Ok, I have been reading this series for like a week and I am totally in love with it. I'm only on book six, but I can't stand it I have to write this... it might not be up to date with the tenth one or anything but, I'm going to write it anyway.

I wanted to use a blonde, green eyed girl I invented a long time ago, but seeing as all the main characters that are girls that I've come across so far in the story are blonde, and Evanlyn even has green eyes, I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I know I start stories like this all the time, but I never finish them... this one I swear is going to be different haha. I'm going to finish it and see it allllllllll the way through. So please review and enjoy!

Will frowned. He walked through the trees without a sound from the old leaves under his hunter's boots. He couldn't understand why they had decided to put him in at Lafway fief. Surely they didn't think he wasn't capable enough of the more rigorous fiefs? Surely not. He allowed himself a little arrogance: he was Will Treaty, after all.

He glided between the trees and could see a clearing up infront. Perfect. There would probably be some animal of some kind there. He wanted to try and sneak up on an animal, since their senses are so much keener than a person's, to make sure he still had his skills in check.

He crept up to the clearing, and noticed there was indeed an animal. A rabbit, as a matter of fact. He stepped forward, about 5 feet from the treeline, when he saw her. He had nearly stepped on the girl, sitting still as she was. She hadn't seen him yet, and he stood stock still.

The girl was wearing a long sleeved mottled auburn brown shirt. It wasn't on purposely so, it was obviously a bad dye job; but it served the same purpose as his ranger's cloak. She wore tan trousers, although he never would have mistaken her for a boy; she had long, nearly black hair hanging around her shoulders. She was sitting absolutely still, the only part of her moving was her fingers as the worked a charcoal pencil across a thick piece of paper.

On the piece of paper was an incredibly lifelike drawing of the rabbit in the clearing.

Will cursed himself mentally. If the girl hadn't been so focused on her drawing she may well have seen him. Fine Ranger he was.

The girl's ability to fit into the background was astonishing, for a normal country girl.

He must have made some sound for the girl looked up abruptly, eyes looking around the clearing. Her eyes slid right over Will without seeing him, but the rabbit saw her movement and started, bounding off. She cursed softly under her breath, throwing the paper to her left, right infront of Will. The drawing was not quite complete, some shading around the rabbit's tail still needed tending to. But the eyes were amazingly alive. The girl had skills he had to admit.

She leaned back and sat very very still, with her eyes closed. Will took a step forwards, looking at the drawing. The girl's eyes snapped open again and her eyes sought him out, frowning.

"Who's there?" she called out softly. Will didn't respond. He simply turned and moved unseen through the woods back to the trail some ways off. He ought to report to the castle anyways. He had just found his cabin here at Lafway, and hadn't yet even seen the castle. The trees melted away as he thought of Crowley retiring, and all the fiefs getting changed around as Halt took his place. When Halt went to take his place by Castle Araluen, Will had desperately hoped to go back to Redmont. He had been sadly disappointed.

He walked out into the clearing by his cabin. Tug stood, nibbling on the grass. The dog curled on the porch, and looked up when he entered the clearing. She woofed a soft greeting, then pulled herself to her feet.

She was getting old, he mused. Gray fur was in her coat now, although she didn't show it. Tug bobbed his head in greeting, and Will patted his neck as the dog trotted up to him. He scratched between her ears, then hauled himself up into the saddle. He dug his knees lightly into Tug's side, and he broke into a trot down the trail in the general direction of the castle.