A/N: It's time for Stan's point of view.

Chapter 10:

(Stan POV)

I tread down the stairs to open it upon previously hearing it ring.

"Hello?" I answer the door to find an officer standing on my door step.

"Stan Marsh?" The man taller than me dressed in blues questioned.

"Yes that's me" I was trembling

"You have been to the police station everyday, you have flooded the town in fliers, you and your friend cursed out all the officers for not doing our job and then you tried a search party of your own and so I think you deserve to hear the news on your friend."

"Kyle?! Did they find him?! Is he okay?! Can I see him?!" I threw question after question at the law enforcer.

He looked down and pulled something out of his pocket. He avoided eye contact while doing so.

It looked like a small cassette.

"No," I shook my head in disbelief "w-whats on it?" my words awkwardly fell together.

"This was left on the Broflowski front porch. There had also been some red curly hair taped to it which after some tests proved to be Kyle's. Mr and Mrs Broflowski both agreed that you, being Kyle's best friend and were his family as well, had every right to see this tape."

"Fuck," I slid my hand under my beanie and pulled at my black tussles "why the fuck haven't you found him yet?"

"We have a dispatch headed to where we believe this recording took place as we speak."

He held the tape out for me to take it.

"There are also several voices on the tape and maybe you could inform us on who they belong to."

So they needed my help. I would do anything for my best friend.

I opened the door wider to grant the officer entry.

I slid the video out of his hand and he stood by my sofa as I readied it into the television. The tape slid in and my heart skipped a beat as it began to play.

The camera swung around some forest as the culprits must have been testing to see if it worked.

It focused in on one lone person covered it bruises.


It barely looked like him, he was buried in bruises and cuts.

I jumped when he was hit, taking my hand over my mouth.

It was hard to watch, I didn't want to continue to watch my best friend suffer and not be able to do a damn thing to stop them.

The video continued, I was forced to watch teenagers beat and hurt Kyle countless times.

"KYLE!" I screamed and dove at the television as if he was really right there, as if I was right next to him.

As if I could save him.

His own screamed echoed into mine as his leg snapped beneath what seemed to be the leader of the brutes.

"Oh my god Kyle," how could they do this to him?

To a boy who never hurt anybody, a young man of his small size and innocence.

I witnessed as a knife made its way into his gut.

I almost threw up. There was so much blood.

I heard yells from the men in the video. One of them was familiar. I was opening my mouth to tell the officer but I worried he might end the tape.

The last image was Kyle's tear stricken face as his expression filled eyes began to dull.

Then just black.

There was a long silence in my living room while I stared at the blank screen not moving.

Tears dripped onto my fingers as I bit my bottom lip trying to be strong.

"I am sorry you had to see that," he continued "but did you recognize any of the voices?"

"Cartman. Eric Cartman," I muttered clearly, his name tasted awful on my tongue.

"I'm fucking positive! I've spent more time with him that I'd have ever liked and him and Kyle have always had a lifelong spat. Just go and find my best friend!" I was crying "bring him home."

"Why couldn't they have just taken me instead?" I buried my face into my hands "why did it have to be Kyle?"

"I understand you're upset, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask."

I could feel the floorboards creak as he headed for the door.

"I am going to start a report on Eric Cartman, if you hear from him let us know."

He opened the door and left.

What a bunch of bullshit. I had been calling nonstop since Kyle disappeared, I had made hourly visits to the station, I had hung up flyers all around town. There was nothing no news no nothing and then this tape suddenly shows up?

I dried my face with the sleeve of my jacket. I had to pull myself together. I told myself that I didn't need to cry, that Kyle was okay there was no need for tears. That Kyle needed me.

I wasn't going to just sit here, I was going to find him myself. I knew they couldn't do it.

I jumped up and dashed to the door, which a quick securing of my shoes I ran out.

I ran as fast as I could. Whenever I grew tired I would imagine Kyle's face. Not as it normally was but the tortured version in the tape. He kept me going.

My lungs stung, my body was telling me to take a break.

I caught my breath and there was Kyle's face. This time he was smiling.

I started to run again, faster this time. Seconds meant everything and if I were only even a few too late, I didn't even want to think about it.

I was in the woods now but still no Kyle.

I could hear engines, it was the police, had they really only just got here?

I crept around the trees, staying out of sight and charging out in front of them. Even I was closer to finding him now.

My chest was burning. My body kept telling me it wasn't good to be pushing myself so hard but I didn't care. I wasn't about to stop now.

My nostrils flared at the smell of smoke. The scent of fire. Looking above the trees I could see a huge black cloud.

I pushed harder. My thighs ached and my stomach churned as my stamina was past its limit.

Then I saw it, the warehouse in the video.

It hurt to know it was real.
It was also caught on fire.

"No!" I hollered to the scorching doors. The handle was too hot to touch, my body wouldn't let me near it.

I panted trying to find another way in. Kyle had to be inside.

Softer than the sound of flame my ears picked up noices.

It was voices, not coming from inside the warehouse but outside of it.

"Stay with me, come on open your eyes."

"Cartman?" I asked myself following the voice.

"Breathe just breathe," he was talking to someone.

I went into another run and tore through bushes. There he was.

Cartman was holding something, no it was someone.

"KYLE!" Cartman jumped at the sound of my yell, he turned his head and our eyes met. I wasn't here for him though, I crawled down and looked at my priority, the boy in Cartman's arms.

"Kyle," I was trembling when I reached out to touch him. He was cold as ice, his skin sent a shiver down my spine.

"Kyle," I said again. He wasn't moving, I looked him over. He was a mess but his chest is what caught my attention most. He wasn't breathing.

"They threw him in the lake and I got him out but I think it was too late," Cartman's voice sounded unnatural, I had never before heard so much fear in Eric's voice.

"Fuck," I pulled Kyle away from Cartman who didn't let go at first. I hovered over the unconscious boy and put my hear against his chest. Hoping to hear lungs or a heartbeat but there wasn't a sound.

Kyle was dead.

"Help! Somebody help us!" There still had to be a chance, I wouldn't lose Kyle.

"Stan there is no time."

Kyle's body was heavier than normal in its lifeless state.

"I have to try."

I turned away from him and jogged as quickly as I could with a body in my arms.

"Stan I'm coming too," Cartman was hurrying to catch up.

"Go ahead of us, there are police in here and they can get Kyle to a hospital."

He nodded and left to find them.

Now it was just me and Kyle. He was really here, I had found him.

"Kyle I'm not going to let you die, you're going to be okay," my tears landed on his cheek. "I love you Kyle, I don't want you to die until I do, you're my super best friend. I can't imagine life without you in it."

My foot got caught in a low tree root making me trip forward but we didn't fall.

"We still have so many adventures ahead of us. Kyle we're going to go to college, you and me, we can share a dorm and you can help me with my homework like usual. It'll be just like always Kyle." I tried to force a smile at him, more tears leaking onto his pale skin. "Kyle I need you, please don't die, don't die."

"I found them!" A cop ran toward us, sweat dripping from his handlebar mustache "over here!"

Another cop came over and outstretched his arms to take Kyle.

"Don't fucking touch him!" I felt like I was the only one who could save him, the only one who cared enough.

"It's okay kid, we're going to help you."

"I'm not letting him go," I could feel Kyle's tender skin as I held him tighter.

"Okay, how about you put him in the can and come with us. There isn't time for an ambulance."

He led the way to the car and opened the door.

"Take us to the hospital," I ordered, squeezing inside with Kyle.

"Of course," he looked dismayed as if it was pointless and Kyle didn't have a chance.

I kissed Kyle's cold forehead, "it's okay buddy, we're going to get you to the hospital, you hear that? You're going to be okay."

I didn't even noticed the car had moved until the door opened again and we were at our location.

I lifted Kyle up back into my arms towards the building.

The doors opened automatically to the emergency room.

"It's an emergency!" I screamed to the front desk "my friend needs help!" A horde of nurses surrounded us.

"Wonda get a stretcher," one of the nurses demanded.

"No I'll carry him, we need to hurry," there was no time to waste.

I raced through the hallways with the nurses and set him on a bed in room D696. The nine in the middle had been unhinged.

I placed Kyle carefully down just as a doctor came in upon hearing of a serious matter.

"What happened?" he inquired looking at Kyle.

"He needs help." I was tearing up and the doctor looked crest fallen.

"I'll do everything I can," he gave me a comforting smile before ordering nurses around.

He touched Kyle's forehead and chest to feel his temperature and try to find a pulse with his stethoscope.

"Boy I think it's too late."

I shook my head wildly.

"You have to try!"

The doctor sighed and humored me by injecting Kyle with needles. There was a rush in the room for ten minutes before it became still and quiet.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing more I can do. It was hopeless the moment he got here, this boy is gone," he looked at the clock "3:46 confirmed dead, actual time of dying unknown."

I didn't want to hear this, I crashed to my knees.

I failed him.

It turned out I couldn't save him after all.

A/N: What's next for the boys of South Park?