"Alright class, we're going to start with a warm up question. I wrote it on the board."
My eyes slowly focused on the board. What is your favorite sight, smell, sound, taste and feeling? Ew, I hate when teachers ask us the stupidest questions. Seriously, it doesn't even relate to English in any way.
Everyone pulled out their notebooks and scribbled their answers down quickly because they were more interested in talking to their friends. I calmly turned to a blank page and thought for a moment; all these questions have the same answer.
"Mr. Tucker. Please try to stay awake in my class."
I sat up and flipped him off. It's a bad habit. Maybe it's like torrettes or something.
"Did you hear me Mr. Tucker?"
"Read your answers to the warm up." he ordered sternly.
I blinked a few times in response and shrugged. I walked to the front of the class and cleared my throat, "My favorite sight is Tweek Tweak."
The class erupted in a fit of giggles and a loud squeak from said favorite sight. I even heard a few guy's mumble 'Fag' under their breath. Like I care.
"What?" the teacher asked confused.
"I wait every day at my bus stop to see Tweek. When I see him I get happier and feel secure. Seeing him makes my day a lot more comfortable."
"Oh…Well continue."
"My favorite smell is also Tweek."
"What? That doesn't make any sense!" protested Clyde who was utterly confused.
"Yeah it does. He has a distinctive smell."
"Well than what does he smell like?" he asked.
"He smells like hazelnut coffee and soap. If he had his own brand of cologne that's what it would smell like."
Token nodded, "So your favorite smells are coffee and soap."
"No, coffee and soap combined. Like Tweek."
"My favorite sound is Tweek, too."
Stan quirked a brow, "His voice?"
"Yeah. It's always raspy and tired due to his lack of sleep, but then he makes these weird noises and squeaks when he's nervous or paranoid. It's soothing in some sense."
"Well that makes sense I guess." muttered my fellow classmates.
"My favorite taste-"
"Do not say it's Tweek." said Bebe giggling from the crowd.
"Actually, it is."
"Ew, fag!" Cartman insulted from the back of the class.
I shot him a glare and he muted his obnoxious laugh. "Whenever we make out I like the taste. End of story."
"No need for graphic detail." stated Wendy like a prude bitch.
"What's your favorite f-feeling, Craig?" asked Butters politely as he rubbed his knuckles together in anticipation for an answer.
Kenny laughed, "Fucking Tweek?"
"Gah! Jesus Christ, Craig!"
I stared at the flushed boy and smirked, "He's like a vibrator."
I know it's a really random drabble, but at school our English teacher had us do a warm up question and this was the question. So being the Creek fanatic I am, I instantly thought of Craig answering Tweek for all the questions.
I should've put more effort into it, I wrote it in like ten minutes xD