Tonight is my night to shine me! Tonight I'm going to Bella's house to tell her im the one that truly loves her. Not goody-goody Cullen. Why does she have to be with him its obvious that she is trying to make me jealous. I mean look at me I'm hot I'm way hotter than Cullen.
Right now I'm at her bedroom window with my love poem in my pocket ready to read once she sticks her head out the window. I throw some pebbles at her window the next thing I saw shocked me to the core…
Edward I were discussing wedding plans on my bed. Then Edward's phone rang
"What Alice I'm with Bella… He is is he… ok I'll tell Bella" Edward said on the phone.
"Tell me what?"
"Mike is coming over here to tell his love for saying he's is better than me" I rolled my eyes when will he ever give up. Then I smiled evilly.
"I know that smile you have an idea don't you"
"Ok here's the plan…" I said.
I love Bella's plan once I heard Mike's thoughts I turn to Bella.
"Showtime" I striped to my boxers. I looked at Bella who was staring at my boxer. I saw her lick her lips. She looked up at me. Blushing the deepest shade ever.
"I know I know we can't yet" I heard her sigh. Before I could say anything I heard peddles hitting at the window.
I walk over to the window opening it all the way. I stuck my head out glaring at Mike.
Why is Cullen here? Please don't tell me? Why is he in only his boxers? Oh God!
"What do you want Mike." I said while sending him a death glare.
"What are you doing Cullen" Mike said I could see he was trying not to cry.
"I could ask you the same thing! What does it look like I'm spending a night with my fiancée"
I felt a warm hand on my forearm tugging at me. I turned to Bella
"Baby come back to bed" Bella wined while pouting.
"I'll be there in a sec"I pecked her pouted lips. I turned back to mike
"I have to go Mike leave and ever come back" I closed the window. I could hear mike crying in the distance.
"That was fun" Bella said.
"yep I think the human needs her sleep". Just then the door swinged open
"Bella why was Newto… ISABELLA MARIE SWAN WHY IS CULLEN HERE." Charlie shouted the he really looked at me. "AND WHT IS HE ONLY IN HIS BOXERS!"