Plot: Sam isn't the only having visions and Dean is too. They share the same visions and have them at the same time. They are both experiencing how painful Sam's abilities really are. They will be taking this journey together and there will be lessons learned along the way, for both of them. This is their journey and this is the path they now follow, no matter how hard it may get or how much they really hate their new abilities.
Warning: No wincest, some language and graphic imagery, disturbing graphic scenes involving fire. Some violent references and scenes will be included in the story so beware.
(I always felt that Dean looked down on Sam a little when it came to his powers and never really understood how hard they were on him and how much harder he had to try just to hold onto his goodness and be the good man he became. So I gave Dean the demon blood now too, complete with visions, telekinesis, and ganking demons with their minds.
He is not going to enjoy this journey but then again, maybe Sam won't be so alone now when he takes it. Dean will learn a whole new appreciation for the things that brothers share and how hard it can be to handle it. He really understands his brother now and Sam, he understands his brother more now too.)
The journey to becoming the Vision twins, as they now called themselves every time they cursed the blood that they now shared, began a very long time ago. This is the story of how they made that journey and how they got that way.
Step 1: The Nursery Fire
The demon climbed into the window of the baby's room. He paused to listen to the house and made sure no one was stirring. He then approached the crib where the baby lay. It was staring playfully up at the star, sun, and moon crib mobile hanging over his crib and smiling innocently up at it, wiggling its little hands. Its hazel eyes spotted the man and smiled at him now. The man smiled back and cut his hand with the sharp knife. He let his hand hang over the baby's open smiling mouth and let the drops of his blood drop into it, smiling back at it.
The woman came in, kitchen knife in hand. She had the look of the darkest hatred and protectiveness on her beautiful pale face, framed by long blonde hair. Her lips twisted as she lunged at the man standing there, once she saw it was not John, who now lay drowsily napping in front of the TV in his favorite chair downstairs.
He used his free hand to press her against the wall with a burst of mental power and pulled her to the ceiling, slicing her tender flesh with the barest thought, and then setting her ablaze with lovely blue fire. He cocked his brimmed at her, his yellow eyes smiling cheerfully and saw the husband burst in at that moment. He grinned wickedly at him and moved out the window, easily landing on the ground and standing there watching the flames eat at the room's edges. He knew the husband had time to save the baby and the boy. He moved away from the scene in time to see the youngest boy run out with the baby in his arms, face terrified and confused, his green eyes shifting between the baby in his arms and the man bursting through the flames like a bat out of hell.
They huddled against the black Impala's bumper, the man shielding their eyes from the sight of the fire that was destroying the only place they had ever called home and the woman they had always known as Mom. He smiled coldly and left the scene silently as he had arrived. His work was done here, the child was his now. He just had to wait 23 years for it to be ready to serve him. He was patient, he could wait. Besides there were others to visit now and he was going to do to them what he had done to that babe in the little boy's arms. They would be his now too.
John and his boys watched the fire department pour water onto their home and cried. Their heart ached and a new feeling filled John's heart, a cold feeling, a hot feeling too. Revenge and hatred moved in and shared a place there now next to his father dedication to his sons who looked scared and alone right now. Confusion in their eyes, he piled them into the Impala and ran to South Dakota. His friend would put them up, he was sure of it. The old man had always been nice to him in the past and had invited them to visit when Mary had introduced him as an old friend of the family. He had immediately taken a liking to the rather gruff red-headed man.
They drove down the dark road. The boys were afraid but slept in the back seat. Dean's arms firmly holding Sam close to him, soothing him as they both slept. The darkness of the road entering John's heart with every mile he drove.
That thing would pay and he would find it. It was going to die for this. He was going to make sure of it.
He pressed his foot to pedal harder. The boys slept on. John smoothed the hair from their eyes and a look of fatherly love filled his eyes. At least the boys were safe, he was glad for that much. That demon hadn't gotten to hurt Sam, and Mary had probably died trying to keep it away from the baby she had loved so much. They would be okay now; he would spend the rest of his life making sure of it.
Step 2: The hunt that went horribly wrong
It was on a werewolf hunt that Dean got infected.
His Dad and both boys were hunting a werewolf in North Carolina, the Chekote State Park near Chekote, North Carolina. The things had torn apart three hikers so far and ate their hearts. Authorities said it was a bear but the Winchesters knew better. Bears didn't tear you apart and eat just your heart; they killed you and left for the most part. The boys were functioning more as a team now, Dean being 16 now and Sam being 12. They had been working on their teamwork skills and signals lately so John had taken them on a simple werewolf hunt. He should have remembered there was no such thing as a simple hunt of any sort, and that werewolves mate for life, that was his fatal error that day.
They had pretended to be campers and had set up tents in the same area where the attacks had occurred, John took the one closest to where most of the body parts were found, so he could be somewhat between the beast and his boys, his boys who seemed to take to hunting well even though Sam was reluctant to adapt to it as much as Dean, Sam held a hope for a normal life and now that John knew about the things that really were out there in the darkness, he knew there would be no normal life for the boy, as much as he may have wished it were a possibility for his youngest son, or even himself.
The werewolves attacked at one time, one to the back of the site and the other to the front, One going for the boys and the other going for John. John was afraid now; he hadn't been prepared for two of them. The kills suggested one and John groaned, this was one mistake in judgment he may lose his boys over but he needed not worry. They managed to keep their formations tight and kept the beast at bay while working in the opportunity to shoot it with the silver bullets from the gun that they carried. John was doing the same with his. They were both at a stalemate.
The stalemate broke when the beast that was watching the boys lunged at Sam and Dean got in the way with his gun raised and then it happened. The gun didn't fire, It had jammed. The werewolf continued to lunge at them and its claws tore a large gash from Dean's shoulder to middle chest, cutting deep and hard. Dean groaned in pain and tried to shoot it again, hoping and praying this worked. It did. The bullets took it through the heart and then Dean gurgled a little and passed out on the ground in front of Sam, his blood pulsing out onto the ground around him. Sam pulled off his jacket and pressed hit against the wounds causing Dean to how in pain. John had dispatched his werewolf and ran over to Dean who lay bleeding in front of his shell-shocked brother, who suddenly felt afraid he had lost the big brother he had always loved most.
John picked him up carefully and made it sound like a bear had come after them too and had gotten his son before they had scared him away with some loud noises. What they had actually had to do was bury the beast's corpse in a fairly shallow grave until they had gotten Dean taken care of at the hospital.
Once there the doctor had taken him into surgery and had stitched up his wounds while he was in there. The problem was he had lost too much blood and the hospital asked them to see if they were compatible blood types to Dean's which of course they were. So they took turns being hooked up the transfusion and let their blood flow into him.
Dean woke up that next morning, feeling healthy and healed, with no soreness or stiffness to his body when he had stood up to use the bathroom for himself. He had felt no different at the time and made sure to let them know he was alright. They in turn told him what they had done with the transfusion machine and Sam looked worried about his brother again.
Dean smiled at him and tried to grin, but only managed a weak smile. He was so tired now but knew they would be there when he woke up. His head fell back on the pillow as he slept and they were glad he was okay.
Unbeknownst to his father and brother sitting by Dean's sleeping form, the demon blood of Sam's began to course through Dean's healing body and was bringing a permanent change none of them would ever have expected.
He had just been linked to Sam in most decidedly bad way. He was no longer pure. He was tainted by the Yellow-Eyed demon now too, accidentally through Sam's blood transfusion into his own. The demon blood attacked the normal cells and caused them to be forever altered in demonic cells as well.
He was tainted as well in a few hours and none of them had even sensed the changes the sleeping boy had been going through.
They left the hospital the next day and John made Dean rest some more and Sam provided for his every need, for food, TV, or just talking together to pass the time.
Dean woke up hours later half-demon and forever linked to his brother through the demon powers he would develop later on. He was no longer pure human anymore.
The boys had become blood brothers in more ways than one now.
Azazel didn't know this either, lucky for Dean. He would have killed him on the spot. He knew from the moment he had seen Dean exit that house holding Sam that this one would keep Sam from the path he wanted him to take. If he had known he had demon blood it would have made him too powerful an adversary to keep around. Azazel didn't know, the boy's didn't know and most of all, John didn't know.
No one moved from where they lay, heads and hands against Dean's blue jeaned legs. Dean sleeping with them knowing it would be okay now. His family was here for him and he would be up and running in no time.
Nothing would be okay for them again after this. Not ever again.
Step 3: Jessica burns on the ceiling
Their first vision had been of Jessica burning on the ceiling with blood pooling in the middle of her nightgown, a silent scream and look of terror permanently etched onto her lovely face. Blue fire engulfing her and roaring out from her burning form. Sam had the dream for two weeks straight before she had died, and had written it off as a vivid nightmare. One accompanied by a blinding migraine of course but a bad dream none the less. He had been wrong.
Dean had dreamed it as well, waking up alone in his motel room, sweating and still smelling the smoke in his nostrils. He had wrote it off as a bad dream too, one too many hunts, one too many trips trying to find their Dad, who had vanished off the face of the Earth apparently. One really vivid sensory dream, that just happened to carry mind blowing migraines and sometimes nosebleeds, that had plagued him for two weeks before he had went to see Sam to get his help finding Dad.
They had both been wrong about it being just a nightmare.
Dean had rushed into the building to get Sam and Jessica out but had frozen when he saw Jessica on the ceiling in the same position and burning exactly as she had been in the dreams. They both had stared at how familiar the scene was to them, the visions coming back to them immediately. Dean and Sam had rushed from the building. Dean pulled Sam behind him as he fought to go back into the flames that now engulfed the entire apartment. Sam fought and screamed against him but Dean didn't let him go. The scene in the vision permanently etched in his brain.
They had learned their lesson the hard way and it only had cost Sam the life of the woman he loved.
They had confessed to each other that they had vivid dreams of what had happened and that was when they had discovered they were having visions. Not different visions of different people but the same visions and the same people, at the same time as the other man did. They shared the same visions when it happened and it scared the crap out of them.
Step 4: They learn a painful lesson about the visions
After the first three visions, they had got with the program and went to Bobby's to tell him what was going on. That was when they had learned the next vital lesson of having the visions: Never touch each other while they were having them.
It had happened naturally enough. Sam's vision had kicked in and he had fallen to the floor clutching his head like it was about to explode. Dean, being the considerate brother he was, had went down to help him, hoping this would lessen the pain of the vision. His vision had kicked in right then and then the vision washed over both of them and agony had poured into their heads like molten lava. They had passed out from the excruciating agony that poured through their heads now while the vision played over and over again in their brains, like a bad porn movie one could not turn off no matter how hard they tried.
They fell unconscious in the middle of Bobby living room and didn't wake up for two days afterward. Bobby had kept their foreheads and eyes covered with alternating warm and cold cloths. He had kept them comfortable until they woke up, and when they did, he looked like he had been crying and was so surprised he nearly had fallen out of his chair between their beds.
They hadn't tried touching while having a vision since. It was too risky to test it again. Besides they had a feeling that doing it again might just kill them next time.
They had never done it again.
(Yes, I took some liberties with the medical stuff. I had to work in the transfusion of demon blood into Dean and this was the only way that made sense. Sorry if my inaccuracies offend anyone, it was just a small literary license I had to exercise.)
There will be more added later, this is only the first part of the story. There will be four more chapters like this coming, complete with steps they took on their Vision journey. I will be including some spoilers from the show's second and third season, so beware of that, I'm just warning you now.
Please read and review.