Ryan: YO peoples!


Ryan: What's right? *looks at me confused*

Me: -_- What the readers where thinking.

Ryan: Which is?

Me: *face palm* That I'm doing a co-authored story with you!

Ryan: And seeing me pop up here makes them think that?

Me: …. Yes?…. ANY-CHIZ! Let me present to you, *drum roll* !

Ryan: I can Introduce myself, thank you very much.

Me: B-but I wanted to let us introduce each other…. :(

Ryan: Alright fine.

Me: *clears throat* Drumroll please, Gentlemen and Gentlewomen, Let me present to you, the wonderful and amazing, ! *points to Ryan as spotlight comes on above his head making him freak and hide behind me* -_-

Ryan: THEY FOLLOWED ME! OH and this is The amazing- *I point to top of page where my name shows* …. Jeremy!…. *points awkwardly at me while I point to my profile* Whatever, J-dizzle.

Me: Wanna do the disclaimer?

Ryan: Can I? *I nod* Okay! Peeps listen REAL close!

We, Anim3Fan4Ever and , Do NOT own ANYTHING related to BTR! Not it's actors, not it's music, not it's clothes, no it's-

Me: I think they get it.

Ryan: I got this poster though! =D *hold it up*

Me: And before we forget why don't you tell him how we got to this point?

Ryan: I was thinking of Kendall in a maid's Costume and thought I'd share with MY buddy J-Dizzle here :)

Me: -_-' yep… weird thing Is, I pictured it too! O_O though on a different level than Ry-ry there.

Ryan: *staring off in space, drool hanging from the corner of his mouth*Me: Waaaay different. RYAN!

Ryan: What?Me: FOCUS!Ryan: Sorry….

Me: -_- ON WITH THE STORY! Please enjoy, and sorry for our silly-ness.

Ryan: =D

Dirtiest Bet Ever

It was another long uneventful day at the Palm Woods, and the four boys didn't seem to mind all that much. They have been working extra hard and all were looking forward to some down time.

They sat around the pool playing around on their phones, only looking up every once in a while to answer some random question asked by Carlos.

"Damn, she did it to me again." Kendall sighed, while setting his phone down.

"Dude, that's fucked up. Jett really has it in for you." James said looking over at Kendall who was texting Jo back.

"Why do you even bother texting her back, it's obvious that she is ditching you for Jett." Logan said as he reached out and placed his hand on Kendall's knee, playfully shaking it a bit.

"Funny, you jerk, that's not true. She is working on a new project with that jerk face and has to spend a tortures amount of time with him, against her own will." Kendall said quickly, jerking his knee away to get Logan's hand off of him.

"Do you want to know what I think.." James began to say but Kendall quickly cut him off.

"No, but I have a feeling your going to tell us anyway." Kendall smirked back at him, trying his best to get his mind off Jo.

"I think the whole reason you're pissed with Jett is because you have a thing for him, and he is using Jo to get to you but she just seems to be standing in the way." James said, smiling over at him with a big cocky smile.

"You can't be fucking serious right now. How does that even make sense to you right now?" Kendall asked now getting a little annoyed.

"Oh it makes a lot of sense Kendall, and if it's not true then why are you getting so mad about it." Carlos asked.

"Ok, if it's making sense to Carlos then it must be true..." Logan joked.

He glared at the two. "I'm mad because he's ruining my relationship with Jo damn it! First he keeps badmouthing all of us, then he starts hitting on Jo right in front of me, then his STUPID agent thinks it's better that THEY date, THEN we get paired up for that STUPID Green-Project, which results in me and him having to spend a WHOLE week together, wherein all he did was badmouth me, complain about my hair, shoes, clothes, etc, etc, Bragging about himself, AGAIN trying to get Jo to break up with me by 'accidentally' making me drop my phone and making it hang up or lose it's battery, and now he comes up with stupid scenes that the director likes and

makes him shoot them ASAP! OF COURSE I'm MAD! I'm lucky enough if I can see Jo longer than 20 seconds!" Kendall rants.

"Wow..." James said, "If you put it like that it sounds like Jett is into you..."

"Have to agree on that one." Logan said truthfully this time.

"Still..." Carlos mutters.

"Okay, see it this way, how would you feel if Gustavo kept the three of us, " Points to himself, James and Logan, "Busy all the time and gave you nothing to do. Wouldn't you be mad your best friends won't be able to spend time with you, BECAUSE of him?" Kendall asked him.

"Well... Yeah, I guess." Carlos said, "It'd be SO boring."

"Exactly!" Kendall states.

James then suddenly gets an idea and smirks. "Hey, wanna bet he's not after Jo but after you?"

"Okay, where do you base that off of? I barely see him, if he were after me, what would his gain be?" Kendall asked.

"I'd say the reaction he gets out of you, and next time you two do see each other, you'll blow up in his face, making him the only thing you're concentrated on." Logan sums up.

"Still, It sounds ridiculous." Kendall said.

"What? Too chicken?" Carlos mocks, making chicken noises.

"So what if you're right? Then what?" Kendall asked.

"You'll..." James starts then thinks a little, not knowing what he'll make Kendall do.

"... Have to do EVERYTHING we ask of you!" Carlos states with a proud smile.

"Easy enough." Kendall mutters.

Then James smirks again, "While wearing that maids costume your mom got from that one job back home. For a WHOLE day, and you'll have to keep it on if you need to get outside."

"What! I am not-" Kendall starts but is cut off but Carlos and James making chicken noises.

"FINE! It's ON! But two things! HOW will I find out? and what do I get out of this when I am right?"

"Ah, I'm glad you asked. Ok, either get him to make a pass at you or get him to admit it." Logan explained.

"Good one, that will show you once and for all that you are wrong and yet again the great James Diamond is was right." James points his finger inches away from Kendall's face.

Kendall swats James' hand away, "You are an idiot if you think I'm gonna let you have this one. Have you not forgotten that I always win any dare, challenge and or contest we ever have?" Kendall asked now more then ready to proof all 3 boys wrong.

"Yeah and you never seem to let us forget about it...oh and to answer the second part of your question, you get bragging rights and get to rub it in our faces as much as you want." Logan said.

"Pst, he already does that just about every day..." Carlos joked.

"Come on Logenator, at least make it worth my time." Kendall said as he rolled his eyes.

Logan thinks for a second and snaps his fingers once he thought of something Kendall would agree to. "Fine, we will take Katie on that shopping spree you told your mom you were going to take her this weekend."

"We..?" Carlos asked a little less then excited.

"Yes we. But don't worry cuz there's no chance in hell he's going to win this round. There is just oh so much chemistry between Jett and Kendall that they will end up hooking up by the end of the night." Logan joked.

"Like hell I will. Chemistry, Ha and your suppose to be the smart one." Kendall thumps Logan's forehead before standing up and making his was to the Lobby. The other 3 boys soon followed.

"Someone is in denial~..." James sing-songed right into his ear.

"Ok, did u guys drink a bottle of crazy juice, cuz none of you are making any sense." Kendall turns to face the 3 boys who have the biggest smiles on their faces.

"Nope, no juice, but how cool would it be if there was such a thing." Carlos asked looking at the 3 with amazement at the possibility. Kendall rolled his eyes at Carlos.

"Why are you guys interested in knowing if Jett likes me all like that anyway, I'm NOT into guys...Jo, remember?" Kendall said with a duh expression on his face.

"Your mouth says 'no', but your eyes say 'YES'..." James said in a teasing manner.

"And your face is about to say 'ouch' if you bring it up again." Kendall glared over at James now getting annoyed.

"Dude relax, if you're as secure with yourself as you would like to think that you are, then it shouldn't be a problem right?" Logan asked.

Kendall stopped and took a second to really think about that, for some reason that struck him hard and had him a bit confused.

"Yeah...right" Kendall muttered quietly once he snapped out of it, wondering why he couldn't answer that truthfully.

"Okay, so when is this bet going to take place?" Carlos asked looking over at James.

"Tonight, once Jo and Jett come back from wherever they said they were. I'll distract Jo while you put the moves on Jett, deal?" James extends his hand out to Kendall.

"You guys are ridiculous… I can't believe I'm going to end up doing this but your on." Kendall said while shaking James' hand, agreeing to it.

The four boys agreed to meet up in the Lobby at around 8 before going their separate ways for the rest of the day.

~later that day~

At around 8, all four boys showed up at the lobby all with the same goofy grin on their faces except for Kendall who seemed less then amused about the whole thing.

Logan, Carlos and James strode to the couch and sat down leaving no room for Kendall. Kendall rolls his eyes while making his way over and scooted James' hand away to sit on the arm rest. They all looked over to the front entrance waiting with anticipation for either Jett or Jo to walk in.

After about 5 minutes of waiting, Jo walks in with Jett not too far behind her.

James playfully tugs at Kendall's shirt and points over to Jett.

"You ready? It's show time.." James said with the same cocky smile he always seem to have.

"Lets get this done and over with now, before I change my mind." Kendall said, taking a deep breath before standing up and making his way over to Jo.

"Hey Kendall, look I'm really sorry about earlier today but my schedule has been super busy lately. I promise I'll make it up to you." Jo said, holding her arms out for a hug.

"It's ok Jo-bear, maybe we can hang out tonight?" Kendall asked wrapping his arms around her.

"Oh gosh, I would but.." She said backing away from the hug looking up very apologetic. She didn't even need to finish that sentence for Kendall to realize what she was about to say.

Kendall tried to hide the frustration he was feeling behind a sweet, forced smile.

"Kendall you know I would love to hang out with you tonight, but my agent wants me to focus on learning the lines with Jett-" She began to say but was cut off by James.

"Oh what's the script about?" James asks taking the script from Jo's hands and flipping through it. "Oh this would be great practice for me, ya know because I do have some acting experience." James said making his signature 'face'.

"Yeah those whole 3 seconds really count." Jett joked.

"Who asked you...?" Kendall asked Jett in a pissed off tone.

"I don't need permission to speak my mind, and as a matter of fact people pay me big bucks to have me speak my mind." Jett said flashing his million watt smile at Kendall.

"Oh no, can't you guys go a whole day without bickering like two little girls?" Jo asked looking over at the two boys who seemed like they were about to jump at each other's throats.

"He started it, he always does and you know I'm not gonna let HIM have the last laugh." Kendall said glaring at Jett with such hatred.

"Well, why don't you two go ahead and continue this little argument while Jo and I go ahead and run lines together." James said placing his hands on Jo's shoulders and began to guide her to the elevator.

"Well, I guess so. It doesn't seem like I'm really going to be missed." Jo said looking back at Kendall and Jett who's eyes seemed to be glued on each other.

James quickly took his phone out and texted Logan: Video tape everything and let me know what happens ASAP.

Carlos is way ahead of ya Logan texted back, as he helped Carlos being as unsuspicious with his iPhone as possible.

After about ten minutes Logan said, "Well, if all they're gonna do is glare at each other this is a waste of time."

"So... Stetson," Kendall said, venom dripping from his mouth when he called the movie star by his last name, "WHY are you so set on breaking me and Jo up?"

"Well as the most handsome man to ever walk the planet, I'll need the best arm-candy there is. Of course," He said with a cocky laugh, "It won't really matter, because there's nothing that can distract one from this handsome face." he said pointing to his face.

"I can assure you, I can make it so no one even WANTS to look at that fucked up face of yours." Kendall said with all the hate and anger in him.

Over on the couch Carlos whispered to Logan, "He JUST said arm-candy, he didn't say Jo specifically." Logan took a double take when Carlos said 'specifically', but replied with a, "Well duh, He's testing the waters, seeing if Kendall catches on onto his words. To see if he notices he never mentions Jo per se."

"Oh, and how will you do that Kendork? You do know I followed not only Tai-Chi, but also Kung-Fu and Karate lessons, right?" He said with his usual cocky attitude, and took a intimidating stance in front of the blonde.

"Strange... a little birdie told me otherwise." Kendall said, keeping his eyes on the actor's face to see any change. All he saw now was confusion.

"What are you talking about? I have my black belts up in my room and a miniature version of the certificate right here." He said, patting his pants pocket where he keeps his wallet.

"I meant the you beating me part. Besides, I'm the top dog around here." Kendall said with a challenging tone, and a cocky smirk in place.

Jett was about to reply when a booming voice yelled, "A DOG you are but I'M the top dog here! So, gather the rest of the pups and get to the studio, NOOOOWWW!"

"Tater-tots!" Logan exclaimed as Carlos put his phone away.

"OH! you're all here. Wait... where's the tallest Dog?" Gustavo hollered.

"Well for one, WE ARE NOT DEAF!" Kendall yelled back into the man's ear. "Second, he's helping Jo practice her lines." he said in a softer tone. "Now, where were we... oh yeah, I was about to KICK your cocky ass!" he continues as he returns his glare to Jett.

"I'll be doing the ass kicking here." the actor replied cockily.

"In your fucking dreams, Stetson." Kendall said, to which the actor's cheeks flushed a barely visible red. So thin only Kendall could see because he was up in his face trying to make it seem intimidating.

"This is SO good. Anyone have a camera?" A voice said through the crunches of popcorn. Everyone except Kendall and Jett looked over to see Bitters and Katie staring at the scene. "Cable's out again." Katie explained, answering the unasked question.

"OKAY! I can NOT work with this, stay here!" Gustavo yelled as he walked off, knowing that if he were to drag them to the studio, Kendall would argue with him every step of the way, and he'd have to rebuild his office... again.

"Oh pu-lease! You're not even ALLOWED into my dreams!" Jett said trying his hardest to block the images that shot to mind.

Carlos, by now, had grabbed his phone again and was recording it all.

"Someone obviously thinks highly of himself, and trust me it would be more like nightmares cuz I will haunt your every dream pretty boy" Kendall said raising an eyebrow at him.

"When you look this good, how can you not." Jett said moving his arms up and down his body. "Something you wouldn't know about."

"Hey, big brother, are you gonna take that from that jerk face?" Katie shouted.

Kendall quickly turned to look at her, knowing that he was going to have to keep it clean not wanting to get in trouble with Mama Knight for using bad language. He turned back to Jett wanting nothing more to cuss him out but knew he couldn't.

"Guess you'll believe anything they tell you when you got people who follow you around and getting paid to lie and kiss your behind everyday." Kendall said taking a step forward, now inches away from Jett.

"Burn!" Carlos yelled out over the loud 'uhg's coming from Katie, Logan and .

"Just like you believed the person who told you that $5 haircut looked good?" Jett said sarcastically while flicking Kendall's hair out of his face. Kendall noticed the little extra 5 seconds Jett took to look deep into his eyes, as if he saw right through him.

"Double burn!" Carlos shouted a bit over excited.

"Dude, who's side are you on?" Logan asked while softly hitting Carlos on the back of the head.

"Oh yeah...Kendall's." Carlos said having an airhead moment.

"Well at least I don't need to wear make-up to make myself look more appealing." Kendall said playfully brushing Jett's cheek with the back of his hand, noticing the sudden blush it left behind.

Both boys looked at each other as if they had the same thought and stood in silence, leaving the others who were sitting on the couch at the edge of their seats.

"Hey whatever works for me, you know jealousy is really not a good look for you." Jett chuckled trying to play off the sudden awkward silence between the two of them.

"And I suppose your going to go ahead and tell me what does?" Kendall asked testing to see how Jett would answer.

"Here we go, this is the moment of truth. Carlos make sure you get this." Logan said inching his way closer to the edge of the seat.

"Do you wanna kiss me as much as I want to kiss you right now?" Jett asked stumbling over his own words, making every one's jaws drop in disbelieve of what he just asked.

Kendall looked at him completely taken aback by the question, not even sure on how to answer it. He felt as if something had taken complete control over him as his body slowly inched in hovering right over Jett's lips. He quickly snapped out of it once he noticed how close he was to actually kissing Jett.

"I uh, I... gotta go..." Kendall said, a single tear ran down his cheek while looking back at Logan, Carlos and Katie. He turned back to Jett and for once saw that he looked apologetic. A million questions crossed his mind as he made his way to the elevator, not even bothering to look back.

"Wait Kendall, I can explain…" Jett began to say but once Kendall was gone he stopped. He looked at the 4 sitting on the couch who still were stunned.

"I don't need to explain myself to any of you." Jett said before walking away as if nothing happened.

"Wait, so who won?" Carlos asked a bit confused while putting his phone away.

"I think we did, but at what cost?" Logan asked now feeling bad about the whole bet.

"Way to go you two dimwits, now Kendall is upset." Katie said shaking her head with complete disappointment.

"And now I'm bored of this, let me know what Eyebrows decides to do." Mr. Bitters said while taking the bucket of popcorn from Katie and walked away.

"Once again, I have to go fix what you 3 nimrods did." Katie said as she made her way to the elevator. Carlos and Logan quickly got up and stopped her before she could get on.

"No, we messed up, we should be the ones to fix it." Carlos said looking at her with puppy eyes.

"Fine, but you better. Let me know how everything goes, I'm sleeping over a friend's house but don't hesitate to call." Katie said patting both boys on their backs before walking off.

Logan and Carlos looked at each other with the same sincere look while stepping in the elevator and made their way up to 2J.

Ryan: Well? Well? Well? WELL?

Me: Was this a good start?Ryan: A crappy one?

Michelle: A Penguin one?

Ryan and me: O_O How'd you get here?

Michelle: *giggles and poofs out*

Ryan: I think she took being a ninja to the next level…

Me and Ryan: *shudder*

Me: Anyway….

Ryan: *in movie man voice* This has been a Jeryan production...and now a word from our sponsors..*points to Jeremy who is standing all awkwardly over yonder*

Me: Uhhh…. Word!

Ryan:…. I didn't mean that literally….

Me: :(

Ryan: Aww don't be sad… OH I know what will cheer him up! *looks at the readers* REVIEW! They will cheer him up and bring the next part up faster =D