Substandard Author's Note:

Nagima Uzumaki: Harry is NOT going to become a were-creature of any type, although I have been toying with animagus ideas for later.

Wolvenstorm: You have no idea what I'm planning for the Dursleys, just know, it will be true Gold Digger style.

Wonderbee31: I'm planning to do all 7 books. The battle of Hogwarts will be VERY different this time around.

GinaStar: I'm not planning a one-shot anytime soon, but I'll keep your request in mind.

Sakura Lisel: You are the most aggravating reviewer I have. Thank you for that. I mean that quite seriously too. Your comments and reviews are perfect for pointing out the plot holes I have. While I do not plan on rewriting the story yet, I will eventually. That time will come when I can get through a full story without causing you to point out major plot holes. And when I do rewrite, your reviews are going to be used to fix most of what I messed up.

And now the final chapter in this first story. It is, also, going to be the first completed fanfic I have.

Omega Protocol:

Fallout from the dragon egg was mixed, but after a few weeks it blew over. Classes continued, the trio kept guard on the third floor, even going so far as to have Peebo put some sensors in the room, but Snape (or Quirrell, as Harry suggested) never made his move.

Eventually final exams came. Hermione was rushing about, studying, revising, and complaining about how all the worrying about the Stone had ruined her study schedule. Of course both Harry and Ron ignored this, but Peebo decided to help the young bookworm with studying. Much to the relief of the common room.

The finals were tough, but eventually they were over. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Peebo all breathed easier as they stepped out into the hall after the potions final.

"I am so glad Snape wasn't giving us that test." Hermione commented.

Harry grinned. "Yeah, but I still say he's a better teacher..."

Harry was interrupted by Peebo suddenly beeping. "Warning. The fox is in the hen house, repeat the fox is in the henhouse."

The three humans looked at each other. That was the alert that someone was trying for the Stone. Harry led his friends into a secluded hall and got his invisibility cloak out of his backpack.

"You just happen to have that with you?" Hermione asked.

"Never can tell when you might need it"

The group slipped the cloak over themselves and hurried to the third floor. Fluffy as still there, but asleep. A harp playing in the background showed why. "Figures," Ron said as they jumped down the trap door. "The one time we want him awake, he's asleep."

The trip down the trapdoor was uneventful. They landed in a patch of hard dirt. Soft red embers glowed around them.

"Peebo, lights."

The group blinked as Peebo's eyes started glowing; the room lit up like a small sun had rose.

"Useful," Hermione commented.

"Not to worry anyone, but didn't Hagrid say various teacher's helped to protect the Stone." Ron said in a slightly panicked voice.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other. "He knows what each one did." Harry said.

"And is clearing a path straight to the Stone." Hermione countered.

They looked around the room. It was quite empty save the smoldering bits of plant that must have been a protection devised by Professor Sprout.

They saw the exit and hurried along. The next room held flying keys, obviously meant for the door currently blasted open across the room. After that was a troll, much larger than the one from Halloween. Luckily this one was out cold. Apparently it had hit itself repeatedly on the head with its own club.

The next room, however, was a real challenge. A chess set as tall as them stood between them and the door. It was obvious that someone had already played against them, but they were ready for round two.

"Of course McGonagall would come up with the first decent challenge." Harry said sarcastically. "Ron, you're the best chess player here."

Over the next thirty minutes Ron guided them through the game. Eventually, however, he had to sacrifice himself so that Harry could checkmate the king. Before moving on they made sure he was okay and then moved to the next protection.

Almost as soon as the flames shot up, Peebo put them out with a built in fire extinguisher. Hermione was about to say something about this when she noticed a pile of broken glass on one side of a table in the center of the room. A logic problem on the table made everything clear. Whoever came through here wanted make sure no one else could. "Take Ron to the nurse. Delay telling anybody anything for at least one hour. If I'm not back by then, well. At least I got to apologize." Harry said before grabbing Peebo and racing down the final corridor.


Harry and Peebo rushed into the final room to find Quirrell looking into the strange mirror that he had found over the holidays. "This must be Dumbledore's protection." Harry thought as he approached the turbaned man.

"I see myself giving my master the stone, but how do I get it out of this mirror?" Quirrell seemed to ask himself.

"We are not alone," came a cold voice from near Quirrell.

The teacher turned, and seemed a little shocked to find Harry standing there. "You shouldn't be here boy," he said without a trace of stutter.

Harry smiled. "And Snape would make a much better villain. And why the stutter? Do you know how annoying that?"

"Usssse the boy," the voice said.

Quirrell seemed to hesitate but grabbed harry and shoved him in front of the mirror. Harry had figured the mirror showed only what you desired, and so he focused on wanting to see where the Stone was. And then he laughed.

"What's so amusing boy?" Quirrell asked in an irritated tone.

"Only the best joke I've heard all year. You want the Stone, I know where it is."

Harry was spun around and Quirrell lifted him up by the robes. "TELL ME!"

Harry laughed is his face. "You're not going to like this, but…"

-Digger estates, Atlanta, USA

"Are you sure about this Nick?" Theo asked his way to old friend.

"The old coot wanted to use the stone to force a confrontation between Harry and Voldermort. It and I had better go somewhere away from all this, or else he might try using the stone itself."

"Besides," said the alchemist's wife, "Jade might have some very erotic places to visit."

"Don't you mean exotic dear?"

"I know what I mean," she said with a smirk.


Harry was laughing as Quirrell tossed him to one side. "Let me ssspeak with himm," said the voice.

Cringing, Quirrell slowly unwrapped the turban, revealing a very distorted and snake like face on the back of his head. "We meet at lassst Potter."

"It's Digger's now o' evil snake guy."

The face chuckled evilly. "You laugh even when facing your end, how Gryphondor of you. Now tell me where the Stone is."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "You heard me, it's in Atlanta." He paused for a second. "Anyway, the Stone is the least of your problems."

"And what, pray, do you mean by that?"

Harry only grinned as Peebo hit Quirrell/Voldermort with over 200,000 volts of electricity. "Omega Protocols activated. Weapons systems armed." Came Peebo's squeaky voice. It ejected its wand, which Harry caught easily. "Avara Kadavara" came Voldemort's voice. A green light flew straight at Peebo, but when it hit it seemed to be absorbed by some kind of shield.

"Batteries it 160% of max and climbing, safety protocols overwritten." Two small rockets slid out of the back of the Peebo. "Activate turbo boosts" it said as it blasted straight at the evil figure. A shield spell kept the Peebo from making contact, but also allowed for the machine's next move. "Jettison fuel tanks," it said as three small metal tanks were launched towards the foe. The shield of course stopped them, but Peebo discharged its tazer as they hit the shield, resulting in an explosion that destroyed the mirror and blew Quirrell/Voldermort into the wall.

Harry had seen this and realized what was going on, and, more importantly (considering his sister Brianna) how it would end and was already to the door and going past the chess set. Halfway across the Troll room he saw Dumbledore rushing in. "What going on?" The headmaster asked.

Without stopping as he rushed past, Harry said, "run now, talk later."

Back at the battle Quirrell was out cold. Voldermort however wasn't. Using the Professor's wand, he was casting every dark and destructive spell he knew at Peebo. Unfortunately, even without its turbos the little thing was too fast and agile to be hit, and most of the spells that did hit were absorbed. "Batteries now at 500% maximum, critical mass has been archived." It rushed Voldermort, launching itself at just the right moment to land on the second face. "I'm going to go boom now.


Albusforth was taking out the trash. Business was slow at the Hog's Head today, but he didn't mind too much. As he headed back, he turned towards the school, wondering if he should go break his brother's nose again. Just as he decided not to, there was a sudden column of light from the school, followed by an explosion louder than anything he'd ever heard. He, as well as almost everyone in the town, started rushing towards Hogwarts. As they drew nearer they noticed that one of the towers was missing. Investigations later revealed a perfectly circular hole leading from a basement below the school. Surprisingly no student or teacher was hurt, although the DADA teacher was missing. Nothing of importance was lost in the explosion either as the tower destroyed was empty and had been unused for years. The only strange thing they found was a secondary hole, much smaller than the first that had somehow veered off and hit the Slytherin dorms. Being much smaller it did nowhere near the same amount of damage. The only things destroyed in the dorms were the belongings of one Draco Malfoy.


The last week of school (which was mainly a wait for the exam results) was very hectic. Ministry officials as well as law enforcement wizards swarmed the school. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were subject to questions both individually and together. Most of the staff was questioned repeatedly.

The Daily Prophet ran articles about the event daily. Reactions were mixed, but the disappearance of Flamel and his wife prevented them from being questioned. Dumbledore used this opportunity to blame Flamel, saying that he had been assured that the Ministry and the school governors had been informed and approved the storing of the Stone at the school. One faked memory later and Dumbledore was let off with a warning to double check things first.

The final feast as in full swing. Ravenclaw had won the house cup, but Gryphondor had won the Quidditch cup. Most of the Gryffindor were sad though. Peebo had been such a charming thing, with such a strange sense of humor. Harry couldn't tell them of the Peebo's final moments, as he had wisely left. But to face even a weakened Voldermort took guts.

"Don't feel too bad. Peebo had a very good signal. He probably downloaded his programming before he exploded and is just waiting for a new body." Harry explained. Most of the purebloods were confused, but the muggle-borns explained that it just meant that Peebo might be back next year.

The train ride home was quiet. Harry slept most of the way. As they got off the platform Harry got Hermione's number. As they parted a large man, or possibly a mutated walrus, it was hard to tell, walked up to Harry. "You Potter." It said briskly.

Harry smiled. "It's Diggers now, but yes. Yes I am. I take it your my uncle?"

"That's right, now into the car boy." He said with venom in his voice.

Harry grinned. Dumbledore was trying to beat him down. He probably is going to "rescue" me from these people, making him my "hero." As he put his belongings in the trunk and got in the car, Harry could only grin.

"He doesn't know me very well, does he?"

Final Notes:

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing this. I will be starting on Year 2 soon.

My request/offer for the Daily Prophet article is still going; if anyone is interested please give your submissions.

I hope you realize, this was a labor of insanity, and is only going to get stranger as I go along.

I'd also like to thank everyone for reading, your reviews really kept me going. I'd also like to thank Fred Perry and Antarctic Press for Gold Digger. If you haven't read GD, please do so, it's quite good. And J.K. for Harry Potter, you inspired countless children to read, and even more adults to rediscover the magic in a good story.