The Annoying Habit of Avoiding-by PS

Chapter One:

Sarafina glared out at the safari, her eyes fixated on one riving male lion alone.

Taka, a lean, brown lion with a full black mane, walked around his father's kingdom, sniffing at the ground and looking out at zebras which grazed nearby.

Sarafina scoffed and put her head on her paws.

Taka and Sarafina had once been close friends, but, as of late, the two were not talking, for reasons unknown to Sarafina.

She had been spending most of her time with her best friend Sarabi, or, when Sarabi was off with her intended, alone.

Right now none of her close friends were by her side and Sarafina tried not to feel lonely or sorry for herself.

She could see, from the rock that she was perched on, that most of the lionesses were laying around near Pride Rock, the lion pride's current estate.

Neither Sarabi nor Mufasa were in that crowd.

Sighing to herself Sarafina closed her aqua-colored eyes, and let her ears and nose do the seeing for her. She could tell that the wind had picked up, for the grass was rustling pleasantly, and that the zebras were moving on now to a new grazing sight, both their receding scents and huffing told her that.

She opened her eyes and rolled over onto her back so that the whole world was upside down, but maybe I'm wrong, she thought, maybe I'm the one who's upside down.

Blinking her eyes she watched birds fly the wrong way and grass sway gently.

Suddenly, a pair of legs arrived in her field of vision, "what are you doing?"

The nasty voice of Zira.

Sarafina rolled so that her stomach was flat against the rock and looked at the other lioness. She was a dusty tan color, but a darker stripe ran from the crown of her head all the way down her tail. Her red eyes glared at the lighter lion in front of her.

Sarafina shrugged at her question, "looking at the world in a different perspective I suppose."

Zira scoffed, "huh, the wrong way obviously!"

Sarafina cocked her head, "how do you know that?"

Zira gave her a vile look, "Ahadi's ordered for a huge feast tonight, and since darling Sarabi isn't around, you have to come along."

Sarafina stretched out, letting her claws graze the cool stone beneath her paws, "who all is going?"

Zira gave her an angry, exasperated look, "most of the lionesses, and a few of the males."

Sarafina swallowed, that meant Taka was most likely going.

She got up slowly, "alright, I'm coming."

Zira looked her over, but, she didn't say a word, just turned on her heel and walked off, leaving Sarafina in her wake.

Shaking her head the peachy lioness followed, not noticing the other animal watching her go…

Sleuthing through the grass, Sarafina and the others eyed the herd of zebras warily.

Sarafina was paired another lioness, only slightly older than herself. The lioness's name always slipped her mind, but she was pretty, and had had four cubs recently.

Sarafina blinked, watching a small, elderly zebra stalking off a little ways away from the rest of the herd, Zira had seen also.

The two gave a nod to one another, this was, after all, the only time that they cooperated.

Zira lunged forward, her powerful legs carrying her far out into the open. Sarafina followed, letting her claws come out as she leapt into the air.

The zebras brayed loudly, running in every which way. The rest of the pride had all come out of the grass and were now trying to bring some of the striped creatures down.

Sarafina chased after an elderly one; she felt bad when ending a young one's life; and succeeded in cornering it.

The zebra stared at her, wild-eyed as she slashed her paw into the air, trying to coax it further in the crowded corner.

The old animal flared it's hooves out, striking at the air in front of the wildcat.

Snarling, Sarafina pounced forward, her jaws locking onto the animal's throat, piercing the jugular vein and spurting blood into the air.

The zebra blinked as it's life blood spilled from it, Sarafina backed away from it and looked into it's dark eyes. The zebra blinked at her, the understanding shining in the weak beast's eyes.

She blinked unwanted tears away, "I'm sorry."

And then, she finished it off…

After dragging the zebra back into the meadow she called her partner over, Nzuri, if she remembered correctly.

The lioness hurried over and grabbed the back half of it, "good job Sarafina!"

Sarafina gave a weak smile, "thanks, hope the others will be pleased with it."

Nzuri gave a smile, "of course they will be, even the cubs will have enough to eat tonight!"

Sarafina looked over at the lightly golden lioness, "how are your children?"

The other lion smiled, "fine thank you, perhaps you would like to meet them?"

Sarafina rather liked the idea, it would take her mind off of certain things, or people, "yes, that would be very nice."

Nzuri smiled again, "alright, you can meet them tonight at the feast."

Sarafina gave a small nod and the two carried the zebra back to Pride Rock in silence…

Sarabi greeted Sarafina as she walked up the rocks leading to the courtyard of Pride Rock, "how did the hunt go?"

Sarafina, trying not to be disgruntled with her friend, tried for a smile, "it went fine, I caught a zebra."

Sarabi blinked, "really? That's great!"

Sarafina shrugged and sat in the shadows near her usual resting rock as Ahadi stepped into the middle of the courtyard, "we have had fine hunting today; and we shall feast heartily! Dig in!"

The lions fell upon the carcasses; Sarafina simply found a nice piece of meat and carried it back to her rock where she ate away from all of the messy eating.

It was later on, when mostly everyone was done and just sat around talking, when Nzuri found her, four little cubs running along behind her, playing with one another.

Nzuri smiled at her, "I thought you might like to meet them now, since the commotion's settled a bit."

Sarafina nodded, trying to smile back.

Nzuri cleared her throat and the cubs stopped, forming a neat line to look at her.

Their mother began, "children, I would like you to meet Sarafina, she's a friend of mine."

The little cubs turned their heads to look at Sarafina and echoed all together, "hello Miss. Sarafina."

She smiled at them, "hello."

Nzuri watched them proudly, she then pointed each of them out, "the oldest is Kiburi," he was the largest, a heavy-boned tan lion with golden eyes. He looked at her curiously and nodded his little head seriously, his whiskers flopping with the movement.

Nzuri continued, "the next is Dhahabu," he was a playful looking little lion the color of molten gold with hazel eyes, "pleased to meet you," he spurted as he smiled up at her.

She smiled back kindly as the older lioness went on, "Kitoto, my only girl…"

Kitoto was obviously the most playful, with her eyes the color of spring grass, and her fur a nice dusty tan; she was to busy harassing a beetle to notice anything else.

Nzuri finished up, "and last, but not least, is Moyo." Moyo was the smallest of the group, and looked up at Sarafina sleepily, "how do you do?" She smiled at him as she took in his wavy tan fur and tan eyes.

Sarafina looked up at Nzuri, who's eyes were shining, "they're very beautiful, and seem to be very clever."

The lioness gleamed with pride, "thank you, I'm afraid I'll have to get them to bed, if you'll excuse us. Good-night Sarafina."

Sarafina smiled sadly as the group trotted off, "good-night all…"