Yao had grabbed his things and was heading to his class. He didn't feel like breakfast, because as a habit he normally skipped the early meal. He usually had too many things to worry about. He had his map in hand and totally looked like a new student trying to place the map with the actual surrounding. He sighed. "Why did I have to pick such a complex school?"
Yao began to walk again. Not paying attention, he ran into someone. He jumped back and began to bow apologetically. "I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" He closed his eyes, hoping the person wouldn't seem quite as scary as Ivan had and threatened his life because of vodka. But to his surprise, a kinder voice answered him.
"Eh, don't worry. It's my fault. I shouldn't have been standing in the way, si?" A boy only a few inches taller than Yao stood in front of him. He had short, semi-curly brown hair, tanner skin, and an accent. But then again, who didn't have an accent here. "I'm Antonio."
Yao stood up straight again and looked at the boy. "Antonio, huh? Well nice to meet you Antonio. I'm Wang Yao. But you can call me Yao."
Antonio smiled. "Nice to meet you as well, Yao. You seem lost. New here, eh? Well, if you'd like, I can give you a tour or help you find your classes." The Spanish male smiled.
Yao smiled. "Thank, that would be gre-" Yao was cut off when two large arms wrapped around him and picked him up. "What in the world!" Yao was set back down but this time, away from Antonio. Yao turned around to see Ivan.
The Russian glared at Antonio. "Sorry, but Yao already has a tour guide. Thanks for the offer though."
Yao, opened his mouth to protest, but Ivan covered him mouth. Yao looked up at Ivan and froze. Ivan's eyes were burning into him. They practically screamed not to say anything. Yao nodded and Ivan moved his hand away.
Antonio chuckled. "Ah, so Ivan has a new room mate. Do you plan to mentally kill this one too, just like you did Toris and Ravis?" The Spaniard laughed, and met glares with Ivan. "Well, either way, you can't stop him from making friends." Antonio looked over at Yao, who had placed himself protectively behind Ivan. "Bye, Yao. See you around, si?' With that he walked away.
Ivan turned back around and looked at Yao. "Don't talk to him, Yao. He's trouble. And so are his two friends. If you want to last long here, avoid them." Ivan then pushed Yao to get him walking again. "I'll show you were your classes are. Where is your schedule?"
Yao blinked and then opened the folder he had received with all of his entry information. Ivan read the schedule then smiled. "Almost the exact same as me. First class is European History. Huh? Why would you be taking such a class? Wouldn't you much rather take Asian history? I'm sure with your history, they could make an entire class dedicated to China," Ivan teased.
Yao took his schedule back and looked at Ivan. I wanted to take just simple World History, but it was full. So they put me in this one. Not that I care. History is history. Doesn't matter what class you're in it won't change."
Ivan smiled and ruffled Yao's hair. "You're very poetic when you talk smart, da."
Yao pulled away and began to fix his hair and redo his ponytail, which had come loose with Ivan's hair kill. "Thanks, but I wasn't trying to be smart."
Ivan smiled. "Oh, well. Time for class!"
About a month had passed and Yao was already adjusted to the hectic life of living with Ivan and going to the school. He had gotten lots of letters from his siblings saying they missed him, but it wasn't a surprise. Now that he was gone, Kiku was the oldest in the house. Kiku was a second year in high school and Im Yong Soon was just a year under him. Those two were the trouble makers. Kaoru was a third year middle school, and Mei was a first year middle school.
Yao now leaving meant all the responsibility was placed on timid Kiku's shoulders. It was actually quite funny seeing Kiku when he took control. He seemed more like a clumsy servant than the head of the house. He would always burn dinner because he was a lousy cook, then be on the floor apologizing and begging for forgiveness. He never seemed to remember schedules, once forgetting Mei's chorus club after school. She had to walk home in the rain because Kiku had forgotten to go get her. All this had happened a year ago when Yao got really sick and was bed ridden for about a week. After Yao was better, they treated him like the emperor.
Yao enjoyed the letters, because he could tell when the siblings switched to write. There were normally a few ink blotches or a stray pen mark right before another began to write. Easily shown they had fought over who would get to write next.
Yao always kept the letters under his picture frame. Often time Ivan would also read them, or more have Yao read them too him because he couldn't read Chinese. Ivan actually got letters a lot too, but he never kept them, nor did he read most of them. He normally only read one of them in a blue moon. The ones he always discarded were from a "Natalia". Yao always asked what Ivan's sisters were like, but Ivan always immediately changed the subject.
One day, Yao got a letter, but never got to read it. He had gotten sick again, and wasn't able to attend classes. Ivan always tried to skip, but Yao demanded that he go. Yao knew Ivan meant well and was just trying to help, but sometimes he thought that the Russian's hugs were what was doing this too him. He swore he lost half his lung capacity from the hugs that crushed him.
Yao finally had enough sleep to be moderately alert one day. Ivan had finally convinced Yao to let him stay for just one day to take care of him. Ivan had left for a minute though to go get some lunch for the two of them, and then be right back.
About 15 minutes passed and there was a knock on the door. Yao sighed. "Ivan must have left his key in here and can't get in." Yao shakily stood up and walked over to the door. He opened the door and was shocked to see a girl at the door.
"Uh, I'm sorry. You must be lost. This is the boy's dorm. The girl's dorm is on the other side of campus." Yao turned his head and coughed, breathing really hard.
"Um…" The girl's voice was soft. She was looking down at the ground. She had long blonde hair, was wearing a blue dress and had a ribbon in her hair. "This is Ivan's dorm room right?"
Yao seemed shocked. "You know Ivan?" Then Yao stopped. He turned around and looked over at Ivan's picture frame. The girl was identical to the one in the picture. Yao turned back to her. "You must be Ivan's little sister."
The girl nodded. "Yes, I am. I'm Natalia." Then the innocence disappeared. She looked up at Yao and glared at him. She grabbed his shoulder's a growled. "And who the hell are you!"
Yao jumped in surprise. "I-I-I'm his room mate."
"Room mate! I thought that I got rid of the last of those pesky room mates! I guess I missed one!" He voice was angry. Yao was actually terrified of this girl.
"Please! Calm down. I don't know what you have against me. I was placed here by the school. I didn't choose this dorm."
"Then leave!" She snapped.
Yao jumped again. This much stress was not good on a sick body.
Just as Yao thought the girl was really going to kill him, there was another knock on the door. This time it swung open and there was a chorus of voices. "Brother!"
Yao was surpised. "Kiku, Im Yong Soon, Kaoru, Mei… What are you guys doing here!"