"Rex, we have a problem," Doctor Holiday told Rex as he entered the meeting room.

"Yeah, I figured by the loud alarm and blinking, red light," Rex yawned, he had just been asleep. "Why do E.V.O.s have to do stuff at 2 in the morning?"

"Not just any E.V.O., Rex," Doctor Holiday said.

"Van Kleiss," Six continued, walking into the room behind Rex.

"Really? Sweet! I've been waiting to kick his butt!" Rex started walking towards Holiday.

"You better get to it soon, though," Holiday continued. "From what we've heard, his target is a factory in Japan that illegally manufactures what they call 'Juice.'"

"So, he's planning to Juice everyone?" Rex stopped walking.

"We think so, that's why we have to move. Now," Holiday picked up her gun and started walking out of the room.

"You're coming too?" Six was caught slightly off guard.

"I haven't gotten a chance to sample this 'Juice' in the past. I need to see what's inside it that causes the effects it does."

"Whatever, doc," Rex followed Holiday and Six out of the room and to a jump jet.

***Page Break***

"I'm bored!" Ben sighed, lying down in the back of Kevin's car as they rode along a desert in Nevada at 2 in the morning.

"Would you prefer to walk?" Kevin asked him, tired of his constant complaining.

"Well, I would love to fly but," he stopped, letting Gwen take it over.

"It would attract too much attention."

"What do we even need to hide from, anyway," Ben whined in Gwen's ear.

"The aliens we're going after sense energy. The Omnirix releases too much at once for you to use it. Same with our powers."

"So, we're driving in a car. Powered by energy," Ben leaned back again.

"If your so bored, how about you count the stars?" Kevin offered. "Should keep you quiet for a while."

"But it's cloudy," Ben leaned forward again.

"You keep being annoying, and I'll make you see some stars," Kevin growled, really pissed.

"Hey!" Ben whined, leaning back and lying down again on the back seat.

"Here, Ben," Gwen said as she threw something back at Ben, which hit him in the head.

"Ow! What the heck is this?"

"It's a book."

"What am I supposed to do with it?"

"Read it."


***Page Break***

The jump jet arrived at the factory at around 2:30 in the morning.

"It's kinda creepy," Rex sighed as they walked inside. "You know, pitch dark and abandoned."

"It's not abandoned, Rex," Holiday turned a flashlight on. "No one works at two in the morning."

"Then, why are we?" Rex questioned.

Holiday's response was cut short when her flashlight went over a moving figure.

"Found him," Rex brought out the Smack Hands and ran towards the figure. He was stopped short by claws that scraped across his hands. "Ow! Didn't expect that!" he faltered back a few steps, slamming into a table. Something in a beaker crashed onto the floor.

"Rex! Be careful!" Holiday called after him. "That could have been a great sample!"

"Really?" Rex put away the Smack Hands and rubbed his hands as Six pulled out his swords and went up against the waiting Biowulf.

"You know," a familiar voice came from beyond the darkness, "I expected you to come sooner, Rex."

Van Kleiss stepped out from behind Biowulf with Skalamander and Breach.

"Yeah, well, you know, I move slow at 2 in the morning," Rex bantered, pulling out the Battle Axes.

"Oh really? Then that will make this easy," he snapped his fingers and Breach and Skalamander sprung into action. Holiday decided to take Skalamander, leaving Breach to Rex. At first, he tried to lunge towards Van Kleiss, but a brief kick to the stomach from Breach told him otherwise. He tried to focus on where she would come from, but that was impossible. She came from all directions, each blow hit hard somewhere on Rex. Eventually, he saw a portal opened and he took that advantage to kick with the Punk Busters.

She crashed to the ground and Rex heard a splash.

"No!" Van Kleiss lurched forward slightly.

"What? I just hit her once. Was it that bad?" Rex laughed.

"Fool! She landed on the Juice!"

Rex looked over and saw Breach standing up, eyes yellow.

"Oh, crap."

Portals started opening everywhere, dragging tables and chairs to who-knows-where. Other items, like couches and lamps started shooting through other portals. And then…a car?

***Page Break***

"Can we at least turn on the radio?" Ben sighed, moving his hand towards the radio, but soon it soon got smacked away by Gwen.

"If we turn on the radio, they'll hear us coming," she snapped at him.

"Aw, come on Gwen. If we turn the radio on, we won't be able to hear him whining," Kevin sighed.

"Please, Gwen?" Ben pleaded.

"Fine! Okay!" Gwen reached down to turn on the radio.

"Wait," Kevin stopped her.

"What now?" Gwen sighed.

"Look!" Ben pointed in between them to something on the road.

"What is that?" Gwen screamed.

In the middle of the road, a deep red circle appeared and they were headed strait towards it. Kevin tried to break, but, sadly, it wasn't soon enough. The car rocketed through the portal, and came out into some laboratory. Before they could fully come to a stop, they hit a kid and he slammed against the wall on the other side of the room.

"Crap!" Ben yelled.

"What just happened?" Gwen screamed.

"My car! "Kevin yelled.