Sugar & Spice

Just an idea that popped into my mind for a two-shot. Totally inspired by a review I got from Preetoaka Raven Potter Weasly. Aha, so I don't know…lemme know what you think!

Summary: Imprints always come in pairs; that's the rule. So when Embry Call, a new and in-the-closet gay wolf, imprints on Paul Lahote, the straight Beta of the pack, he can only hope that the rule applies to him as well. Even if it means mixing sugar with spice.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Sugar & Spice I

It was the first bonfire that I was attending as a member of the pack. I wasn't sure if everyone was going to be there, or if it would just be the pack and the elders; either way I wasn't too sure how to feel about it. I was excited that I'd be able to talk to Jake again, as well as all of the other guys from Sam's little gang, but at the same time it meant that I'd have to start ignoring Quil. Quil and Jake were my best friends and I just felt like it'd be unfair that I'd have to ignore one good friend to be in the company of the other.

With a sigh, I turned to look down at my lap rather than the out of the window since I'd gotten in Jake's rabbit when we started the drive to the beach. The only reason why we weren't running like the rest of the pack is because we were bringing Billy Black along with us—needless to say, the back seat was a little cramped with his wheelchair back here and my body huddled in a near fetal position to make room. I'll admit, the shift brought along some amazing changes to my body; but sitting in the back seat of a Rabbit just isn't one of the pros of said changes.

Running my hand through my newly shortened hair, I sighed. Another big concern was the fact that I was gay—in the closet of course—and now had to deal with being around four other sexy guys that like to walk around half naked and pop up full blown nude when they shift back to human. I mean, I like the guys, they're cool and fun to hang out with, but how was I supposed to come out now when I have to be around these guys all the time. Wouldn't it be weird for them to have to be around-

"I think I'm gay."

My eyes snapped up to look at Jacob in the driver's seat as the words slipped out of his mouth. He was looking straight forward; watching whatever it was that he focused on through the windshield. He had a tight grip on the steering wheel as his jaw clenched. I hadn't even realized we had arrived at the beach until now. I looked over to Billy to see him simply staring at Jacob, his lips pulled in a tight line, but his eyes held a gentle look in them as they roamed over his sons features.

The air was so awkward and tense, I wanted to cough or clear my throat to remind them that I was still here—but I didn't. I may be shy and quiet most of the time, but majority of me was seriously curious to see how things would turn out right now. The damn car was so quiet, it had me shifting carefully as to not remind them I was here.

"What're you talking about, son?" Billy's aged, rough baritone finally spoke up.

"I'm in love with Harry Clearwater's son…well, no, actually it's more like he's my imprint."

Ah, imprinting. That one little detail—or rather, that major detail that came along with being wolf. Imprinting was a serious life changer; it was really love at first sight, it was finding your soul mate, the one! Sounds exciting right? Well, it can be, but at the same time it can ruin lives—take Leah Clearwater for example. She and Sam Uley—our pack Alpha—were madly in love; that is until her cousin Emily Young came to visit. Sam made eye contact once and Leah was long forgotten as Emily became his reason for living.

"Well, I'll just get out and leave you two to talk." I excused myself as I hurried out of the car.

As I walked along the sand to where the group was set up, I tried not to ponder on what I'd just overheard. So, Jacob Black had imprinted on a guy—huh, didn't think I'd be able to relate to him in that sense.

I mean, really who'd have thought Jacob Black would find his soul mate in a guy!

"Hey, Embry!" I looked up just as I came up to the table set up that Emily had put together for the food that she and Sue made. "Do you mind running over to help Sam get the rest of the stuff from his truck?"

"Oh, s-sure." I agreed, giving her and Sue a smile as they went back to setting whatever food they had already there around the table.

I made my way back to where the cars were parked and noticed Jake smiling and laughing as he helped his dad out of the car and into his wheelchair—I smiled at that, if things could worked out for him…then maybe I do have a shot at coming out.

The only difference was, my imprint—whom I had imprinted on as soon as I first saw him, on my first day as a wolf—was totally straight and also a wolf and older than us as opposed to younger.

"S-S-Sam?" I mumbled his name, getting nervous every time I was around an older wolf—especially my Alpha.

He turned from pulling something from the bed of his truck and gave me a wide smile, "Hey Embry! Excited about your first pack bonfire?"

"Y-Yeah…Emily asked me to come and help you…?"

"Oh, thanks buddy! Paul's helping out too, so this should get done pretty quick."

At the mention of his name, my breathing hitched and my heart sped up, "P-Paul?"


The deep, rough baritone asked from behind me and my heart stopped while my cheeks flushed. I also noticed that my cock twitched and starting to slowly fill with blood as he brushed past me with a small nod in greeting while Sam handed him a large cooler.

"You two talking shit or what?" He asked nonchalantly with a small smirk, as if he wasn't talking to his Alpha. Shit, he was so confident…it was sexy.

"Oh, yeah Paul, you caught us; cause you know how much we all love talking about you." Sam said sarcastically as he handed me a tray of food—the scent wafting up to my nose and making my mouth water.

"Yeah, I knew it." Paul said cockily before brushing past me again, "C'mon pup; follow me!"

Gladly, I thought to myself as I quickly set off after him only to be stopped by Sam calling me back.

"Hey, I'm warning you now, Jared and Paul tend to tell tales of their latest…conquests." He said the word slowly and with a pointed look, "So you might wanna stick with Emily and Sue if you don't want to go through having to listen to that."

Sam knew all about my imprint to Paul; which only made sense since I ran to him the second after my sense came back and asked him all about it.

"H-Hey S-Sam?" I stuttered, nervously fiddling my thumbs over the foil cover of the tray in my hands.


"I-Imprints come in p-pairs…right?"

Sam stopped what he was doing to give me a small, once over before he put on his completely serious Alpha face, crossing his arms over his chest and everything, "It will happen Embry. I guarantee it. In every case where this has happened in the past, the imprint is returned in kind. You just have to wait for Paul to really see you—for his wolf to take you in as it's mate. But I promise you that it will happen."

His words were put through with such confidence and conviction…how could I possibly doubt him. I had his words running through my head as I made my way to drop off the tray of food with Emily, and as I sat quietly next to Sue Clearwater as she and Emily chattered on about different recipes.

The only time that I actually did stop thinking about Sam's words and wondering when it would happen was when my imprint himself asked me if I wanted to join him, Jared, and Jacob as they passed the football to each other. I declined saying, but that didn't stop him from pulling me to my feet and handing me the ball, telling me to throw it to Jared and Jacob who stood a good distance away from us.

Things were fine, great actually. Paul was talking to me, joking with me, laughing with me…it was like heaven to be able to make a small joke and make my soul mate laugh. But of course, Sam was right when he said that he would want to talk about his conquests—even without Jared being present—especially his adventures in the Black household with Rachel, Jake's oldest sister. And hearing your soul mate talk about having sex with someone else—in explicit detail, might I add—was like hell; it felt like someone was squeezing my heart in a vice and just wouldn't let go.

"Embry!" Sam called out from back where the fire was now burning as the elders were sitting gathered with Sam, "Do you mind keeping Emily company for a bit?"

I knew he didn't really need me to go and amuse Emily as she and Mrs. Clearwater had yet to stop comparing cooking strategies; this was a ploy to get me away from the situation and for that I sent him a silent thank you as I made my way to sit with Emily and Sue.

I remained in the seat for most of the night, through all the pack business, patrol assignments, and of course, the tribal stories and as before we began eating. At this point, beers had began to be downed as the stories began so Paul, Sam, Harry, Billy and Jared already had a few under their belts as everyone began piling their plates with the food that had my stomach rumbling.

In between bites, I spent my time talking and joking around with Jacob. Most of the conversation revolved around how he was grateful to me for not treating him any different and how he planned to start pursuing a relationship with the youngest Clearwater. In true Jacob fashion—however different it seemed without Quil here to make them with him—a few lewd hand gestures were made here and there to which I simply rolled my eyes and hoped that no one would be looking.

"Man," Jacob began as he placed a hand on my shoulder, "you have no idea how much I wish Quil-whoa, man what has you so pissed?"

I looked at him with confusion as I really didn't understand what the hell he was talking about—at least not until I heard the low growl before I was pulled to my feet and my body crashed against a hot and hard muscled chest as an arm encircled my waist.

I didn't know how to react—or how to explain the warm feeling that invaded my body throughout and urged me to push closer to the body I was being held to. But as that same feeling coursed through my body, recognition flooded my mind as I inhaled the musky, sweet, and intense scent that I knew could only belong to Paul Lahote. Pulling my face back far enough just to look up and confirm that it was indeed my imprint.

Even with the scowl morphing his face into something completely menacing, I could only see how truly gorgeous he really was.

"P-Paul, wh-wha-?" I tried to murmur out the question to

"Don't touch him." Was the only thing he growled out, still not looking down at me, only tightening his hold on me as he glared at Jacob.

"Paul, dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Jacob asked; no anger or anything in his voice, just curiosity and confusion.

Paul's body started giving a small shake, and I knew that he was pissed though I couldn't say for what reason. If Paul phased, I'd sure as hell get fucked up in some way considering I was being pressed up against his body. So, of course, I whimpered at the thought of on-coming pain and his trembling came to a halt. Pulling my face away again to look up, I met his fiery gaze and couldn't help the shiver that wracked my being at the intensity in those chocolate-orbs.

"Wh-what's go-going on?" I stutter out with total confusion.

So, what do you think? Should I finish this up or no?

Notoriously Yours,
