AN: Thank you and hello to anyone reading. As you may have surmised by now, this is indeed the sequal to my first story "The Elder God of Chaos." If you haven't read that one yet and wish to read this one, I advise you to go read the other first. You're brain will thank you for it later. Everything makes perfect sense if you're aware of the events from my previous story, but out of context, this may be confusing.

Disclaimer: Hey guess what! I still don't own Adventure Time!

Chapter 1: I'm Not Saying No...

A year had passed since the coming (and shortly there after going) of the Elder God of Chaos, and for the most part, life in the land of Ooo seemed no worse for ware. Generally speaking, everything seemed the same as before. Un-death, however, had been an entirely new experience for a certain teenage vampire hero. His period of adjustment from mere mortal to creature of the night had been an awkward one, but with the guidence of his mentor and girlfriend, Finn had learned to deal with his new... "Situation." Vampire training wasn't too difficult, after all, Finn had used magical powers on numerous occasions previously.

The part that was the hardest for the hero of Ooo was the hunger. He craved blood, and everywhere he looked he saw plentiful sources of the delicious substance. His iron will and sheer determination kept him from sucumbing to the blood lust that plagues young and inexperienced vampires. What kind of hero would he be if Finn preyed on the very people he'd sworn to protect? Not a very good one, was the answer that came to mind. Despite the fact that his life-style had taken a complete 180, his wardrobe was unchanged. Finn still wore his classic attire and awesome hat, although Marceline had recently been trying to convince him to wear pants.

Finn still went adventuring with Jake, albeit far less frequently. The difference in their sleep scheduals made it difficult for the brothers to see eachother as much as they liked, but the rarity of their adventures together made it more special when they were to occure. It was easier on Jake now, not having to worry as much about his younger brother given the fact that he possessed full blown magical powers too (even if he was still learning to controll them).

By this time, Finn's un-life had settled down enough to where he was pretty comfortable with himself. He couldn't dream of having a better girlfriend than Marceline, and Finn was pretty sure she felt the same towards him. They had a steady life together, each with a fulfilling occupation. Marceline would join him on his adventures occasionally, but Finn never bothered accompanying her to the royal meetings. Too boring and totally not his style, but she understood and accepted that fact.

It was a day, or night rather, like any other, or so it seemed. To Finn though, today was a special one, the day that he put a long thought out plan into action. It would all start with a question, and end with one aswell.

Marceline and Finn were snuggling together on the couch (a couch that replaced the unbearably uncomfortable one they used to have, for Finn still enjoyed sitting without dealing with back pain), watching an old cheesy horror movie. Marceline's legs were curled up onto the couch an her head resting on Finn's chest, who had his arm draped over the elder vampires shoulders. They were simply enjoying being in the presence of one another as they watched a hockey mask wearing zombie chop horny teenagers to bits with a machette. Finn would never admitt it, but the blood and gore of the movie, even if it was fake, made him a little hungry, but being with Marceline gave him the strength to push such thoughts aside.

As the movie concluded, Finn thought the time was right to ignitiate his plan. "Marceline?" he spoke softly but with a noticable importance.

"Hmmm?" she purred while bringing herself even closer to her beloved un-dead counterpart, rubbing her face against his chest.

"Ya wann'a go for a walk? The moon just seems totally math tonight." He was right. Finn had made sure that he made his move on the night of a full moon, to ensure the mood was perfect. Everything had to be just right in order for this to work.

She looked up at him cheefully, "That sounds great Finn! Where to?" she asked while sitting up, straightening herself out.

"Oh you know, just around." He didn't want to reveal the exact destination, that would ruin the surprise. She nodded and with that, they flaoted out of their cozy cave and into the cold, open air of the night. They levitated along, hand in hand, Finn leading her gently to where he would enact the second part of his plan.

"It's beutiful out tonight." she remarked, staring up at the clear sky lit by a giant yellow orb and thousands of tiny spakles.

"Not as beutiful as you." he attempted to be smooth, but that wasn't really Finn's style. Marceline accepted his compliment anyway and flashed him a sweet smile, thanking him for the attempt. As corny as it may have seemed to anybody else, Marceline knew that Finn actually meant every word with every ounce of his being. Above all else, Finn was honest, and that's what she loved about him.

Before too long, they'd reached a cliff overlooking the east shore of Ooo. This was where Marceline had ended her current boyfriend's mortal life to prevent her ex from destroying their homeland. The queen had mixed feelings about this place. On one hand, she put Finn through a lot of pain here, on the other, it was that pain that had saved him and cemented their relationship.

Finn turned to face his girlfriend, "M'lady, this is where you saved my life by ending it. You mean more to me than anything else in the whole flippin' world, and I want to spend the rest of my un-life with you." he said with a deep yet gentle voice. Finn then kneeled down on one knee and presented Marceline with a small box he withdrew from his back pocket. Opening it, he asked "Marceline the Vampire Queen, will you marry me?" He smiled up at her expecting to see complete jovial bliss written on her face and for her to eagerly except his proposal.

Instead, she just sighed. "Finn... This is too soon. We've only been together for like a year now, and that may seem like a long time to you, but to me it feels like last week." Marceline didn't want to hurt her lover, but she just couldn't bring herself to say yes.

"But- but... I thought you loved me, Marcie." his eyes were starting to become wet with tears.

"I do Finn, more than anyone. I just don't think you're ready for the responsiblity of being a king yet. We have a good thing going for us right now, and we don't need to complicate it. I just want us to stay the same for right now." When she saw his expression was unchanged, she added "I'm not saying no... I'm just not saying yes, yet."

His face did soften up a bit, but disapointment held Finn's mouth contorted into a frown. Maceline grasped his hand and led them home without another word. When they arrived, they silently changed into their pajamas and climbed into their bed; they were both fast asleep before the sun rose.

AN: There's the first chapter for ya. And yes that was most def a Friday the 13'th reference, don't worry, I'll have more pop culture references in future chapters. If you were expecting Marceline to say yes, well I guess that's just too bad. Remember though, this is just the beginning of the story.