A Sidekick To The Head
Chapter One
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot of this story. I do not claim to own Sky High or any of it's characters. Disney would be after my butt if I did.
Author's Note: Okay this is an idea I have had rolling around in my head for a while so...ya.
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The early morning sun peaked through the windows of the Williams house. The sounds of chattering children heading to school and adult heading to work filled the air. The chirping birds set a nice counter-beat to the string of creative curses falling from a tall red-head's lips.
"Where in the name of Gaia is my other shoe?" Layla snarled as she stuck a hand under the couch and groped around.
She was so preoccupied that she didn't even notice the thick vine reaching towards her from a nearby pot. Only when it brushed against her ankle did Layla look up. Wrapped in the green foliage was the black flat she had been looking for. Reaching over to take it the plant twined around her hand like a friendly pet.
Giving the plant a pat Layla took the shoe. Glancing up at the clock she cursed again. She slid on the shoe and grabbed her bag. Shutting the door behind her Layla took off towards the bus-stop at a full run. Unlike normal school if she missed the bus she couldn't get a ride from her parents. She would miss the entire day and today was kind of a big deal.
As Layla turned the corner she noted her oldest friend was still waiting patiently by the sign. Raising a hand she waved at him and received a wave in return. The infamous Will Stronghold hadn't changed much over the past two year despite being part of the most famous super hero trio of the modern day.
Layla was so relieved that they could still be friends. After their break-up it had been rough for a while. Tense and awkward. Though the break-up had been mutual it had not been fun. They both understood that the relationship, like many high-school relationships, just wasn't working.
Will had too many insecurities, his height, his powers, the expectations placed on him. Also he spent most of his free time helping his parents on missions and didn't have as much time for his girlfriend as most guys his age. Layla on the other hand felt that most of the time she acted like an older sibling and confidant. Relationships with people you knew since you were in diapers were often more embarrassing then the movie would lead one to believe. Half the fun of dating Layla supposed was learning about the other person.
About three months into the relationship they had been in the middle of yet another fight over Will blowing off a date. Layla had a moment of clarity. As best friend they were great, but they were probably one of the worst couples ever. One conversation later they were both single. It had taken months but they managed to get back to where they were before, incredibly close friends.
"I thought you were going to miss the bus. Stopped to save a tree from a kitten?" Will joked.
Layla's response was cut short as a bright yellow bus ambled down the street. As the doors opened the pair casually boarded the bus. They weren't even fazed as the buckles sprang out, tying them in, and the bus rocketed into the sky.
"Yo my peeps what happenin'?" Zach asked from the seat behind them as Ethan sat quietly beside him.
"Layla almost missed the bus." Will crowed triumphantly.
Glaring Layla smacked him on the shoulder.
"What is this I hear?" Zach pressed a hand to his heart dramatically. "Layla, our Layla, the paragon of punctuality, was late? My whole world view is crushed. My heart won't take the shock."
"What happened?" Ethan asked kindly, interrupting Zach's rant.
"I had a late night last night. I was working on a...project." Layla blushed but continued. "When I woke up this morning I found out my creeping ivy had pushed the snooze button on my alarm clock. More than once apparently."
Zach and Will chuckled while Ethan nodded sympathetically. The rest of the ride was passed in an excited chatter over the following weeks plan. The bus touched down and the four made their way toward the school building, pausing only to bid the new bus driver, Dorothy Harris, goodbye.
"Hey guys," Magenta waved from across the quad. The snaky teen was on a different bus route. As Maj made her way over to the others Zach tried to casually slip his arm around her shoulder. She dodged with ease and stood beside Layla. "You ready for today?"
"I was born ready," Zach bragged trying to impress his crush.
"Ready to get your butt kicked is more likely." A low voice materialized behind Zach.
Said boy jumped so hard his hat fell off, Ethan flinched and melted into a puddle up to his knees, meanwhile Maj, Will, and Layla tried to smother their laughter.
"Impressive," Warren Peace remarked and gestured to Ethan, "you didn't melt all the way this time."
Ethan blushed at the praise but smiled.
"I've been practicing," He admitted.
"Damn," Checking his watched Will frowned. "Guys I gotta go. I promised Coach Boomer I would help him set up."
"Me too." Magenta chimed in. The other's blinked at her in surprise. It was no secret that she wasn't Boomer's biggest fan. "If I let those ham-handed idiots handle my tech who knows what will happen?"
"Well we shall accompany you then my lady," Zach said eagerly, "Come on Ethan. You can finally talk to that sophomore chick on the set-up committee."
Within seconds Layla and Warren found themselves alone.
"Do you feel abandoned," Layla remarked dryly, "or is it just me?"
Warren just shrugged before walking off towards the school building. Used to his anti-social behaviours Layla followed at a trot.
"So are you excited?" She asked when she finally caught up.
"About what?"
"About PHAT week of course." Layla replied with a roll of her eyes.
"Did you just call me fat?" Warren glanced at Layla with a small smirk.
Layla groaned in response.
"Ha ha, very funny smart-ass,"
PHAT week was one of many new programs implemented by the school. Since the whole "Royal Pain" incident in freshman year Sky High had a complete overhaul. The widely publicized fiasco had caused many First-Generation hero's parents too look more closely at their children's education. Upon finding out about the segregation between Heroes and Hero-Support there had been a massive outcry. There had been threats of withdrawing students and civil law-suits.
As a result the Super School Board had once again completely reorganized the system. Firstly the term Hero-Support was completely abolished. Secondly instead of Heroes and Hero-Support having separate classes many of the classes were integrated. Also many new Alternative or Alt Hero classes were added that supported Heroes with unusual powers and taught them how to use their powers to their advantage.
PHAT week had only been instituted this year. PHAT stood for Practical Hero Activity Training. The school decided that since Hero partnerships were so common it was important to teach the students how to work effectively in pairs. For a week juniors and seniors were paired up and set to complete a series of tasks and activities. Some were physical, some were mental, some were creative, and some were down right silly. It was a bit like a school fair but for Heroes. Scores were given out for each activity and at the end of the week the pair with the most points received some prize.
"Why would I be excited about PHAT week?" Warren asked. Layla tilted her head and stared at the pyro curiously. He sighed and kicked a rock. "Look I'm not exactly Mr. Congeniality if you haven't noticed."
A snort escaped Layla despite her efforts to hold it in.
"Anyways," Warren continued with a glare, "with my reputation and my father there is no way anybody is going to want me as a partner. That's just the way things are. Most people think I'm going to end up a villain anyway so why should I bother trying to change their minds? I don't care what people think of me. Never have, never will."
Layla was so shocked that she couldn't find words. Despite his words it was obvious that Warren was unhappy about the other students prejudice. It hadn't really occurred to her before but it must have been hard for him living under the shadow of his father's crimes.
Still deep in thought Layla bid Warren an absent goodbye and headed to the combat arena to sit with the other juniors.
Upon entering Layla was instructed to reach into a large box and pull out a piece of paper. On it was a number that would dictate in what order she might choose her partner. The higher the number the more choices she had.
Entering the hall and taking her seat with Will, Maj, Zach, and Ethan she regarded the small four written in bright red ink.
"Good morning students," Principal Powers stood on a raised podium and addressed the assembled student body. "It is my honour the start off what we hope to be the first in a long line of successful Practical Hero Activity Training."
The speech was in no way original. It was almost identical to the one Principal Powers gave for every occasion. As a result Layla's mind began to wander and again it was dragged back to her conversation with Warren.
It just wasn't fair for him to be treated so badly for something that had happened before he was even born. For a school that was so focused on "educating future Heroes" it seemed full or prejudice jerks. If these were the Heroes of the future the world was in deep trouble, Layla concluded.
Layla was jerked out of her musings as Coach Boomer took Principal Powers place at the podium. In his usual loud voice he called student number one to the podium. Smirking Zach stood up, and then with a smug shrug to his friends, he marched calmly to the podium.
Tripping as he walked up the stairs Zach managed to make it to the microphone with no major injuries.
"So Braun," Coach Boomer said as he regarded his ever present clip board, "who do you choose as your partner?"
Grabbing the mike Zach smiled widely.
"That's easy I will of course be choosing the lovely Magenta."
It was almost scary how synced Magenta and Coach Boomer's eye rolls were. Sympathetically Layla patted her friend on the arm as she passed on her way to stand beside her, literally, glowing partner.
The next two students were people Layla knew by name but not personally. The first was a senior girl who chose her boyfriend and the other was a junior who chose his best friend. Immediately Layla was starting to see a pattern.
Still her heart jumped as Coach Boomer called her number. Carefully she headed down the bleachers to the stage.
Inadvertently she caught sight of Warren seated with the rest of the seniors. He wasn't hard to spot due to the empty space that formed a five foot radius around his seat. It seemed that the other students would rather sit on top of each other rather than sit anywhere close to the teen.
Suddenly Layla made up her mind.
"So Williams who will it be?" Coach Boomer asked. He didn't even pretend to look interested in her answer.
"I choose Warren Peace." Layla said clearly into the microphone.
For a moment there was the kind of silence one hears only when someone make a joke at a funeral. Coach Boomer nodded absently and made a mark on his list. From where she was standing Layla could see he had made a mark beside Will's name. Suddenly, as if the information had just sunk into his brain, the Coach's head jerked up. His eyes were comically wide.
"Really?" He managed to choke out. "Peace?"
Layla nodded solemnly. Immediately Coach Boomer lit up like a Christmas tree.
"That'ta girl," He crowed, thumping her so hard on the back that Layla nearly fell off the stage. "Way to take one for the team."
Rubbing the spot where Boomer had tried to knock her spine through her chest Layla took her place with the other pairs stood. With practiced ease she ignored the murmurs of the confused body.
"What was that about?" Magenta hissed when the girl was in earshot. "I thought you were going to pair up with Will. Everyone did."
"Ya Lay," Zach chimed in. "What were you thinking?"
"That is exactly what I would like to know." Once again Warren managed to sneak silently up behind the group. His sudden appearance caused Zach to grip his palpitating heart.
"Quit doing that dude, you're going to give me a heart attack."
"I'm failing to see the downside." Magenta muttered.
Layla was happy at the conversations change in direction but the look on Warrens face told her he wouldn't be distracted for long. Looking around she noticed Will walking towards the group with a stormy look on his face.
Excusing herself Layla managed to intercept the boy and drag him out to a secluded hall before he could explode on her in front of everyone.
"What the hell Layla?" Will predictably exploded. "I thought we agreed we were going to choose each other."
"Look Will," Layla sighed and rubbed her forehead in frustration. "Nobody was going to pair up with Warren and you know it. People are scared to death of him and he would never admit to wanting to participate anyways. He's our friend. We can't just let him get left out like that."
"Well you're MY best friend in case you forgot."
Layla was shocked by Will's jealous tone. Immediately she felt a twinge of anger but managed to stomp it down. After all she knew exactly how Will was feeling. She had felt the same way when Gwen or Sue or whatever her name was, tried to take her best friend away.
"Don't you take that attitude with me William Stronghold," Just because Layla understood Will's feelings did not mean she was going to let him walk all over her though. "This isn't some competition between you and Warren. I have every right to choose any partner I want whether you are my best friend or not. Also don't act like you're not happy Madeline made you her partner. I've seen you staring at her in Advanced Aerial Rescue Class."
Will blushed but didn't deny it. Taking a breath he seemed to calm down as the tension leaked from his posture.
"Sorry Lay," Will apologized sheepishly, "I guess I kinda lost my head for a minute. You were right to choose Warren it just surprised me a bit I guess."
Having calmed down they both headed back into the arena to find their respective partners. Seeing Will Madeline, a short blonde, began to wave enthusiastically. Before heading over Will had one last comment.
"I'm just saying be careful Layla," The red-head just blinked at him. "I mean it's not unusual for hero pairs to end up dating. So stay on guard."
The feigned serious look on Will's face caused Layla to snort derisively.
"Shut up Will."
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So ya that's the prologue. Hope you like it. If you did please review because reading reviews makes me happy. Sorry about any spelling or grammar errors if you see any tell me. TTFN