head Captain Yamamoto about this. Hikaru, Kaoru, go get this kid some food and water. Tanaka, go set him up a space in my bunker to sleep." "Yes Sir!" they replied in unison, then set about their tasks. "W-who are you?" the strawberry asked. "W-where am I? How did i get here? Who am I?" He shot questions at Shinji like he was afraid he would be cut off. "I am Captain Hirako Shinji, You are in Seretei in the Soul Society, I don't know, and I was hoping that you could tell me." "S-soul Society?" "Yes, no worries, we will take good care of you here."

Later that night, Kensei approached Shinji about the child. " So what's the story behind the mini strawberry shinigami?" "I don't know, he has no memories of who he is, where he came from, or how he got here. On top of all that, he was wearing black shinigami robes, and he had bright orange hair, almost red, like a strawberry." "Interesting... and I hear that he has a strong spiritual pressure." "yea, it rivals that of a 3rd seat." "Hmm...Something tells me this kid is gonna be real interesting." "...yea", said Shinji thoughtfully.

"The child is likely here as a result of a konso. He probably had srong spiritual pressure when he was alive, so as a soul, he ended up here instead of the rukon district." Captain Urahara enlightened us."Since Captain Shinji is the one whose squad the child showed up in, he shall be the one to look after him. I expect monthly reports on the "Strawberry"'s progress. Anyone is welcome to help him out with the "Strawberry". This is my final word." That's what Head Captain Yamamoto said about the child in the Captain's Meeting, leaving Shinji to find a way to deal. Shinji recalled this memory as he was walking back to his barracks to get some sleep. Strawberry was asleep on the small bed next to Shinji's. He looked so peaceful asleep. When awake, the child was mysteriously quiet. "Hey Shinji?" The child surprised him, he thought he'd been asleep. " What's my name?" he asked. "I don't know your real name, but how about I come up with one for you, other than Strawberry." The child looked excited at the suggestion, so Shinji replied, " I'll call you Ichigo."