Summary: The outlaws prepare for their camouflage ambush. Will/Djaq oneshot, set just before 2x04.
Timeline: Shortly before 2x04
Disclaimer: I don't own anything
Author's Note: Written three years ago, for the prompt 'conceal'.
It was actually Much who had suggested the elaborate camouflage, albeit inadvertently.
"We might as well just dress up as... trees!" he'd said in exasperation after an hour of futile brainstorming. Robin, of course, had thought it a brilliant idea. That was why Will was now trying not to move as Djaq swiftly dabbed a mottled green-brown-orange-white paste onto his arms and face.
Nearby, Much was grumbling.
"... woken at the crack of dawn for this foul-smelling, itchy-"
"It was your idea," Allan pointed out as he stood waiting for the others, his arms already covered. "We'd've done something a lot simpler if you hadn't suggested this."
"I wasn't being serious!"
"Will you two be quiet?" Robin interjected. "The plan is fine."
"Easy for you to say," Much returned. "You don't have to wear it."
"Oh, come on, Much. We all know you love a good ambush."
Will chuckled, prompting Djaq to make a slightly disgruntled noise and raise her other hand to hold his head still. He swallowed, glad that his eyes were closed, hoping that she couldn't feel his slightly accelerated pulse.
"There, finished," Djaq pronounced, releasing him. He opened his eyes and blinked, skin still feeling warm from her fingers.
"How does it look?" he asked her, looking down at his arms.
She cast a critical gaze over him. "Like a tree," she answered finally, eyes brimming with mirth through the paint on her own face.
Will grinned as she turned around, picked up her hat of twigs and set it on her head.
"And how do I look?" she asked him, spreading her arms out for his inspection.
He reached out and touched one of the branches sprouting from the front of her head. There was a long pause, and all the adjectives he could think of to describe her tumbled through his head: lovely, honest, intelligent, ferocious. Beautiful.
"You look ridiculous," he told her instead, a wry smile on his face.
"Good," she returned, grinning, before moving away to adjust Little John's disguise.
He watched her go, smile fading, wishing he had the strength to just strip away the camouflage and show her how he truly felt.